Ok, this is a fic that I have been mulling over for while and I finally got around to actually writing it. I don't know how long it is going to be, at least ten parts, I think. Just a few notes before I get started. 1) I got one tiny part of this idea from the show Strong Medicine, the rest is all mine, when I get to that part I will let you know. 2) This story does deal with a traumatic event, if I say what kind it will give away the story, but you were warned. I don't actually write the event, you only find out about it after. Enough with the notes, here it is:
Lois had been awake most of the night, since she had started throwing up a week ago, she had had trouble sleeping. Instead she spent her nights getting sick. Lois had no idea what was wrong with her and she hated going to the doctor. However when she had casually mentioned to her symptoms to Anne Jenkins in the restroom yesterday, Anne had asked her if there was any way Lois could possibly be pregnant. Lois had adamantly refused, stating that it just wasn’t possible. Although she and Clark had been dating for the past two months, they had decided to take their physical relationship slow and as yet, had not slept together. Still the idea had been planted in her head and would not let go. So at midnight, she had gone to an all night drugstore and bought three boxes of pregnancy tests that had two tests each in a box. After each test had come out positive, Lois had sunk down on the bathroom floor and had remained there the whole night, trying to figure out how she could possibly be pregnant.
Finally, Lois cried herself into a restless sleep in which she had dreams of Clark leaving her after finding out she was pregnant or dreams of Clark accusing her of cheating on him and never speaking to her again.
This was how Clark found her the next morning, they had arranged to go to breakfast before work and Clark was picking her up.
Clark walked up to Lois’ apartment whistling, he had never been happier in his life than he had been in the past two months. He and Lois had been dating and if things went well at their dinner date tonight, he would ask Lois to marry him. Clark had almost expected Lois to never speak to him again when he had revealed the fact he was Superman to her, but she had eventually forgiven him and things had been running smoothly since then. Clark had never thought he would find a woman to love him, all those years he had roamed the globe and had never thought he would find a woman to spend his life with. All that changed when he had met Lois and then began to date her.
When Clark reached Lois’ apartment and knocked he was surprised that she did not answer. After knocking a second time and receiving no answer, Clark x-rayed her apartment and was shocked to find Lois crying on the floor of her bathroom. Clark quickly used his key to let himself into the apartment and walked into the bathroom where he promptly took her into his arms.
"Lois, what's happened," Clark asked concerned.
“Clark, I swear I don’t know how this happened. I’ve never cheated on you; I don’t know how this even is even possible. But the tests are positive, it must be some mistake, it must be.” Lois blurted out all at once.
“Lois, I know you would never cheat on me. What brought this on? What’s this about a positive test? I have no idea what you are talking about,” Clark concluded perplexed.
Instead of answering Lois shoved several plastic stick things in his hand. Clark just looked at them confused and then back up at Lois, “Um, Lois? I have no idea what these are, could you help me out please.” Clark said with the cutest confused expression on his face.
“They’re pregnancy tests, Clark, they’re positive,” Lois said flatly, “Go on, Clark, you can leave.”
“I still don’t understand, Lois. We haven’t even slept together yet, how can you be pregnant?” Clark asked, refusing to take Lois’ invitation to leave.
“Don’t you think I realize that, Clark? I know we haven’t slept together but somehow these tests say I’m pregnant and I have all the symptoms of being pregnant. But like I said before, I’ve never cheated on you, so I don’t know how I could be pregnant, but I don’t expect you to believe me, so like I said earlier just go.” Lois stated as she broke down in tears again.
“Aw, Lois, please don’t cry. We’ll figure this out, I promise. I believe you when you say that you’ve never cheated on me. I know you would never do that, maybe there’s some mistake. We’ll call your doctor and get you an emergency appointment and figure out what’s going on, okay?” Clark said as he once again took her into his arms.
“You mean, you’re not mad at me?” Lois asked looking up at Clark with a bewildered expression. She couldn’t imagine any normal man sticking around after the startling announcement she had just made. “You aren’t going to leave?” Lois asked to confirm that he was going to stay with her.
“Of course not, Lois, I promise. We’ll figure out what is wrong. I am not going to go anywhere, I love you. Now come on, how about you get up and get dressed, while I go call your doctor and see about getting you an appointment, okay?”
“Alright, Clark,” Lois said as she let him help her up and then proceeded to head towards her bedroom. Before shutting the door she turned around and said, “Clark, thank you for not leaving, I love you, too.” With that she turned around and went to get dressed.
“You’re welcome, Lois,” Clark said with a grin and went to call the doctor.
When Lois came into the kitchen she found Clark on the phone, finishing up a call to the doctor and making breakfast. She stopped to admire him and marvel at how she could deserve him in her life before he turned around and smiled at her. “Did you get an appointment?” She asked.
“Yep, it’s in an hour, so you better hurry,” Clark said as he set a plate of eggs and toast in front of her. Lois took one look at the eggs and bolted towards the bathroom again. Clark was left staring after her with a bewildered expression on his face. “Are you okay,” he yelled.
“I’ll be fine in a minute, just make sure those eggs are gone before I come back,” Lois said in response. Clark obliged by eating the eggs at super-speed and then cleaning off the plate. After he was done with that he cooked some more toast for Lois and left it dry this time. Lois emerged a few minutes later, with her teeth freshly brushed. “Here, I made you some toast, why don’t you try to eat some.”
“Okay,” Lois said with a grimace but still took a piece and bit into it. After Lois had finished the toast, Clark helped her down to her car and then drove towards her doctors on the other side of town.
Once they had arrived at the office and filled out the necessary forms, all that was left to do was wait to be called. Lois sat nervously tapping her pen on the clipboard until Clark gently took her hand and said, “Everything is going to be okay, Lois, you’ll see.”
“Lois Lane,” a nurse called. Lois got up and then turned around when she realized Clark had not gotten up with her.
“You’re not coming in with me,” Lois said with a little quiver in her voice.
“If you want me to, I will,” Clark replied. At Lois’ nod, Clark got up and followed her through the door.
That's all for now, I will have the next part up in the next week. Please let me know what you think