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Happy Birthday!!  Great chapter. can't wait until she sees Clark at work. more soon. Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Yay! The revelation!!! ![[Linked Image]](http://friendsforever.foren-city.de/images/smiles/a084.gif) OMG!!! There's gonna be MORE revelation! ![[Linked Image]](http://e.deviantart.com/emoticons/f/faint.gif) It is about time! Wahoo! Now don't mess this up Clark!!! Fess up!!! ![[Linked Image]](http://img99.exs.cx/img99/8577/yupi3ti.gif) Sorry I've been a very bad girl with fdk. Loved how Lois figured things out in this one. Even Spiderman is dancing ![[Linked Image]](http://x1.putfile.com/8/21511152451.gif) (The Flash sends his regrets - but he was unable to make it... previous engagement...) <g> -- DJ <who apologizes profusely for her silliness>
Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.
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Features Writer
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Here's a reply from a fanfic lurker. I've been reading your story since the beginning, and I think it's wonderful. Very well written, and I'm always eagerly awaiting the next post. I hope you are having a Happy Birthday, and just to continue the "Happy Birthday in other languages" theme, here's in Portuguese: Parabéns prá você, Nesta data querida, Muitas felicidades, Muitos anos de vida! 
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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First of all...Happy Birthday Rachel! Finally, you posted and Lois knows! I have to admit that I am glad that the story is moving now. Great writing, but I was just getting impatient with where things were. I'm so excited that Lois knows and did not get angry. These are my favorite revelations...when Lois isn't mad. Now I cannot wait to see what happens when they meet up at the Planet. Now Lois knows why Clark runs off all of the time. I'm glad that Lois went through her feelings in her head and is thinking things through before she lets on that she knows. Poor Clark has been fighting his internal demons for a while now, afraid of what Lois would do if he told her. He doesn't have to worry but he doesn't know it yet. Great part and please hurry along with the next chapter. 
I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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Feliz Cumpleanos, Smirkita!
Very nice chapter. Loved Lois's moment of epiphany, including the "computer crash" theme. I've seen too many of those myself not to sympathize. And now Clark is going to tell her what she already knows! Wow!
Did you, by any chance, find a quote by the director of "Superman Returns" where he says that Clark on the farm is the most real identity of this complex man? With all the memories Lois had crashing in on her about Clark with his parents and doing farm-type stuff, it seemed to be an appropriate comparison.
Can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the wonderful work!
Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.
- Stephen King, from On Writing
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Beat Reporter
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I’ve had this chapter saved to my desktop for a solid week just so I could do it justice. Because this is the chapter that I’ve been waiting for since the first time you posted. And such a delicious moment deserves a thorough savouring. But first, let me get this out of my system. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! YEEEEEHAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! OMG! OMG! COWABUNGA!!! *clears throat* Ahem. Right. And now to get rid of my inner Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle and opt for coherency. Lois drifted in a cloud of soft grey cotton. It pressed on her eyes like a thick mist, enveloping her, buffeting her gently back and forth like a drifting feather on a soft summer breeze. She rested, content away from the white walls of her usual nightmares.
“L-Lois . . . “
Her peace evaporated and her mind snapped to as she recognized the voice. Kal-El.
“L-Lois . . . I’m s-sorry.”
What was wrong with him? He sounded terrified, hurt. Afraid.
Panic thrilled through her at the thought.
She had to find him.
“Kal-El!” she cried.
“Lois, I’m S-superman.”
His voice was close—right behind her—right beside her. She could feel him, but as she turned she saw no one—nothing. Nothing but grey mist and shapeless shadows that danced in the empty air around her. They all meant nothing to her.
But he felt so close . . .
“Lois, p-please. F-forgive me. D-don’t leave me . . . ”
“Kal-El!” Lois shouted to the shadows, wanting to rip them apart, with her teeth and nails if need be, and find him. Her heart twisted in desperation as she sought for him blindly, pushing the meaningless shadows aside. “Kal-El! I can’t find you!”
“Lois . . .” The first time I read this I was completely freaked out. Why? Because I have a scarily similar scene written for a future chapter of my own fic, and when I finally post it I will point it out to you so you can freak out with me. Two scenes, actually. One of them will be included in the next posting. Now either you believe me and accept you are my spiritual twin or something, or you don’t and suspect I’m a serial plagiarist. He looked like an innocent little farm boy when he wore his hair like that—the thought came affectionately . . . foggily . . . Yesyesyes…hold that thought and follow it…don’t lose it…please God… With his hair like that, fluffed up and falling over his brow to hide his curl, he looked just exactly like . . .
Clark Kent. And she scores!!! Woo hoo!! “Please.” It was not pleading. She couldn’t let herself plead in front of Kent . . . but . . .
“Please,” she repeated softly, her eyes unwavering in his. Please.
Curse her stubborn pride. It was that that had gotten her into this mess—that had blinded her so long.
She would beg. She would beg on bended knees if she had to, as long as he didn’t leave her.
He stepped forward slowly and put a hand on her arm. “Okay,” he said softly. The ultimate humility of true love. Nuff said. The blackness of the ocean glimmered like polished, chipped obsidian, fading to a grey stone as they rose into the clouds until the mist encircled them and all that was left was the dampened grey, blue, red, and yellow of his suit and his clear eyes as he continued upwards, his eyes focused on something beyond Lois’s sight.
They broke through the top of the clouds like passing through a curtain into the open air.
The sky was pure—perfect, black. The sea of grey clouds rolled beneath them as they passed quickly by, the waves cresting and shifting in the currents of the breeze. The stars shone above them, brighter than ever, flawless and clear against the eternal darkness. Beautiful. *sigh* Lois wasn’t sure how far they had gone, but after some time the clouds slowly faded away into wisps of passing grey cotton. The stars began to fade behind the veil of a distant light, and the clouds gained a border of soft gold against grey turned silver.
And then, like a wave of perfect light, the sun peaked over the curve of the world and enveloped them.
Lois was left breathless from the sight. Do you know I hate sunsets? It’s an oddity of mine. I don’t care how beautiful they are, they just remind me that the day is dying in a garish, gory display of colour. For the same reason, I love sunrises passionately. This scene is one very close to my heart. This was beauty. This was life. My thoughts exactly! Lois didn’t know who moved first. But slowly, ever so slowly, their faces drew close forward, and their lips brushed against each other in a gentle, loving kiss.
It was not desperate. It was not frantic, needing, demanding. It was not what the world would consider passionate. It did not explode in the feeling of fireworks, or of electricity, or of a shock of sudden love which left them dazed, or heat that burned into their very heart.
No. It was like the glow of the morning sun, sinking into both of their souls—seeping into their veins and every particle of their being. It was the perfect, comforting warmth of trust and belonging and love, and the power of it caused tears to rise in Lois’s eyes as she pulled away slowly and looked at him again. A kiss of true understanding. When the shadows are swept away in all-encompassing illumination and revitalizing warmth. Sunlight and love which are manna for the soul. How wonderfully symbolic, Rachel! Incidentally, it also ties in with the saying I referred to earlier: “To love and be loved is to feel the sun shining from both sides”. Lois blinked at where he had stood just moments before, feeling his absence as if he had flown off with a part of her still with him. She shivered, and walked forward slowly to stare up at the strip of sky that was visible between the buildings.
She’d see him soon. And I can’t wait to see what she’ll do when she does! Rachel, you devious devil, you are a genius. Instead of delivering the whole shebang of a revelation, you’ve staggered in into parts. Now, you’ll soon have a mob lining up outside your door demanding that Clark gets a clue! So now we have a whole new development to look forward to! Way to go, Smirkster! Forty-one chapters were more than well worth the wait! Write fast, dearie! Hasini. PS: OMG, DJ! I have that Bollywood Spiderman too! You need to have a Hindi ghazal on in the background for full effect. Isn't it hilarious?!
“Is he dead, Lois?”
“No! But I was really mad and I wanted to kick him between the legs and pull his nose off and put out his eyes with a freshly sharpened pencil and disembowel him with a dull letter opener and strangle him with his own intestines but I stopped myself just in time!” - Further Down The Road by Terry Leatherwood.
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH! Lois: Ork!
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Soooo.... are we still on schedule for a chapter today smirky? I know you have been busy with school (from what i saw in other threads) so I wanted to know.
Do we need to send the little men after your professors and tell them to stop giving you hard tests and homework so that you have more time to write?? <grimaces> Well, it is *that* time of semester, and I am quite swamped, that is true. To tell you the truth my birthday actually threw off my writing schedule quite a bit, just because I usually write pretty much all of my chapter on Friday and Saturday, and between a family party on Friday and a friend party on Saturday it was kind of hard to find any time to sequester myself away. I often do a couple hours of writing on Sunday, too, but I ended up visiting a friend of the family with my mom from where she was in the hospital a good little journey away from home. And then, yes--school is busy. On top of all that, my next door neighbor whom I've gone to school with since kindergarten passed away this last Sunday, and so things have been busy with the family and all, and today was the funeral . . . I think you get the picture. This week has been insane. To tell you the truth, I've hardly even started the next chapter. However, I decided it was finally time for me to lay out the remainder of the plot for myself, just so I don't forget anything, and I figure there are going to be about 15-20 more chapters.  . Thanks for your guys' patience and all. Again, I'm sorry I've been AWOL this past week. With a lot of luck I *may* be able to post the next chapter Saturday evening, so keep your fingers crossed! Thank you all for the reviews. They really have helped me through this week, just knowing I have some good friends out there keeping an eye out for me! Good luck with everything that's going on for you! Rachel
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Oh lady!! You have had a tough week! *hug*
Please please take care of yourself. We can wait a bit for the next chapter. Those real life things come first.
I think at this point you couldn't get rid of us if you tried on this story. It is way to addicting. ^_^
Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH! Lois: Ork!
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15-20 more chapters? Rock on! just knowing I have some good friends out there keeping an eye out for me! You know, that's how we roll on these boards. It's probably the main reason I've never left. So you take care of school and your family! We'll be around... JD
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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I'm so sorry about your neighbor. That's got to be tough, especially since you've known this person since kindergarten. <Hugs> Hang in there! We'll be here waiting.
Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
~Saw it on a T-Shirt.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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One of the best bosses ( principals )I ever had told me, when my grandmother passed, that his priorities fell in this order 1st Family (including close friends) 2nd God 3rd work. Remember--as much as we ALL love this story you have to take care of yourself and those you love first. Please do!! We care about you and will be here supporting you when ever you need it--story or not. <hug>
Johnny was a chemist, Now Johnny is no more, For what he thought was H two O Was really H two S O four. --Lab safety limrick--
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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I, too, am very sorry to hear about your neighbour, Rachel.
Anyway, I read something today in a no-cost daily paper of the kind that you can pick up at train stations and the like. There was a review of a new movie - or new here in Scandinavia at least, "300" by Frank Miller. The reviewer described the movie as extremely "black and white" in terms of the morality of its characters - except then the reviewer contradicted himself by saying that the bad guys in this movie are extremely, unbelievably bad, while the "good guys" are only moderately bad.
This got me thinking about the characters in your fic. And I really think that you show us so convincingly that Clark and Lois - Clark especially, of course, but Lois too - are really so unaffectedly, unassumingly good in a way that is rarely seen and which is difficult to write in such a way that the characters don't become boring. Interestingly, Clark and Lois are far from perfect in your fic - Lois especially, but Clark too has his shortcomings - and yet they are so, well, good. Which brings us to the next question, by the way - what the heck is goodness anyway?
One of my own favorite books is a a book about a 14th and 15th century English woman, Margery Kempe, whose life's ambition was to become a saint. She worked hard for many years to achieve sainthood. Isn't that interesting? But what does it take to become a saint?
Technically, you become a saint if a Pope canonizes you. However, you must first deserve your sainthood. Now, Margery Kempe was an illiterate woman. Her ideas of what it took to deserve sainthood may not have been the same as those of the learned theologians of her time, but even so - isn't it a little funny to think that she spent years and years nagging her husband to stop having sex with her, because she thought that a saint must be celibate? And isn't it shocking to think that when she finally had managed to evict her husband from her conjugal bed, she pretty much abandoned her fourteen children so she could go out into the world and do saintly things? She spent many years going on truly arduous and often dangerous pilgrimages to holy places such as Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago de Compostela, because she thought that such journeys were looked upon with great favour by priests and bishops and supposedly by God. Margery Kempe also had revelations accompanied by seizures inside churches, so that people could see and hear for themselves that God spoke to her. And finally she began dressing in white, so that the purity of her soul would be matched by the color of her clothing.
I find Margery Kempe's dedication to her quest for sainthood so fascinating - she reminds me, in a way, of a sort of spiritual athlete, tirelessly doing everything in her power to live up to her own ideas of sainthood. But does that make her a good person?
A new Swedish documentary describes the life of a contemporary young woman who became a nun at eighteen. For this young woman, being a nun means never leaving the convent, not talking to the other nuns in the convent for more than two hours a day, not forming any special friendships with any of the other nuns, not meeting with members of her family more than seven times a year, and never hugging her parents or siblings, because she and her family must always stay on different sides of a barrier of bars. Personally, I'm not going to criticize this young woman for choosing this kind of life. She isn't hurting any other people except perhaps her family, but then again, her Catholic mother expressed great pleasure that her daughter had become a nun. But I have to say that this nun doesn't strike me as an obviously good person, but rather as a - well, as an athlete of the spirit. A spiritual super-achiever, a champion of abstinence. But can anyone else benefit from this woman's self-imposed isolation?
Lois and Clark, on the other hand, are not saints. They have flaws and faults. They are hurt, lonely and scared. But they instinctively fight to protect other people from harm and to make the world a better place, and they do it in spite of their fears and shortcomings. They do it not to win prizes at the Olympic Games of Saintlihood. They just do it, because if they don't, there will be more pain and suffering in this world.
Your portrait of Lois and Clark and their instinctive fight for good and for other people is so moving and unforgettable, Rachel. You have created truly good people who are real, vulnerable, flawed, flesh-and-blood humans - or in Clark's case, a Kryptonian - which in every way that matters amounts to the same thing. In this day and age, when so many movies and stories portray people who are evil and brutal, your story about Lois and Clark becomes all the more gripping.
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Freelance Reporter
Freelance Reporter
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I havent sent any feedback in a while but I am still reading and enjoyng this story, especially hte last two chapters where things began moving a bit faster again. I check all the time hoping to see the next installment.
Great job ! Post again soon.
Cheers, A.
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Okay, guys. Life certainly hasn't really slowed down, but I think I may have a timetable for the next chapter. Unfortunately, I don't think you should look for it until next weekend. Still, at least you can know I haven't *completely* gone off the deep end. Finals are in three weeks, so posting may continue to be inconsistent until then. Heaven help me not to go crazy!  <dies> Again, good luck to everyone! Smirky
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Finals...I keep forgetting all you real people are done with school soon! Good luck! We're on the quarter system, so we just started a fresh 10 weeks of school with new classes...
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Beat Reporter
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It took me forever to find this. Just wanted to know, I'm still checking everyday (or more) to see if a new chapter's been posted. But I understand school comes first. But please hurry doublel
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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<shrinks in, flops down on chair, bites lip, begins typing>
Hello, everyone!
I'm sososososososo sorry for dropping off the face of the planet like I have! My classes have been craaaazy, and I tell you--I could whine about it all day. Instead, I'm sitting down to check on this for the first time in days--or is it weeks, now!?--and then I'm going to start <grimaces> . . . yes, I'm sad to admit it--*start* writing the next chapter.
I *hope* to have it done in a few days, or maybe in a week . . . <sighs and shakes fist at sky>. I really do wish school would settle down right now, if only for five minutes!
I really do apologize for the break in my usual posting schedule. I hope you can all forgive me!
Sorry for making anyone worry. I really am quite well, except for being severely sleep-deprived and so stressed out that my muse is being much more flighty than usual. But it will go on!
Only a little longer, after all, and finals will be very nicely out of the way.
Thanks for your understanding. Again, I apologize for the wait!
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Take care of yourself lady.  We will patient until then. We promise. 
Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH! Lois: Ork!