Hi Evie!
Here's my tribute

1. This sounds like a next gen fic. “Claire” must be a great hint, if I read the story and find her in my “Characters” category. Wait, I mean, “Claire” was always the genderswapped Clark and that Bruce/Claire dialogue, yeah, that’s Claire getting Louis a coffee mug. /reads on/ no, daughter. Gah! I don’t know, I have no notes on it. I could go hunting in AO3, of course.
Hmm… /hits forum search/
Okay…I did not yet read Mary’s latest one. I’m behind, so mary sue me.
All things considered, I should have guessed with the whole Batman thing…
I'll Be Home For Christmas: Her Story by Queen of the Capes
2. Eeep, this looks like an nfic. Very nicely written. Maybe it’s…
Other Sara? Let’s see…
Oh. Oooohhh… Barabara’s not-an-nfic? No. Then… Oh. Ooooohhhhh. Okay. Yes, I read it. A wee while ago.
A Conversation Long Overdue by Bakasi
3. Kissing! Meeting of mind. Perhaps later on also meeting of bodies. Alas…
No meeting of recognition

4. Pre-relationship. I might even have read this one.
Knowing that doesn’t help and I don’t want to go searching for “jersey” just to answer the question

5. Millionaires and superheroes?

/continues reading/ Parisian bridge. Yes, I read this! Umm…
Superman took her to Paris. /checks list of eligible stories for inspirational title…/
IBM: Pont Neuf by JadedEvie
Do I get a platinum star for recognizing the story done by our quizztress?
6. Oh my. A bed. Kissing on a bed. The way they kissed during HiM… Frustrated Lois is fun. And I think I have read this one.
Oh, wait, it’s got m-dashes with spaces. Is this another round of GTA? Sara doesn’t take whitespaces with her m-dashes but Other Sara does. Let’s see…
I haven’t read it yet but based on the fact this is Lois thinking about HiM, it’s gotta be
Fade to Black: Honeymoon In My Mind by lovetvfan
7. Okay, after Lucky Leon. Probably their date. There was a story about their first date. Or rather, their second date? Hmm… let’s see…
I mean, it’s WAFFy and Kissing and Sara wrote Kissing stories and Lucky Leon had kissing so…
Doesn’t look like it…
Put me down for
You're the only person I wanted to be with tonight by 90stvfangirl
Thank you for all the work in finding WAFFy scenes!
I Will Always Love You by AmandaK2023 Ficathon: Wishing You A... for JadedEvie by Queen of the Capes2023 Ficathon: Christmas Lights for KSaraSara by JadedEvieI got probably 10 more atleast but I want to post some stuff in other categories, too
