Thanks for playing round six of the Kerth Quizzes, everyone!
Here are the answers for the Comedy Stories:The End by Queen of The Capes Not for Lack of Trying by bakasiSpace (Shuttle) Pilot by BlindPassenger Krypto Meets A New Friend by MorganaYou're not a wizard, Clark by 90stvfangirl Flight to Remember by AmandaK 2023 Ficathon: Planes, Trains and Deep Fried Mars Bars for Queen of the Capes by lovetvfanHere are the recommendations that people made:Wishing You A... for JadedEvie by Queen of the Capes
I'll Be Home For Christmas: His Story by Queen of the Capes
I'll Be Home For Christmas: her Story by Queen of the Capes
Man of Steal by 90stvfangirl
Dancing With Superman for BlindPassenger by Toomi8
Here are the scores everyone got on this quiz:QueenoftheCapes: 4.15 points (2 correct, .5 for correct author x2, .25 for correct series, .9 for a word off on the title) + 1 shiny gold star!
90sTVfangirl: 4.5 points (.5 for correct authors x2, .25 for correct series, and .75 for correct author + series) + 1 shiny gold star!
AmandaK: 4.75 (didn’t name the last author, but named the author recipient!) + 1 shiny gold star!
UltraWoman: 7 points!
Bakasi: 7 points + a shiny gold star!
Michael: 7 points!
Here are the overall scores so far:AmandaK: 39.75 points + 5 shiny gold stars!
Michael: 33.25 points!
UltraWoman: 33 points!
Bakasi: 31 points + 6 shiny gold stars!
90sTVfangirl: 19.3 points + 3 shiny gold stars!
BlindPassenger: 16.85 points + 2 shiny gold stars!
QueenoftheCapes: 4.15 + 1 shiny gold star!
It’s getting exciting now! Three players got perfect scores on this round! AmandaK, our reigning champion, broke her streak, but still holds the lead! Michael and Andreia are now neck and neck, with Bakasi right there, too! Only 3 more quizzes to go – and anything can still happen!
The next quiz, Quiz #7 for Dramatic Stories, will be posted shortly! Head over to get your answers in now!
And thanks again for playing!