Wow! What an explosive cliffhanger! Was the blast meant for Lois? Was she just a decoy for the sick mind with the camera? I wonder if others have been receiving candid pictures and just haven't mentioned them to Clark or Lois.
Where's Lucas's skeleton? Does Doc have some other motive for snatching the body? Is Emily dead or just injured? Will Clark be able to determine who planted the bomb?
Probably most importantly, will Lois be able to forgive him? Speaking as a male, I understand Clark's point of view on the sequence of events, but I still don't agree that he made the right decision, mental Yellow Pages notwithstanding. He should have told her and not allowed her to finally figure it out.
But will Lois realize that he was deliberately leaving clues so she could figure it out? And even if she does, will it make much difference?
This is an excellent story! I love the way all these plotlines are interwoven together. They're all strong, tense, well-conceived and well-executed, and I can hardly wait for the next chapter. Please, please come back soon!