Thanks to all of you for your nice comments
Your Dr. Klein is a nice guy. I like how he keeps chatting and chatting, causing poor Clark a headache.
I'm glad you found that okay. I'm not happy with the way I wrote Dr Klein. I just hadn't succeeded to capture the character well. It could seem weird, but Klein's talk was actually the most difficult part to write for me. I even contemplated skipping it completely because I didn't manage to write it the way I wanted to. So I'm glad you're not throwing tomatoes at me on that
Glad to see that Clark is finally back, soon he must see Lois.
That is the only scene I absolutely can't skip. LOL, but maybe I can make you wait a lille more...
You know, I had never even thought about how alike the Princess Bride and HoL are. There's so many similarities.
Yeah. It took me years to notice. When I was writing that part, I started by inventing a fairy tale movie that looked like what happened to Clark, and at the time on the boards (I don't remember if this was the board here or another board), there was a discussion about why Princess Bride was Clark's favourites movie in a lot of different fanfics. And then, when I read the part a second time to see if everything was okay, it hit me. The fairy tale I had invented WAS Princess Bride. I just had to change the names... LOL
For the record, it is one of my favourite movies since when I was a child. I love Princess Bride, and I only can advice to those who never saw it to watch it next time it's airing