Merry Christmas, everyone. This just came to my mind. Lara Joelle Kent gave me such a nice present and I hope she'll accept this from me. It's not quite as special as hers, but I hope she'll like it, anyway.

The characters don't belong to me, I just use them to have a little fun

* * *

Their First Christmas

“Thank you,” Lois whispered and blushed as she met Superman’s gaze for the first time since he had brought her back to her apartment.

He released her from his arms and set her back down onto the floor. “You’re welcome,” he replied. “Is everything okay?” he asked concerned, certainly for the fifth time that evening.

Lois nodded and wasn’t sure if she should curse or praise her fate that had once again brought her into Superman’s arms. Admittedly, it wasn’t exactly how she imagined being in his arms. She knew him for just about half a year and he had already rescued her so often that she’d actually lost count.

“You saved my life - again.” Her blush deepened. “That’s about the most precious gift anyone ever gave me for Christmas.”

She kissed Superman on his cheek. Her lips lingered on his soft skin, barely touching him and yet almost enflamed by his warmth. She hadn’t meant it to last longer than a brief moment. But it felt too incredible to just place a peck and leave. Her need to be close to him was short of embarrassing. But she couldn’t bring herself to step back. The faint fragrance of aftershave she smelled was intoxicating, robbing her of any coherent thought. She would love to find out what his lips could do to her.

“Lois?” he muttered confused. She felt the gentle pressure of his hands against her shoulders, not exactly pushing her off, although that might have been his intention. “What are you doing?” he asked and seemed to be a bit out of breath.

“Huh?” Lois replied, still lost in the wonderful daydream the kiss had been. “I… that’s my present for you,” she said and looked down to her feet. All of the sudden she wasn’t so sure if it had been a good idea after all. “I mean, it’s Christmas, kissing people is some kind of tradition. Usually, there’s a mistletoe, but I guess it doesn’t matter if there isn’t, I mean…” She looked towards the ceiling as if she hoped to find said mistletoe hanging above them, graciously explaining her boldness. Who was she to kiss a superhero?

“Thanks,” he said softly, his thumb tracing the line of her cheek. “That’s about the nicest present I’ve ever gotten.”

“You’ve had Christmas presents before?” Lois the reporter asked before any voice of reason could stop her.

Lois cursed herself silently, an apology already on her lips. How stupid could a single woman be? There it was, the magical moment she had been dreaming of ever since she had first seen Superman. He had just told her that he had liked her kiss, had shared an intimate detail of his life with her, so to speak. And she destroyed everything by asking stupid questions. What if he left now?

Clark couldn’t belief he had actually said such a thing. One small kiss and he was already blowing his secret. Okay, so the kiss couldn't exactly be called small for its heat was still radiating through him like he had never experienced before. But did that explain why he was such an idiot to tell Lois about previous Christmas presents? After all Lois thought that he was living on Earth for about half a year. He bit his lips, unsure how to reply. Should he lie to her? He didn’t want to do that, after all he was already telling her more lies than suitable for someone representing freedom, justice and the American way. As a matter of fact he had never actually thought about such issues as this one. He had never even wondered what Superman would know about people’s traditions.

“I… uh…” he muttered and felt that this was one of the really critical situations. Actually, it seemed to him as if this was even worse than the first encounter of Lois and Superman. When Clark had seen her in the space shuttle his heart had missed a beat, afraid that she would recognize him. Gratefully, she hadn’t, but right now he was incurring a similar risk.

“Oh, right, Lex Luthor gave you something!” Lois unwittingly helped him out.

“Yeah, he donated some money for the Superman Fundraiser,” Clark answered, almost unhappily. He didn’t want to have bloody money, not even in order to help people. But since he didn’t have any evidence to send Luthor to jail, he could hardly explain why he would refuse so much money of the generous billionaire. If only he could do something about him. That would be a nice present for whole Metropolis.

“You shouldn’t be alone on Christmas,” Lois said suddenly.

She didn’t know why she just couldn’t keep her tongue in check. What was it about Superman that she felt so drawn towards him? His powers, her mind whispered. But Lois felt that there was more to him, than that.

He looked kind of lonely. She didn’t exactly like Christmas, but suddenly she couldn’t stand the thought that he would spend that day alone on a cloud, or wherever he lived.

Clark was about to say that he wasn’t going to be alone. But he quickly shut his mouth, knowing that things would only become more difficult. He had been on his way to Smallville when Lois had once again been in danger. But although a dinner with his parents was quite appealing, he suddenly wasn’t as eager to get to them as he had been before. Lois was right. Nobody should be alone on such a day.

“I shouldn’t?” he asked. “But you are alone, aren’t you?”

She nodded, suddenly realizing that she hadn’t wasted any thought on this evening. She couldn’t visit her parents, because her mother would be mortally offended if she went to see her father first - and vice versa. Lucy was in love with yet another boy and didn’t have time for her. Maybe she would need someone to cry her heart out when they broke up on New Year’s Eve or so. Clark was in Smallville and honestly, it wouldn’t be fair to destroy his evening with her absolute lack of Christmas spirit. A little surprised Lois realized that the prospect of watching an old film and eating a lot of chocolate ice cream actually made her sad.

“I… Would you… would you like to spend Christmas with me?” Lois whispered almost shyly. “I… I’m sorry, forget I asked,” she then continued, realizing that he might have better things to do, like attending charity events or anything like that. Or maybe he wasn’t alone and just wouldn’t tell her about the people in his life. She might have been the first person to see him, but that didn’t mean she had any claim on him. Besides, if anyone was supposed to show Superman what Christmas was, it surely wasn’t her. “I’m sure you’re busy,” she added to offer him an excuse.

“I’d like to spend Christmas with you,” he replied after a moment of hesitation. Superman was supposed to keep his distance to people and Lois in particular. But it was Christmas Eve and she didn’t deserve to be lonely just because of his ideas of the right way of being with her. This year he was giving her the fantasy. Next year, maybe he was granted the chance to show her the real man. “Maybe you’d like to show me what’s so special about this holiday,” he said and felt his heart rate increase as a beautiful smile lit up Lois’ face.

“I… uh… I don’t think I can,” she replied, blushing again.

“I think you’ll do just great,” he said. “Being with you already makes this evening special.”

It's never too dark to be cool. cool