Originally posted by Beth S.:
Michael, I think I'm probably the only one who's reading this story in gifc, but keep it up cause I'm still enjoying it!
Beth, don't worry, I will.
Originally posted by Tank:
I appreciate any gfic version of a fic.
I too am reading and enjoying this, even though I'm pretty bad at consistant feedback these days.
Keep it coming, there are still some of us non-nficers out there.
Tank (who doesn't begrudge those who like nfic but has never seen the reason for it)
And it looks like Tank is reading, too
So, thank you guys for the FDK. It's definitely good to know the story has some attraction left, blue-penned as it is.
Oh, and I don't want to start a gfic vs nfic discussion here, but since you mentioned it, Tank. There is at least one other reason besides the obvious one
Sexual tension and humor can be a lot of fun when they are written in explicit terms. And I can tell you, trying to replace those sequences with harmless ones that still work and convey the same feeling can be quite trying. But sharing the story is enough reason to do it, and since there are lots of people who only read gfic, well...