Hello, everyone! I am so sorry for the long wait for Chapter 32. School jumped out out of its mild-manner facade and attacked me this week, and everything has been insane. lol. I think you guys know the general disclaimer about why each chapter takes so long to get out there.
But the real reason chapter 32 has taken so long isn’t even necessarily because of school. I actually had this whole chapter written and pretty much done on Tuesday—-well ahead of schedule—-but once I fit all the content in I sat down and realized that I was quite discontent with it—-not necessarily the content, but it just didn't *feel* right. So on Wednesday I scrapped the whole thing (upwards of 6000 words) and just this morning I finished up with a completely rewritten draft, which was about 6.5k. Then, as I was going back over it about an hour ago, I realized that I actually liked some things that I had cut out from the first draft, and so proceeded forward to do my best to combine the two versions to come up with yet another one. So considering the time it takes to just sit down and write, let alone edit, this chapter has taken quite a bit longer than any other so far (and I hope it’s okay, because my sleep has certainly suffered because of the hours squeezed in to get this done even close to the time I said it would be done!). Hopefully it won’t feel like the cut-and-paste job that it is once I'm finished!
However, due to the fact that I haven’t really edited it, and that I have class for the next few hours straight and then a date after that…(Oh, I hate how college and boys can foil our carefully laid plans and plottings! I was completely dismayed when the guy asked me out for Friday, when I knew very well that I had been planning to post right then!) it doesn’t look like this chapter’s going to be up until quite late tonight—for me, that is. That is, whenever I get home from this date and maybe an hour after that, to do the final edit run-through and get the formatting right for all the places I post and all that. That means...look for it probably within the next ten hours <crosses fingers>
Thanks for the encouragement, guys. It's nice to know that someone is interested enough to notice when I fall behind schedule.

It actually feels good to know you're missed.
Welcome to the insanity, Lady Mirth! I'm flattered by your opinion of my story and writing. I can assure you most definitely, though, that this is indeed my first fanfic ever, so any feedback is definitely appreciated! Thanks for coming out of Lurkdom!
MetroRhodes wrote:
Seriously, though, these cliffhangers and all this angst, where do you get it all from? Do you sit down and find the most depressingly forlorn music that you an possibly find and then start writing away while you listen to it?
lol. Actually, I think the angst, depression and cliffhangers come because I'm trying to counteract the other part of my personality. If you were to meet me in person I think you'd be shocked. Smirky is my real nickname, because I seem to have a difficulty wiping a huge grin off my face, and spend my spare time eating chocolate and bouncing off walls or climbing trees for a general good time. Still, I have done a lot of extensive reading over the course of my life, despite my young age, and I think reading allows you to gain experience and depth of emotion just as well as life itself can. A paraphrase of one of my favorite quotes is that the amazing thing about good literature is that it can carry you into the depths of Hell and carry you forth again unscathed, though not unchanged. I know *I've* felt that before.
As for music...I do have a list that I listen to pretty much whenever I'm writing. I put it together just because I thought the lyrics really fit, and I like the songs. But they aren't really that depressing, I don't think. I guess I'm just strange that way.
Okay, I'm ranting again. Sorry, guys. I really am far too verbous and generally chatty, so I'm going to take off and finish up this chapter. Good to hear from you guys. Thanks again for the encouragement and reviews!