All I'll say is that this story is writing itself rather than me writing *it*--I have no outline, have hardly really thought it out, and probably 90% of what ends up in each chapter is stuff written with no prior idea in my mind of what in the world was going to happen. So things will happen as the story likes, including the revelation scene...if it ever comes

. So don't ask me to do something unless you talk to the Muse in charge first and figure a good way to convince it to change its mind.
Don't have a heart attack, though. I do have an idea of where it's headed, and I actually already have through chapter...<checks> Chapter 10 all but ready to post, down to the titles

. And it's still going very, very strong (how else could I have written over 25000 words since last Monday night?). This story is taking a bullwhip to me; and with finals looming on the horizon this is not a good thing.
<twiddles fingers nervously, ponders homework that's due tomorrow and looks between it and DD's next chapter, then chooses the latter>
Valar, I am in a bad way!