I promise that everything I break will be fixed up in the end. I believe that for every chapter of angst there needs to be an equally powerful chapter of comfort.
As for "enjoying" angst...well...I know I do. <shrugs>
As for burning ants...no. I'm a treehugger--the kind of person that sees worms on the sidewalk after rain and pauses to pick them up and throw them back into the grass so they won't get stepped on. I'm kind of a walking contradiction. You'd be hard pressed to ever find me without a grin on my face--thus the nickname "Smirky."
The next chapter is probably not going to be posted until tomorrow afternoon at earliest, but more likely sometime Saturday. It's a bit...less angsty. A kind of staggered breath, if you will. Hopefully it will be good.
Thanks for all of your reviews.
I love anything that ties my heart in a knot. Bring on the love and the pain.