
(that one threw me for years, too)
He was standing there, in all his blue and red and yellow glory. But his controlled, distanced, and confident air was missing. He looked ready to jump forward and catch her—but held back for some reason, and his eyes were dark with barely controlled panic.
Please (to the 80th power) recognize him, Lois!
maybe you have the masks mixed up.”
That's a very interesting comment.
One arm went back around her shoulders and the other pointed to the sky as they left the ground.
Flying? YAY!!
Kal-El knew Clark, so he could relate.
Lois, don't say it, please...
The masks were off for all three of them—Lois Lane, Superman, and Lex Luthor alike.
<snort> I wouldn't be so sure of that.
Oh, god, I just want to hit Lois. Hard.
While he had been off, sleeping, Lois had been tracking down the Primaries, stringing them up by their toes, and tracking down a simple, worthless pocketknife for her annoying partner.
ok, I'll hold off on hitting her. For now.
Another great one, Smirky!