Thank you very much.
He don't have to tell her does things. They are not really married.
Yes. In the feedback folders of the previous part, I said that there a scene that didn't work well, and that I needed to rewrite. That was that scene.
Apparently, that still doesn't work very well. I just needed Superman to babble as much as possible in front of Andrea throughout all the story for something in the last chapter. But maybe that scene was too much anyway.
I rather like Andrea, actually.
I remember in the comment folder for the firsts parts, Andrea wasn't very liked. I said at the time that I hoped everybody will change his mind before the end of the story. That I was working hard to make her an appreciated character in the last chapter. I'm glad I succeeded before the last chapter !
By the way, are we supposed to know who Murray is? I don't remember a Murray from either the beginning of this story or from the show.
In the first scene of the first chapter of my story, Murray was the guy who phoned Andrea to tell her about Intergang planning to attack Lois. In that scene, Andrea was wallowing alone in her apartment, reheating a pizza, and she went meeting Murray without eating the pizza. That was a little reference to that first part.
Actually, there is another Murray, in the show, that I used in my story too. Murray Brown is the agent, publicist or whatever of Superman, and the one Superman asked to send the news of his mariage to all the press organizations.
Okay, this is a good thing. Superman has come down off his pedestal, and is now "just a man". Clark is trustworthy. (and has a great body )
Yes. But Lois won't admit that Clark has a great body before next chapter. I took one step at a time. First, she realizes he is trustworthy, and then... you'll see in the next chapter.
Well, hopefully, once she finds out the truth, Lois will find that, even though hurt, angry, jealous and betrayed, she can't help herself but to love Clark.
Hopefully. If the writer like happy endings.