I am sooo going to regret staying up this late tomorrow. But anyways....
I don't think I've gripped my mouse so hard as I did during my read of this part.
Clark couldn't meet her eyes. "Lois..."
“Lane! Line one!”

Just spit it out!!
I am so mad that Lois went out with Lex. When Clark was up on the roof's edge, I was able to slow down my reading and I closed my eyes with Clark imaging the horror that he saw with the dying child and his want to fly. I guess my bed is calling to take me away to lala land, but this is calling louder so I must stay.
I was hoping Lois would walk out on to the roof top, realizing she should be back at the Planet writing up her article and then deciding to go onto the roof for a feeble attempt on finding Superman.
This chapter, just as the others did, tore me up.
Gee a real sleepy person wrote this. I'm surprised there isn't more typos. Sorry if it sounds silly.