I almost fell out of my seat laughing when I saw the title of this review section, Woody. Well done.
I thought to start this fic out with a bang--diving right in with a whammer and then a taste of some slight comfort. I'm glad it seems to have worked so effectively. Like I said, this is the first work of fanfiction that I've written, so it's all a trial run for me. I guess that's how it is for all of us, eh?
I'm glad you found the humor and appreciated it, MetroRhodes. My screenname "SmirkyRaven," is quite appropriate--mixing the morbid and doom with sarcasm and humor that I know I appreciate and can only hope that others will appreciate as well. It is hard to get it so that the humor and my general "smirkiness" is believable, especially amidst the aftermath of such torture and angst. Thank you for mentioning it.
I'm also glad that people seem to be enjoying the character interaction. I'm a killer for characters (in a good way, I promise

), and love to mold them slowly but surely so it's both believable and plot-driven enough not to be dull. As much angst as there will be to follow (and there will be more), the interaction will continue.
Tomorrow is going to be an insane day for me, so it's probably going to be sometime Sunday for me before I get the next chapter up.
Thank you all for replying. You have no idea how relieved I was to find some encouragement after the last chapter. Dark and depressing as it was, I was afraid it had frightened almost everyone off, either that or that they were simply disgusted by my crudeness, though I worked very hard to temper it and catch the spirit more than the gore. I hope I can keep up to your expectations <Crosses fingers>
I love anything that ties my heart in a knot. Bring on the love and the pain.