Heh - DJ told me she had warned everyone that I was dithering over where to break part five. She's right, though, I hate to feel like I'm stretching the story out, but even I (with my ADD) felt like it was rushing things if I smashed everything together into the last two parts. There's some stuff that deserves a slower pace. Heck, there's some stuff that I was going to have to cut (and it was killing me) so it definitely has to be seven parts.
There's still one little bit that I'm polishing in this part and then I'll get posting again. Does it help at all to know that the rest of it should be posted fairly quickly since it's already written?
we just want them out of the culvert NOW!
Heh. You say that, but you don't know what might happen when they leave the relative safety of the culvert.

On the other hand, maybe nothing happens. They just walk down the road and into some lonely country gas station and everything's fine. All that stuff with Martha and Jonathan was just a bad dream.
Then again, if that were true, it would only take one more part.