Good luck to you all....
I know first hand (well, second hand really) the perils of translation....
my grandfather is a published translator of poetry, (and apparently according to a lot of circles, he is quite a famous one at that, even with his own Wikepoedia page, but I am not going to mention him because it is irrelevant to this forums...)
not that any of it was my work, but I have lived the dramas of attempting to perfect the translations....
and I have also just recently completed an essay were huge debates went on in the Catholic Church (which officially finished in the 17thC) resulting from a third Century BC MISTRANSLATION from Hebrew to Greek... all starting from the
Septuagint Refer to the paragraph
Abortion: Always a serious sin Good luck, I certainly wish that my French was p to the task, but unfortunately.... n'est pas, mon Lingue de la Francais c'est tres mal...