syphilis, small case. Sorry.
Henry VIII, Syphilis and someone called the salt king?"
Many believe Henry VIII had syphilis, causing him to be unable to father a male heir.
Salt king, maybe it was a pepper king. In any case a man who because of the megalomania believed he could gain total control of the world's salt, or pepper, supply. Almost did it. Read it in a Dick Francis novel years ago, checked on that bit at the time, don't recall all the background.
Encyclopaedia Britannica 2003 Deluxe Edition
Paresis also called brain syphilis, syphilitic meningoencephalitis, general paralysis of the insane, or dementia paralytica, psychosis caused by widespread destruction of brain tissue occurring in some cases of late syphilis. Mental changes include gradual deterioration of personality, impaired concentration and judgment, delusions, loss of memory, disorientation, and apathy or violent rages. Convulsions are not uncommon, and while temporary remissions sometimes occur, untreated paresis is eventually fatal.