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Jimmy has never heard of J Edgar Hoover.
Where did Bonnie & Clyde learn about Carbon Monoxide poisoning?
The Daily Planet is 60 Years #1 in Metropolis
Look-alike Agency with Barry, the Superman Imposter
Dr. Emil Hamilton, been working on cloning for years. Found a way to accelerate growth of embryo. Burned down his lab at the end.
Lois has a picture of Superman in her wallet.
Excuse: Clark has to put money in parking meter
First appearance of Bobby Bigmouth. Lois previously picked some cheese off Bobby’s pizza.
Lois calls Clark her best friend
Min 28.33 Det. Wolfe.
Superman is making an exception to his no kill rule. And he does catch Dillinger in full fall, should have ripped him to pieces.
Superman uses Lois’s beeper to find her
Jimmy is drinking non-alcoholic. Assuming he’s not yet 21.
Lois does introspection at the end. Confesses that there could be more than friendship. And Clark falls asleep, which discourages Lois.
