I have so, so little time today, Nancy. You're getting no quotes from me today, sorry.
Anyway, let me say this about Clark and Caitlyn... if I didn't have this borderline psychiatric diagnosis hangup on the idea that Clark must never have an intimate relationship with anyone but Lois... well, if I didn't have this buried-to-my-neck-in-concrete hangup about Clark and Lois I would like your portrayal of the romance between Clark and Caitlyn. So, the rest of you out there who aren't so crazily hung up on the idea of only,
only Lois for Clark.... Why don't you give Caitlyn a chance?
As always, there was a lot of great stuff in this chapter! Meowoof!!! Hey, I'm a total, total fan! Please, Nancy, send the kitty my way so I can get to scratch behind her ear too, please?
And the Metropolis Mutilator was married to Anamaria's
sister??? Oh, wow. Oh, wow. And that sister agreed to be interviewed on TV? And she had to shoot her ex-husband some years back when he became too totally crazy and threatening? And that's when Clark had to save his life? And the Mutilator, who wasn't yet the Mutilator back then, thought that Clark was God? And now the Mutilator is on the loose again, having just murdered a female guard? And he has no fewer than three reasons to come to Clark's house and murder: One, he may want to take revenge on Anamarie for what her sister did to him; two, he may want to finish the job he started on Jenni; and three, he may want to kill "God" who has stopped him from killing a woman or two! Oh, wow, wow, Nancy. What a plot development!!!
And then Mayson Drake-Smith comes to Clark's home and demands to speak to Superman. And Clark is going to tell her his secret. And she distrusts, maybe still hates, Superman. And she believes she was once dating Clark, maybe more than dating him. Oh, wow. Oh, wow. I don't trust Mayson, Nancy, most certainly not with Clark's secret!
Gaaahhh!!! Please remember there is only so much I can take in terms of horrible A-plots!!!