Hologram projectors were available but very expensive.
Moving holograms... Especially ones that work convincingly in real time... No, I don't think so. And add in the fact that it was in realistic living
color, to boot... No way. I don't think we could do that now.
Actually... let me see... Searching around on the web, I just found out that the MIT Media Labs is working on just that:
http://www.media.mit.edu/spi/holoVideoAll.htm They're able to generate moving color holograms... But the image size is measured in millimeters, the viewing angle is limited to a small arc, and the newer display only has enough processing power to do 2.5 frames per second. (The older display could do 20, which is closer to the standard TV/movie rate of 24, but the image size was only 25mm.)
Full size, full color, 180 degree viewing arc, 24fps moving holograms... MIT's overfunded bleeding edge Media Labs are years away from that, let alone some adult education art teacher in rural Kansas.
Anyway... thanks for the comments. I really appreciate that "explanation" paragraph. You didn't have to, but... thanks. A lot.
And thanks to you, too, Mary. Glad to see you're still with me and having fun. Sorry to tell you, though, that your curiosity about Hawk Master will have to simmer for a while yet...