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Wooo! I am determined to not get behind on my FDK on this story Sue. ^_^ Look! I’m even the first here. "He's in a hospital," Martha said softly, as if the repetition of the words held the secret to explaining them. She squeezed her husband's hand, knowing that he understood as well as she did that Clark being in the hospital was reason enough to worry, let alone that he couldn't make decisions for himself. Or Lois, she reminded her herself. If there was one thing she knew with certainty, it was that Clark would protect Lois to his last breath. If they were both in a hospital it meant that Clark was... Sue don’t make me cry so early on in this fic. I really hope things are not as bad as they seem.  I’m all worried about when it’s all gonna go down. The man had a flattened nose and Lois wondered who had broken it for him and why. Maybe he told one of his lame jokes and someone punched him? Lol "Don't you want me to carry you over the threshold?" Clark teased as she moved inside. I’ve probably said this before, but one of the reasons I loved season one and season two was the banter between the two of them. You do it so well that I can’t help but smirk and giggle as they try to best each other. ^_^ He grinned at her in delight. "Lois, who said anything about consummating this marriage?" Teehee. I love it. But you know while you guys are on the subject… it wouldn’t hurt to consummate it now would it? Come on you know you wanna. She might have thought the kiss he gave her after they were pronounced man and wife was for the benefit of Mickey and his entourage - and it was - but for just a moment he had let himself pretend he was really hers. I love how you put that. Not that she was his… but that he was hers. Ah… just made me melt. Here I am Sue a big old puddle in the floor. Clark looked at the way the dress was draped over her soft curves and found he had to clear his throat to answer. "I'd say I was the luckiest man in the world." *sigh* How could she not love him? Lol Caught off-guard by his possessive words and touch, Lois glanced up at Clark. She had never seen Clark look so stern and imposing before - and yet his expression was so familiar. She gave Mickey a tight smile. "Let's just go and eat now, shall we?" Angry/possessive Clark is the best isn’t he Lois? His attention shifted back to the television and he picked up the remote to change the channel. "You can rest assured that they don't make me want to ravish you five times." Oh we all know that is lie. What must he think of her now? It was beyond mortifying to consider. No I’m pretty sure he is still thinking pretty nice thoughts about you. I’d gather that if you knew what he was thinking you wouldn’t be in that bathroom filing your nails. ^_^ Great chapter Sue. You write the best steamy scenes. *sigh* I can’t wait for more. ^_^
Angry Clark: CLARK SMASH! Lois: Ork!
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Top Banana
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A little hot? At the rate they're going, this is going to end up in the nfic folder. Love Jonathan's reaction at the unlikeliness of all the scenarios in his head. 
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Ooh another great part!! I just love the way you discribe everything. The places, or the looks on their faces, and the way they're dressed. I can just see the images before me!! "Clark's in the hospital?" Jonathan dusted his hands off on the seat of his pants. "What do you mean Clark's in the hospital? What happened?" An other great way to start the story. You really made me curious and still after reading, we still don't know the answer!  I'm just gonna keep on reading  !! Lois let out an exasperated sigh. "Don't be stupid. If we consummate this marriage, we can't annul it!" Ooh loved Lois reaction! "I'd say I was the luckiest man in the world." so sweet!! "A real kiss?" he asked, just to make sure he understood her. "Are you sure?" and the whole scene that followed.  wow Loved it. But I really feld sorry for Lois at the end, can't really blame her for wanting to lock herself up in the bathroom! Makes me wonder how they're gonna act around each other now? looking farward to next part!
"I have no regrets. If you regret things, then you're sort of stepping backwards. I'm a believer in going forwards." ~Kate Winslet
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Wow! Can't believe I missed the first part. But this part was great. It made me want to install our air conditioner! That was one little hot and steamy scene there at the end. It amazes me how you can do hot and steamy so well without this being in the Nfic folder. Hurry back with more!
Silence is golden. Duct tape is silver.
~Saw it on a T-Shirt.
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Beat Reporter
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Whoo wee! Speaking of steaminess...more next part? Seriously though, I liked the whole thing. I'm also still curious to see why they're in the hospital, and intrigued by your hint in the FDK for the first part, Sue... I shall have to keep reading (I mean, I'm not stupid - I know a good story when I read it!  ). ~Anna.
Lois: Jimmy, give me back my dress. Clark: Now there's something you don't hear around the newsroom everyday.
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Another wonderful part, Sue, and even if you never write nfic again, this is just as good. The emotions you infuse are just as powerful.
As for that line about the pajamas making him not want to ravish her five times, of course it's true. He wants to ravish her more than that, although not all at once.
I think, therefore, I get bananas.
When in doubt, think about time travel conundrums. You'll confuse yourself so you can forget what you were in doubt about.
What's the difference between ignorance, apathy, and ambivalence? I don't know and I don't care one way or the other.
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Wow I vote nfic folder! definately. This is too hot to put a stop on it. Come on you big tease! Nfic please! Laura
Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”
Caroline's "Stardust"
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Well, Sue, I adored the first part, and it's such a pity that most of my feedback just disappeared. But now that I've thought a little more about the first chapter, I'm struck by a few things that I wouldn't have said in my first comment anyway. What particularly strikes me is the way you bring to life your wonderful interpretation of the character of Lois Lane. Lois is, as so many people have said, a complex person. I'm sure you could quote those immortal words from Shakespeare that I only remember in their Swedish translation, about how each person is an entire world, each of us trying to keep in check a multitude of conflicting wishes making up what we like to think is a very together and straightforward sort of "I". Instead we are the hosts of a chorus of "little selves" - little Anns, little Sues, little Woodys (forgive me, Sue and Woody, for presuming that you aren't always perfectly together and self-assured and sure of what you want all the time). And one thing is certain - our favorite female reporter is often almost bursting at the seams because the all little Loises inside her keep clamouring for her to make mutually exclusive decisions. Go for that gorgeous guy, Clark Kent! No, wait, are you crazy, you're much too attracted to him and he'll break your heart! Wow, it's going to be great to have someone as cute and smart as him as your very own partner! What??? What if he turns out to be better than you and make you look bad as a reporter?
I once saw a TV documentary about a woman whose two brain hemispheres had been severed in order to control her very serious epilepsy. Anyway, this woman was now literally two persons inhabiting one body - she was "left hemisphere Mary" and "right hemisphere Mary". Left hemisphere Mary was the dominant one, because she was the only one who could speak. But in the documentary, we saw left hemisphere Mary opening her closet (with her right hand) to pick a dress that she was going to wear this day. While left hemisphere Mary was busy explaining to the TV reporter that she thought she'd like to wear her dark blue dress today, right hemisphere Mary took advantage of the other Mary's distraction to put her left arm (controlled by the right hemisphere) into the closet and grab a green dress from a clothes hanger.
Lois certainly is like this, torn by mutually exclusive wishes. And that is why it was just so brilliant to have her just suddenly blurt out to Mickey that she and Clark had gone to Las Vegas to elope! And why would she say just that? Well, obviously because one little Lois inside her has been fervently hoping and dreaming of doing just that - of eloping like a whirlwind on a moment's notice and just suddenly finding herself wonderfully married to this guy she is so absolutely obsessed with. What an amazing way of silencing that clamour of conflicting wishes and voices ripping conglomerate-Lois apart and just, literally, make this über-Lois take the plunge! Just make her let this totally terrifying and unbelievably thrilling thing simply happen! Just like that! So it was wonderful that Lois would tell Mickey that she and Clark had come to Las Vegas to elope, because when Lois said those words, it was really one of her most insistent inner Loises who was speaking up, voicing her favorite fantasy.
I loved seeing, too, how conglomerate-Lois was happy to let the wedding just happen. Maybe she was sort of happy that she didn't really have a choice? Mickey and his goons made sure that the decision was out of her hands. And it was no big deal anyway, because she and Clark could always get themselves an annulment afterwards. Ah, but... the Lois who made her speak up and say that she and Clark were eloping is so unbelievably thrilled about the whole thing!
But then other members of the menagerie of Loises reasserted themselves, and one of them made that absolutely priceless comment about wanting "the usual" for the wedding ceremony. This Lois undoubtedly felt that the whole thing was ridiculous, it was beneath her, so let's get it over with and let's hope Reverend Bob notices her contempt! The same Lois, or a Lois not unlike her, noted with exasperated interest that Reverend Bob didn't realize he had to use sunscreen before bringing his bald head into the Las Vegas sun, the idiot.
I completely loved how you showed us this menagerie of Loises so beautifully, Sue. Best of all, you captured each of the different sub-Loises so perfectly, and still you managed to make conglomerate-Lois perfectly believable and mostly likable, too.
In this new chapter, Lois-who-wanted-to-marry-Clark wants to ravish him, and she is the one who kisses him and herself senseless. A slightly naugtier version of this Lois was the one who straddled Clark and kept kissing him even though Clark had begged her to stop. The Lois who panicked at the very thought of marriage and commitment (and the unavoidable consequences, such as broken hearts, professional embarrassments etcetera) was the one who barricaded herself in the bathroom and cried her heart out because the kiss had been so wonderful. A Lois not unlike her was the one who had chosen the flannel pajamas - okay, the cotton pajamas! And a Lois more like the one who wanted to marry Clark wished that she had chosen the silk nightie with the spaghetti straps. The Lois who was prepared to spend hours in the bathroom looking after her own cuticles was probably one who learnt survival strategies when she was a child growing up with an alcoholic mother.
No quotes this time either, Sue. I'm sorry. But I absolutely love this story.
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Jonathan wondered if Martha had decided to tipple the afternoon away. That thought made about as much sense as Clark being in the hospital or unexpectedly married. *giggle* That was one hell of a kiss! But even so, or maybe because of it, I feel sorry for them both. I've been so sick for the last two days, Sue - glued to the bathroom sick - so it was a doubly nice treat to find this. Thank you!
lisa in the sky with diamonds
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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im really in frustration mode here! why ios clark in hospital and how come he cant speak to his parents himself and why is lois is the same state. hurry up man you keep us in suspense like this! its unfaaaair! but the story is going really well so far. 
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God, this killed! I think that's my new phrase. <g> Really, if you wrote nothing else, I'd happily read this part over and over again. Today's one of my 20 hour days, so I've got nothing else coherent, but needless to say, I can't wait to find out what happens next. JD
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Ah, Jojo, full marks for getting in there first. I'm glad that DJ and I can torment you on a regular basis. It may become my purpose in life. one of the reasons I loved season one and season two was the banter between the two of them. Me, too! Their banter was what kept me tuning in week after week and the thing I missed most in the later seasons. At the rate they're going, this is going to end up in the nfic folder. Hee! Not likely. This is where I can tell you what DJ's request was. She wanted a Vegas wedding that doesn't get consummated but had lots of unresolved sexual tension. I just love the way you discribe everything. The places, or the looks on their faces, and the way they're dressed. I can just see the images before me!! Thank you! I worry that I tend to be in so much of a rush while writing that I leave stuff out. It's reassuring to hear that you can picture it in your head. That was one little hot and steamy scene there at the end. It amazes me how you can do hot and steamy so well without this being in the Nfic folder. Sometimes it's more fun to walk right up the line than to cross over it. I'm also still curious to see why they're in the hospital, and intrigued by your hint in the FDK for the first part, Sue... I shall have to keep reading That's the whole point of those little teasers - just to whet your appetite for more. As for that line about the pajamas making him not want to ravish her five times, of course it's true. He wants to ravish her more than that, although not all at once. Don't go thinking that conversation is finished just yet. Come on you big tease! Nfic please! Heh - but it's so much fun to tease you! (forgive me, Sue and Woody, for presuming that you aren't always perfectly together and self-assured and sure of what you want all the time). OMG! You *are* reading my journal, aren't you? It would be far easier to list the few times I've been perfectly together and self-assured and sure of what I want. I would imagine (hope) that most people are that way. My Lois is, that's for sure. But then, so is Clark. That was the best part about the characters in LnC - they were complex and had foibles that made them *real* to me. I've been so sick for the last two days, Sue - glued to the bathroom sick - so it was a doubly nice treat to find this. Awww, Lisa! I hope you're feeling better now, you poor thing. Thanks to everyone for encouraging me. I know I've pledged my love to all of you before, but it's worth repeating. <sniffle> I wuv you guys!
Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.
Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right. Ides of Metropolis
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I don't usually quote, but this paragraph caught my eye. "I know that. I guess it was having you call me your wife that made it seem so much more... authoritative, you know? I know you like me, at least a little. After all, you have asked me out, even if we never actually went on a date. And now we're married and I've never even kissed you. Not for real, I mean. It's always been because someone was threatening us in some way. Just once I'd like to kiss you without worrying about whether we're going to survive it." For some reason, that last sentence made me laugh out loud. I don't know if you meant it to be hysterically funny, but it is! Usually a couple has their relationship in mind when discussing romance. Lois and Clark have to talk about imminent destruction. Good story! Keep up the great work!
Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.
- Stephen King, from On Writing
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Wow, Sue. You just keep us begging for more! This was another well written chapter! A little hot? At the rate they're going, this is going to end up in the nfic folder. I agree 100%! Hurry back!
I'm a firm believer in the fact that God doesn't put any more on us than we can bear. He does however make us come to Jesus every so often.
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Aww, you know I love it. Can't wait to find out what happened to them.
Superman: I hear you've been looking for me. Lois: All my life.
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Features Writer
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Lois is a chicken. She started something she could'nt handle then rans and hides. Next, I bet she'll pick a fight to cover up her misstep. Classic chicken behavior.
"I'm red-eyed, tired and drunk" Teri Hatcher "Fun will now commence" 7of9
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quote: At the rate they're going, this is going to end up in the nfic folder. ----------------------------------------------------------------
Hee! Not likely. This is where I can tell you what DJ's request was. She wanted a Vegas wedding that doesn't get consummated but had lots of unresolved sexual tension. Did anyone read Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt? It's about a poor Irish family where the children, all boys, get raised on a diet of tea and bread, bread and tea. And, occasionally and if they are lucky, they'll get some sugar with their tea. There is a lot of hunger in Frank McCourt's book. The main character, the oldest son, gets so weakened by hunger that he comes down with some sort of dangerous sickness, and he has to go to hospital. In the hospital, the sick kids are going to get a special Christmas treat, some delicious Christmas food. When this poor boy gets his food, he is so thrilled by the sight of the heavenly dessert that he eats that first. A nurse finds out that the boy has eaten his dessert before he even touched the main course, and she is so scandalized that she takes the rest of the food away from the half-starving boy to punish him. You bet I groaned when I read it! Angela's Ashes is a brilliantly written, hugely entertaining book. It is also a story of absolutely painful frustrations and deprivations. It is, to some extent, a book about food fantasies that never get, excuse me for using that word here, "consummated". Anyone who wants to indulge in sinful food fantasies is strongly advised to remember that in Frank McCourt's book, the fantasies never get fulfilled. I quickly realized, when reading McCourt's book, that I must never let myself be carried away by my wish to see the poor boy get to indulge in a real pig-out, because it wasn't going to happen. I realized I had to look for other things in the book instead, such as enjoying the black humour of McCourt's writing and seeing the boy grow up in spite of horrible circumstances and learn to fend for himself and make a new start in life. Similarly, Sue, when you tell me that this is a story deliberately written so that Lois and Clark will not get to consummate their wedding, then I must read it as something else than a story that is going to be irresistibly sexy. After all, I know that the sex is going to remain as elusive for Lois and Clark as the delicious food did for the hungry boy in Angela's Ashes. Yes, of course your story is adorably sexy anyway, but I know there is an impenetrable glass barrier separating Lois and Clark in it. I'm going to have to look for other things than sexual fulfillment in your story, just like I had to look for other things than heavenly food orgies in Frank McCourt's book. Fortunately, you, like Frank McCourt, are a brilliant writer who know how to write extremely well-crafted, hugely entertaining stories for your readers. Ann
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I'm going to have to look for other things than sexiness in your story Ahhhh, Ann. You know I love you, Sweetheart, right? And your comments are always so deep and well thought out... and I don't always agree with you but I usually have the sense of mind not to argue with you. <sigh> But not today. As far as the statement that I quoted above... I think you are dead wrong. See, for me, there is a huge difference between the words "sex" and "sexy". HUGE!!! I think a story can be enormously sexy and enthralling without the main characters ever actually jumping in bed together. Sorry, I'm an old-fashioned girl. I grew up on the old Cary Grant movies. And that's not to say that Cary Grant didn't occasionally end up in bed with his heroine... but of course you never actually saw that happen.... However, I digress. Back to my point. I think you can have scorching hot kisses and make out scenes in story... you can have almost tangible UST (unresolved sexual tension) and in my book, that makes a story "sexy" beyond definition. I think that kind of sexiness can be better than a scene where they romp in the hay <shrug> So I'm sorry, but I do have to disagree with you that you are going to need to find something other than "sexiness" to enjoy in Sue's story. I think her story is chock full of "sexiness". It might not be chock full of sex itself, but "sexiness"??? Oh, heavens, yes. And, to set the record straight... <heh> I championed Sue to write a story that allowed them to get married in Vegas. I said I didn't want them to consummate the wedding right off the bat because I wanted the story to be chock full of UST... I wanted it to be so heavy that it made you groan at the sexual tension between them <yummy>... HOWEVER... (Sue, don't make me find my e-mails... LOLS) I didn't tell her that they couldn't EVER consummate. But since she wasn't writing nfic at this time (and personally, neither am I) I did respectfully request that it be a PG-13 story... which, let's face it, you can have a beautiful love scene and still have it be PG-13... I thought Sue pulled that off exquisitely in her PG Platonic. And technically, I don't know the ending of this story yet. However, if by some miraculous chance, Lois and Clark decide to "remain" married... well, whether you actually get to see it or not, there's gonna be some consummating going on <snort> it's just an eventuality -- even if it's behind closed doors like in those old Cary Grant movies. Okay, and now I've blathered on quite long enough about that. I'll put away my club and quit beating that poor dead horse. On to some quotes!!! Clark would protect Lois to his last breath. If they were both in a hospital it meant that Clark was... That made my bottom lip quiver. It is so true. Somehow I just know that if it came right down to it, Clark would throw caution to the wind, risk everything... to save Lois. She stopped in front of their room and tried the key card in the door. The light flickered red and she let out an exasperated sigh and tried again. This time the light went green and she pressed down on the handle and opened the door.
"Don't you want me to carry you over the threshold?" Clark teased as she moved inside. It's stuff like this that makes your writing so real for me. I've had those stupid keys do that exact same thing to me <huff> And the carrying over the threshold comment just made me snort out loud. <g> Clark hung up the phone. "Whatever you say, dear." Again - <snort> Even knowing that it was just for show had not stopped her toes from curling. Hee hee - just wait till the next kiss! for just a moment he had let himself pretend he was really hers. This was already mentioned by someone else but I too loved how he "phrased" this line -- he was hers. Awwww! Clark looked at the way the dress was draped over her soft curves and found he had to clear his throat to answer. "I'd say I was the luckiest man in the world." AWWWWW! Clark froze, his gaze momentarily stuck below her face. "Uh, you look... wow. You look amazing." LOL!!! Uh, Clark, her face is up... there... <snort> "Hey," Clark said as his arm went around Lois's shoulders possessively. "You're talking about my wife." Mmmmm <drool> how I love Possessive!Clark. Clark gulped as he was treated to a glimpse of the inner swell of one breast just before it was decisively pushed against his ribs. He cautioned himself to never again even glance at anything lower than her shoulders. While he couldn't forgive Mickey for saying it out loud, he understood perfectly how looking at Lois in that dress had made the gangster feel. He hadn't been able to look squarely at her all the way through dinner. Almost the entire length of her body was now pressed tightly against his, not to mention the fact that she was breathing so close to his throat that he could close his eyes and almost imagine they were necking. MMMM, yes, there's some of that UST. Married, the voice in her head mocked her. You're married to him now - you should be able to kiss him whenever you want. Try it - just see if he feels the same way. Eeee hee hee - yes, try it, Lois! It's true!!! Clark was sitting against the headboard of the bed with his shoes off and the television on. He looked over at her and then smiled. "Wow, it's every bridegroom's dream. Are those flannel pajamas?" LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Lois! I loved the fight for the bed and the discussion about the "shotgun" wedding - that made me laugh out loud when Clark asked her if she had something she wanted to tell him. Ha ha! Then that KISS! Holy heck that was sexy as h*ll!!! I'd have to quote the whole last part of the story to quote it, but just know you left me in a gooey pile of drool on the floor each time I read it. I beta'd it like 5 times because you kept adding to it and it kept getting better! Woo baby! Oh, but then we got Begging!Clark - which is just SOOOOOO yummy "Lois," he whispered as he broke their kiss. "Oh god, Lois, we have to stop." Clark forced his hands above his head in a gesture of surrender. He had finally found his limits; found the one thing besides Kryptonite that he was powerless against. His wife. His legal, lawful, wedded wife. He had thought she felt amazing beneath him but that was nothing compared to how she felt astride him, her body pressing against his in all the right places as her mouth teased his. Clark turned his head to the side, clenching his fists to keep from touching her again.
"Please. We have to stop. I can't keep going like this." His voice was thicker than usual and her inner muscles contracted when she recognized the raw need in his tone. Mmmm, mmmmm, mmmmm!!!!! Loved part 3, btw, but where's my sneak at part 4??? Come on, don't leave a girl hanging. <g> -- DJ
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Well, DJ, I know - sometimes the things we wish for so fervently are so much better when we just dream of them, and when we almost get to experience them, than when we get to experience them for real.
P.S. If Clark and Lois are going to consummate their marriage behind closed doors, where we don't get to see it, I'll be perfectly happy. It was the feeling that consummation simply isn't going to happen that made me post my previous musings.
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Well, DJ, I know - sometimes the things we wish for so fervently are so much better when we just dream of them, and when we almost get to experience them, than when we get to experience them for real. Nope. That's not what I meant. <sigh> Obviously my speech translator is on the fritz again (you do know that I'm from Venus, right?) It's like when I'm going on vacation. I LOVE to go on vacation, but being honest??? I LOVE the build up to the vacation, the counting down the days, the researching the resort on the internet, the excitement and tension before it finally gets there... almost as much as the vacation itself. But, I DEFINITELY LOVE the vacation too. <g> Anyway, I shan't explain any further... except to say that I would be ecstatic if Lois & Clark decided NOT to annul their marriage... after all... they'll just end up getting married again anyway <snort> so why not just save themselves some trouble? 
Smile and the world smiles with you ... frown and you're just giving yourself wrinkles.