CLARK: I can’t believe I let her drive off with him. I’m an idiot.
Tempus kidnaps Lois at the altar. He had no idea just how whiny Superman's wife had been. No wonder Big Blue was away from home so much.
It’s been a few hours since the previous episode.
Lex uses the threat of bombs to force Superman into a détente. He then blows up one building so he can make his escape. There’s even an article in the Daily Planet naming Lex’s misdeeds.
The clone was sent to the NIA and on the way back, Lex tried to kidnap her. She’s now in a cell at STAR Labs, happily munching on frogs.
Lex has a mole in the STAR Labs scientists.
The 200 million USD are in bearer bonds, not a bank account.
Lex and Wanda steal two clone fetuses from STAR Labs.
Lex buys a molecular disruptor from a government employee
Asabi is back. He knows how to levitate.
Asabi explains to Lex that the only way to extinguish Lois’s love for Clark is to have Lois kill Clark with her own hands out of her own free will.
Asabi explains that he can teach how to separate the soul from the body.
Dr. Mamba created two types of clones, an “A class” with a life span of 100 years, and a “B class” with a life span of two weeks.
The Lois clone’s nine days old when the episode starts.
The Lois clone tells Lex about Clark and Superman to get him to extend her life.
The Lois clone intervenes when Lex tries to shoot Superman.
While escaping from the collapsing lair, Lois is hit again by a rock on the head. Lois remembers she’s Lois Lane but does not remember Clark.
Clark takes Lois to Two Rivers Medical Center.
