A lovely Laura fic! *rubs hands in anticipation*
A plain wood dance floor gleamed gold in the light
Lovely detail. I can see this so well.
“I think you just do entirely too much thinking, Clark.”
No kidding!
She gave him a long look during which he twiddled his thumbs and felt like he was back in the second grade waiting for the terrifying Ms. Grubbowitz to determine if his fingernails were clean enough to eat his lunch.
LOL! And good use of detail here, too.
She rested her cheek against his shoulder and pulled her hand from his, instead looping them both around his waist. It took him a moment to realize she was humming softly.
Taking a chance, Clark held his breath as he skimmed his now free hand down along her back. He closed his eyes for a moment at the sensation, bowing his head to allow his chin to touch the smooth skin of her shoulder.
I bet anyone looking on can see how well they fit together, and I bet Scardino is off to the side positively dying to cut in.
“I’m almost believing this is not pretend,” she met his gaze and he touched her cheek.
“I don’t know if we’re singing the song, anymore, Lois.” His fingers brushed a soft wisp of hair behind her ear. She let out a shaky breath that fanned across his lips.
“I know.”
“We can’t do this, Clark.”
No, no, no! Argue with her, dammit!
“I have Dan, Clark,” she said to him. “I won’t be alone.”
Oh, Lois. *headdesk*
“So close,” she whispered to him.
Unsure as to what to do, Dan pulled her closer to him.
“Of course we are, babe. It’s why we work so well together.”
Argh! And "babe"?!
Laura, this was lovely. Really lovely. And satisfying in some ways. (I'm kind of with Jen on the anguish thing.) But that said, I wouldn't object to a sequel with a happier ending!