The Woman in My Life
by Stopquitdont

This is a little piece that's been on a disc for quite a while. It was written a bit differently, but I pulled it out earlier tonight and polished it up a bit for Mother's Day. For those of you who've read my story 'Chip Off the Old Clark', you might recognize these characters. This is a little glimpse into that family's life after that story. I got the inspiration from a song (of course!). No copywrite infringements intended. I'm not sure who wrote the words, and couldn't find it tonight, but Billy Gillman sung the song. Some of words do appear in the text. I hope it doesn't offend anyone.

L&C are also borrowed for me to play with.


Lois dodged another obstacle on the way to her desk. Her work load may be easier these days, but her life was still just as hectic. Reporting for the Planet had been replaced by a regular column that had eventually been syndicated. All night stake-outs were replaced by late night bedtime stories in her and Clark's bed with their children. Robin, Laney, Taylor and Jon were their most treasured gifts. She'd traded her hard core work related existence for a life of love and happiness as a wife and mother.

It was hard to believe it had been ten years since Lois' entire world had changed. At the time she'd thought it had ended, but little did she know what she thought was the worst news she could have heard was exactly what she'd needed to hear.

There was still details from that day so long ago that she could recall as vividly as if she'd lived them just yesterday. Others were so vague it seemed as if they'd happened a lifetime ago.

In a sense it was a lifetime ago. Tonight Robin was graduating highschool. He was class validictorian as well. Lois was so proud she'd talked of nothing else for the past week. But it was almost hard to believe he should be that old.

Robin was her oldest son. Technically he was Clark's son from a previous relationship. They'd learned of his existence when the boy was seven years old; two years after his mother had died. It had been a shock finding out about him to say the least. Lois had even confided in him just a couple of years earlier that she'd almost let Clark sign away his paternal rights. They'd talked and cried a lot that day, and their relationship had only grown stronger.

From the first time Lois had laid eyes on Robin, he had captured her heart. Although he was joined by a baby sister three years later, he was still just as vital to Lois as breathing. Only two years after that twins, a boy and girl, became members of the Kent family. Still the relationship with Robin was one Lois had never been able to explain or feel she had to. He was special to her, just as all her children were.

She had just sat down when her phone rang. "Lois Lane-Kent."

"Hey, beautiful."

Lois smiled at the sound of his voice. "Robin."

"Mom, I'm so nervous. Won't you please help me with my speech?"

"Son, you know we talked about this. I think your speech should reflect 'your' thoughts."

"Mom... do you know how much I love you?"

"Not as much as I love you."

"Are you sure you'll be okay when I leave next week?"

"Oh, Robin. I will miss you horribly, but I have to let you go some time."

"No you don't." He chocked back a sob.

"Robin," Lois breathed through her own tears. "Hey, don't make your mother cry."

"Okay. I'll see you tonight."

"I'll be the one with the video camera on the front row."

"Okay, Mommy. I love you."

"Love you." She replaced the receiver with a teary smile. She loved it when he still called her Mommy. She also hated he had to leave this summer, but she would never let him go.

* * * *

Lois was figeting in her seat. She was just as nervous if she were the one graduating and giving the speech.

"Honey, relax."

"I can't help it, Clark. My baby is graduating."

"He's not a baby any more."

"He'll always be my baby."

"Mommy, there's Robin," Jon told her. His little hand was waving at his brother where he stood off to one side of the assembly awaiting the start of graduation.

Robin just had to see her. When she turned and made eye contact, he felt a flood of relief. He smiled and waved at his brothers and sister. Soon he followed in line with his class to his spot on stage.

Lois was absolutely beaming when they announced his name as validictorian.

Robin stepped up to the podium and smiled down at his family. Laney was holding the video camera to her eye. Uncle Jimmy was rubbing off on her he thought. He flashed her a gorgeous smile, then met his mother's eyes.

"Thank you. When I was first told that I had achieved this honor, I was overwhelmed. I had no doubt that I could have accomplished such a feat because that's the way I was raised. What I feared was having to make this speech."

He paused as soft laughter rippled through the crowd. "I begged my mom to help me write my speech. She told me just this morning that my speech should reflect my thoughts. Well, that's easy. My thoughts seldom roam from the things that mean the most to me; my family. But tonight, I want to talk about someone very special to me.

"There's a very special person in my life, a woman, 'the woman'. She's the one my heart was made for and that's the way it's always gonna be. She's there when I need her; my own guardian angel. The woman in my life has a way of smiling that can turn a gray sky blue. Even in the dark I can see her here by my side."

Lois felt pride that he could have such strong feelings for his girlfriend. He hadn't told her he felt so strongly for Jordan. She refocused so she wouldn't miss anything.

"You see, I have to talk about the woman in my life because no matter how high I climb, she guides me safely back to Earth. It's just like her without trying, to make the whole world new. She kisses me and whispers, "Darling, this day was made for us."

"The woman in my life has made me the man I am today. She's there when I need her, always pushing me to succeed. With a gentle touch, she can awake my very being.

"The woman in my life says I'm the one she prayed for and all she's ever gonna need. Whether she's holding me like a baby when I'm hurt, or kicking me into shape when I'm out of line, she's the reason I'm here today."

Robin took a deep breath and looked dead at his mother. "Now I understand just why my dad is crazy about the woman in my life." He waited for Lois to acknowledge that she knew he was talking about her. "I love you, Mom." He eased from behind the podium and jumped to the ground to present Lois with the rose he'd been holding.

Lois rose and was immediately engulfed in her son's embrace. He drew back and rested his head against hers, the same way his dad often did when he wanted her to feel his love. They laughed as the sound of applause rose from the crowd. Robin Kent had delivered several touching speeches over the years. Today was no different.

* * * *

Lois clapped the loudest of everyone there when Robin was presented with his diploma. He smiled and offered it out to her.

"Did you get it, Laney?" Lois asked her video weilding daughter.

"I got, Mom. Go Robin!"

Lois turned an exuberant smile to Clark. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and dropped a kiss on her head. Every day spent with his family was a gift.

* * * *

Lois wasn't sure she'd ever seen so many people in her house. They were all there to help celebrate Robin's graduation, but the guest of honor was nowhere around. She finally found him sitting on the dock. The soft glow of the party lights made it difficult to see much, but the smile he gave her when she placed a hand on his shoulder was unmistakable.

"Hi," she told him.


"May I?" she gestured to the spot next to him.

"Of course."

"Robin, it's okay to miss her today."

He smiled sadly at her. "You know me too well."

"She was your mother."

His large fingers wrapped around the smaller ones of his mother as they sat together on the bench. "Twelve years today," he managed after a while.

"She would have been so proud of you," Lois told him honestly. So many times she'd wished she could have met the woman that gave this remarkable person life.

"Yeah," was all he said, then they lapsed back into silence. After a few minutes he turned and cupped her cheek. "I love my real mother and part of me will always miss her, but I was born because I was what 'you' needed?"

"Do you know how much I love you?"

"Not half as much as I love you," he whispered back to her before he wrapped his arms around her in a warm embrace.

Tomorrow, after they'd cleaned up from his graduation party, they'd go together, just as they did every year, to Kim's grave. They'd thank her again for bringing them so much joy and happiness. But Lois had begun years ago to say a silent thank you to Kim almost daily.


Happy Mother's Day!