Wow, thanks again for all the feedback!
Beth I loved this part. (okay I've loved all parts so far, but still)
Ah, thank you, you've made me blush
(in case you didn't know what blushing looked like - although I'm fairly sure you do!)
sara I see them as these half sized, blue framed glasses that REALLY don't suit him.
Yep, that's pretty much how I visualised them too!
Elisabeth who can't believe I've never read anything from you before
That's probably because 1: this was the first story I actually had an ending for and 2: I'm very shy
and don't normally let people read what I write. I think I'm only brave enough to post here because I'm not me, I'm Alisha Knight, who can be a bit braver than the real me! (Alisha really hopes she hasn't shocked everyone with this news. Come on, you didn't think I'd have my *real* full name as my display name, did you?) Oh, and also 'cause this is kinda my first fanfic!
Also, I'd like to thank you for your fdk on the other parts. Yes, you're right, Klein has been rather, um, bold (something I didn't really think about at the time) but, after further thought, I think it does fit his character so I'm not going to loose sleep over it! Don't take this as a sign to stop worrying about him, though...
Ann And now they're off for Smallville. Why does this make me think of the Wizard of Oz?
Additional disclaimer: Much to the horror of one of my friends, I have never watched (all of) the Wizard of Oz! Maybe it's something I'll do over xmas.
TJ. I will get the next part up ASAP. Speaking of, isn't there some little story you're writing that's due for a new part....?
AnKS. Wow, three thumbs up! I don't know that it's *that* good!
Cheers guys
- Alisha