Can I just say how much I love you guys? Because I love you guys. Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much! *throws arms open to demonstrate*
Seriously, Ann, Sheila and Terry, the feedback you've left has given me a warm, glowy feeling that only comments like these can.
For so long, I felt like this story was just languishing in limbo, even though I had the storyline almost completely sketched out in my mind. I just couldn't find the time to sit down and actually write it.
But then, one day a couple weeks ago, I sat down and wrote and wrote and wrote (well, typed and typed and typed, actually), deciding to go ahead and flesh it out, then worry about revisions and chapter splits later. And even though I'm still in the middle of that particular process, tweaking the next parts until I'm satisfied, it's a great feeling to be posting again.
Ann, I'm so glad you liked that particular bit of dialogue between Dan and Mayson -- it's my favorite! And I know you've been incredibly cramped for time lately, but your comments are as lovely as ever, don't worry!
Sheila, don't completely discount Dan's interest in Mayson.
The parts still to come will explore that whole dynamic much more. I'm so glad you're still reading this story!
And Terry, your comment about Dan being cagey made my day! Thank you! I've always felt his character, much like Mayson, was treated somewhat unfairly on the show in terms of being one-dimensional, and I wanted to write a more self-aware, somewhat darker version of Dan for this story. So for you to say something so wonderful about him right off the bat -- well, I'm just wowed and humbled. And I think your advice for a fickle muse is spot-on. Milk and cookies do wonders for the soul (well, mine, anyway), and serendipitously enough, I'm having a mini-spa day with a girlfriend Friday and totally getting a massage, whee!
Again, thank you guys so much for sticking with this story through its lengthy hiatus, and for your feedback!