Clark likes digging himself holes, doesn't he?
“Uh…that was before,” Clark said quickly. “It was…kind of a test to make sure this world was…one that Kryptonians could survive on. But the destruction of Krypton came too quickly…there was no time to send others.”
“Well, you know…since we came to Metropolis Clark and I have kind of…grown apart.”
Clark's body is splitting itself?! OH NO!!
“It’s…not safe to be my friend, Lois. You understand that now. Clark…he didn’t really want me to go public. He knew the risk that could come to his parents and associates if we grew to be friends. So…we kept distant, even when we traveled together, and when I went public…that was it.”
He even tries to go overprotective on Lois with those false hoods. Clark!!
“Actually, it was my idea,”
The one completely true statement he makes, unless you consider that Clark actually made the decision, since Superman had just been created...but I digress.
Great part.
Return with more soon.