Ooooh, gaaaaahhh!!! I had really hoped that the baby would be Clark's. But of course, that would have required that he had pulled something resembling what he did in the movie Superman II, and I hated Superman in that movie! So it's hard to come up with a good explanation for how Clark could be the father here. And anyway, he isn't the father. Lois is carrying a rape-child!
(A colleague of mine, who is very interested in biology and genetics, insists that humanity has become more cruel and ruthless because rapists - who are by definition cruel and ruthless - have used violence and force to father so many children. Then their children have passed on their fathers' "evil" genes to their own children. The rapists have simply contributed much too much to the gene pool of humanity.)
So to be honest, I wish that Lois would have an abortion here, because now she is helping a horrible man to have more offspring. It would have been different if she had gotten drunk and just chosen to sleep with someone - then she wouldn't have been raped, and she wouldn't be carrying a rapist's child. I wouldn't have wanted her to have an abortion if she had gotten pregnant by Claude, for example, because it was her own decision to have sex with Claude. But this - I have to admit, it gives me the shudders.
Anyway, you've got to love Clark here. He is adorable. Now I know what you mean by the title of your fic. And to the extent that you can teach and raise a child to be really a lot better than his or her genes would make them, with a surrogate father like Clark, there is hope for Lois's child, too.