Thanks for the reviews everyone!
Special thanks to our new reviewers here. Honestly, it is absolutely marvelous to get reviews no matter where they come from, but when they come from people who haven't reviewed yet...
Well, it's hard to tell how many people are following or even care about your story unless they review. So thank you very much.
I think 99% of you must be professional writers!

Thanks, G. Kuhn! It is my dream to be a real writer, and I can't think of a better compliment than that.
Ultragirl--thanks so much! I'm glad you liked this chapter so much. It was one of those that just wrote themselves, and I actually wrote it...well, I think when I was working on chapter 12 at the same time. It just demanded to be written. I'm glad it turned out to your liking.
Another brilliant chapter, Smirky Raven. Well, I don't know what to call you this time. I'd appreciate a name!
You want my *real* name? lol. Very well. It's Rachel--mild-mannered Rachel, hidden in sheep's clothing. You can call me that, if you get too confused between my many identities.
Congratulations! Your story is wonderful, and you have somehow encouraged me to post on the BBs.
Thanks, Borgship! Again, it completely makes my day to bring a lurker out of the woodwork. <bows> I am very honored. I'd love to hear more from you, so keep reviewing <nudge, nudge, wink, wink>
WHOA! You're from UTAH, Borgship!?
Check out where I've said I'm from and see if you can figure out where that is.

You've heard of it, right?
Small world, eh?
I know exactly what you mean, trying to get ready for Christmas and all. I'm still living at home, but I have 5 siblings, 4 of which still live at home with myself and my parents (if you haven't heard yet, I'm only 19). Well, maybe I don't know
exactly what you mean, seeing as I don't have 3 kids, but I think I get the picture. I'm glad my story is acting as a good outlet for you--that's what it is for me! Good luck with everything!
Again, it was great to hear from all of you. I hope you are all having a great Christmas time.
Oh, and if everything goes according to plan, I may not be posting tomorrow until quite late, if at all, because I have all intentions of going skiing. So take a day off, relax, dream of happy stories with lots of merry laughter and hilarity.
Thanks agan,