Hi Barbara!
So good to see you’re feeling better again. And having an update for us

I know that voice. But as I look up it's still a surprise to see her. Not just because she's turned up in Smallville of all places.

He did ghost her, didn’t he?
Either she’s becoming more beautiful every time we meet, or I forget just how stunning she is. Her broad smile is my undoing.
Oh dear. Lois indeed. Is she now of legal age?
“Lois,” I croak. “What are you doing here?”
Tempting an older gentleman.
“Yeah, but…” I close my eyes and take a deep steadying breath. “That doesn't mean I wanted you to come all the way from Metropolis. How did you even get here? Please don't tell me you drove all by yourself!”
You want to read something funny? I thought she was meeting him in an airplane for some reason. You never indicated as much. It was just…her asking if the seat is taken. Which isn’t something you ask in an airplane. Perhaps the Neverland implying flight?

Also, she’s at least 16, but are 16 y/o allowed to drive cross country? No, she’s got to be 18 at least.
As if on cue Masie materializes next to our table. “Clark Kent, I didn't know you were expecting company. And such a cute girl she is.”
Masie used to guys dating younger girls?
Though Maysie doesn't outright ask me what a thirty-two year old guy is doing here with a girl who's barely out of high school, I know that's what everyone will be talking about the moment I turn my back on them.
/points to earlier remark/ She’s a catalogue bride. He saw her entry in the classified list of “Farmer’s Life”.
“I'm Lois, his foster sister,” Lois introduces herself without even flinching at that blatant lie. “Clark promised to show me where he grew up.”
Well, it’s creative truth speaking. And much better than “foster child”.
I wouldn't put it past Lana that she enlightened everyone in the whole county about my closer than normal relationship with the girl I used to babysit.
They did not drive him out of town so it doesn’t seem to have taken hold.
“Well, there has to be some connection. Do you think he's on to you?”

More importantly, with Lois still being at least six years away from being an accomplished reporter at the Daily Planet, how will she explain the almost 40 y/o rookie reporter she’s dragging into Perry’s office to hire?
LOIS: I met him while investigating UFOs in a small town in rural Kansas. He knows how to boost a tractor, can fix spelling mistakes without endangering himself and is generally handy with providing good food. Can I keep him?
She beams at me as if it were perfectly normal that she crosses half the country to rush to my aid.
She’s Hyper Girl (see season six). It’s part of her job description.
Not to mention, she’s really a sight for sore eyes. In the past few years my little girl has grown into a woman. Which is an asset as well as a problem.
Yes. Now he got a real problem on his hands.
I heave a sigh. “Much as I love having you here, do you realize what kind of trouble you’re getting me into?”
She purses her lips. “Why would I be getting you into any kind of trouble?”
She did not meet Cat in college, did she?
I throw up my hands. “Because I’m thirty-two and you’re –”
LOIS: “legal”.
“Nineteen,” she chimes in. “Turning twenty next month, which is both well above the legal age of consent. And we’re not even engaging in any inappropriate behavior, are we?”
I almost choke. “Of course not!”
He’s in Trouble now. Or is that TROUBLE?
Do I imagine the gleam in her eyes indicating that – deep down – she wished we would?
Can’t be. What self-respecting college girl would want to be seen with a geezer?
I can’t deny that her luscious lips and the swell of her breasts underneath her shirt are inviting very inappropriate thoughts.
Yes, little Wendy is all grown up now.
“Well, then I’m going to tell people to take their minds out of the gutter if they’re insinuating that we’re anything but friends. There’s nothing wrong with us being friends, is there?”
But…but… /points at very nice gutter/

Winning an argument against Lois will always be beyond my capabilities, may she be five or fifty.
Yes. Best just ask her what she wants and consent.
I run a weary hand through my hair. “Do your parents know you’re here?”
Probably not. And I doubt she informed her dorm mate, either.
“As far as they are concerned, I'm on my way to Ireland, spending the next six months as an exchange student.”
Oh, instead of meeting an older gentleman in Ireland she’s meeting an older farmhand in Kansas.
“I know you don't like it. But they’d never understand that you need me here. So I just changed flight reservations. I'm sure you're going to take me to Ireland in time.”
Wait, did she just imply she’s staying for *six* months?
Unless I can settle with her, I will always be a Lost Boy.
Apparently, we’re in this together now.
“Wayne Irig talked to me earlier and said there was something he wanted to show me.
Oh boy.

This is gonna be a multi-parter?
Lois nods. “Sounds good to me. We'll make a great team, you'll see. Peter and Wendy back in Neverland, ready to take on Captain Hook!”

Does that make Lex the crocodile?
“So Trask is Hook now?”
She laughs. “Who else would he be? Smee?”
/points at Tempus/
So great it’s Friday again. Or was Friday. Will be Friday again next week?
