Lois turned to make her escape when she felt Dillinger’s hand on her arm, his grip painful. “Not so fast, doll. You’re coming with us.”

Lois looked around for Capone, hoping he would step in once again. But this time, he only smiled.**

“Oh, god,” Clark said. “I should have been there.”

“No, Clark. It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known I was going to be at that club or that Dillinger was going to take a fancy to me.”


* * * * * * * * *
Chapter Twenty-Four
* * * * * * * * *

Clark let out a breath. “Okay, so what happened then?”

Lois chewed on her lower lip for a moment, before continuing.

**Lois was forced through the door to a laboratory, Dillinger on her heels. Since Capone had wanted to dump the car, in case anyone had seen it, he didn’t come in, leaving her alone with Romeo.

“Okay, doll. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Lois took the invitation literally, kicking out at him. Her foot connected solidly against his chest and he stumbled back. Using the moment, she rushed for the door, grabbing onto the doorknob. However, she wasn’t fast enough. He grabbed her from behind, lifting her still struggling body off the floor. She kicked back at him and scratched at his arms, but to no avail.

He responded to her attempts to escape by ramming her face first into the door. Undoubtedly hurting his arm in the process, but completely stunning her. She could hardly believe it when she actually saw stars - just like in all those old cartoons.

“Okay, that’s enough, bearcat,” he breathed into her hair.

He turned around, tossing her onto the couch and was on top of her, tearing open her dress before she could regain her equilibrium. He was soon running his hand up her leg. He began to kiss her and she tasted blood as his teeth cut into her lip. It wasn’t until she felt her nylons rip that she was again cognizant enough to realize exactly what was happening. His hand slid higher and she once again began to struggle.

A sudden opening of the door startled her. Momentarily distracted, Dillinger turned. Taking advantage of the situation, she slipped out from under him, dashing desperately for the door. Dillinger swore, rising to his feet just as she slipped past Capone.

“Let her go. We’ve got more important things to discuss than some dame,” Capone said behind her.

Lois didn’t take the time to find out whether Capone’s orders had been followed. Instead, kicking off her high-heeled shoes, she kept running, hardly noticing the pain in her feet as she ran over stones and other rubbish on the side walk. Adrenalin and regular workouts kept her going until finally, dropping to her hands and knees on the pavement, she could go no longer.

At last, she looked back and let out a sigh of relief when she realized no one was following.**

“Oh, thank god,” Clark said softly. “When you started talking... I thought...” His voice trailed off.

“No, I wasn’t raped. But it was close. Anyway, it was then that I realized that I was alone in a bad part of town with no purse and no money. But there was a payphone nearby, so I limped over and called 9-1-1 - told them where Capone and his gang were hiding out. I guess Capone wasn’t too concerned about me getting away because he didn’t see women as much of a threat.”

Clark reached over, giving her back a rub.

“Anyway, after I’d placed the phone call... Well, I really didn’t feel like sticking around until the police showed up. I guess the adrenalin that had kept me going until then was starting to wear off. And I realized that my dress was pretty much a lost cause.”

“I remember,” Clark said, commencing his story.

**“Lane?” Clark asked, taking in her appearance. Her nose and lip were bleeding. A large bruise was beginning to make itself known on her forehead and a large scratch ran down one cheek. Other scratches and bruises covered her arms. And as she stood there, she was holding her dress, such as it was, closed. “Come in,” he said immediately stepping back to allow her to enter.

“I just... Your place was close and...” Her voice, normally so confident and in control, trembled and then broke completely.

“Hey, it’s okay,” Clark said, leaving her standing on the steps so that he could grab a blanket off his bed. A moment later, he had it wrapped around her.**

“It’s interesting, isn’t it,” Lois said, interrupting him. “How even in this screwed up version of reality, when I’m in trouble, I automatically turn to you. Even though I thought you were the enemy, I instinctively knew that if I came to you when I was in trouble, I’d be safe. It was as if, in some corner of my mind, you were my best friend.”

“I’m glad,” Clark said before continuing his story.

**“Why don’t you come in and have a seat? I’m going to get you something hot to drink.”

Lane nodded, looking relieved about not having to explain as she began to hobble down the stairs into his apartment.

It was only then that Clark noticed her feet. She wasn’t wearing shoes and the nylons on one foot had worn right through, leaving her foot bare. He instantly forgot about the hot drink, swinging her up into his arms to carry her to the couch.

His heart contracted when he heard her give a small sob before burying her face into his shirt.

“It’s okay,” he said automatically as he cradled her against him, although he found himself wondering if it really was. After all, there was one very logical explanation for her appearance. He could only hope he was wrong. Forcing himself not to panic, he set her gently down on the couch.

He was about to rise when, in a very small voice, she said, “Don’t go.”

Unable to resist her plea, he immediately sat down, pulling her back into his arms. She cried softly against him for a time. He responded by running his hands gently over her back and silently cursing whoever had done this to her.

It was a good time later before she began to calm. When she started to squirm in his arms, as if suddenly uncomfortable, he immediately released her.

“So how about I get you some hot chocolate?” he asked, rising to his feet. “It’s cold out there. And if you’ve been running around...” He gestured towards her, not wanting to actually mention her ripped dress. “I figure you could use something hot. Or maybe you’d prefer some brandy or something.” He didn’t actually have brandy in the house, but if she wanted it, he’d make a super fast trip to get her some.

“Hot chocolate sounds good,” she said without actually meeting her eyes.

He walked towards the kitchen. He just hoped that now that the breaking point had come and gone, she’d be willing to tell him what had happened. Because he had to know that she hadn’t been violated in the way suggested by her torn clothing. He simply... had to know. Because if someone had raped her...

The mug he was holding crumbled in his hands.

“Is everything okay?” Lane asked from her spot on the couch - obviously having heard the sound of breaking glass.

“Fine. I just broke a mug.” He quickly dumped the remainder of the mug in the garbage, forcing himself to calm down enough to complete his task without further incident. He would know the situation soon enough. And then he’d help her deal with whatever had happened the best way he knew how.

“Thanks,” she said when he finally returned with a mug of hot chocolate. She tasted it. “Mmm,” she moaned appreciatively. “A friend in need is a friend indeed, but a friend with chocolate is better.”

Clark smiled, crouching down in front of her.

She glanced at him over the rim of her mug. He was glad to see that some of the spark had returned to her eyes. “Sorry about...” She gestured to the wet spot on his t-shirt.

He glanced down to see what she was referring to before looking back at her. “Hey, any time a beautiful woman wants to cry on my chest, I’m not about to say no.”

He’d meant it lightly, but by the serious look of contemplation on her face, he knew she was evaluating him. He only hoped he measured up to whatever standard she was judging him against.

“So do you want to tell me what happened?” he asked, remembering to keep his tone light.

She opened her mouth as if to respond, but then closed it again. “I can’t.”

He swallowed. It really had happened, hadn’t it? That’s why she couldn’t talk about it. It was too painful to talk about - especially to a man.

“I’m sorry, but... I was working on a story and... Well, you are the competition and...”

Clark let out a breath. Her reasons for not telling him was not because of what had happened, it was because she was concerned that he’d steal her story. “Lane, forget the story. I don’t care about the story. It’s just... your dress... Just tell me that you weren’t...” His voice trailed off.

She looked at him for a moment, as if trying to fill in the remainder of his comment for herself. “Raped?” she finally asked.

He nodded, this time not quite able to look at her. She reached over, using her fingers to raise his chin.

“I wasn’t raped, Kent,” she said softly, as if understanding how important it was to him. “It was close, but no. I wasn’t raped.”

He closed his eyes and let out a breath of relief.

“Why do you care so much?” she finally asked, releasing his chin.

He struggled to find an answer. He loved her. He knew that in every fiber of his being. He’d known that single fact with absolute certainty when she’d been crying in his arms earlier. He would care about any woman getting raped, but her... He couldn’t stand the thought of this strong and vibrant woman being abused in such a fashion.

But how to answer? He knew any declaration of love would be rejected.

“Isn’t it enough to say that I care about you?” Clark answered.

She didn’t look exactly satisfied, but still she nodded.

Clark cleared his throat and rose to his feet. “So what do you say I get you something to wear and then we can see what we can do about those injuries?”

“I have to call in the story. Is there somewhere...” She glanced around.

He immediately understood. She was looking for someway to make the call without him overhearing. He smiled. He’d known she was competitive, but this... She’d almost been raped. And still, she was after the story. He could hardly believe how much he loved her.

“Of course. Why don’t I get you something to wear? Then you can take the phone into the bathroom to get dressed and make your call while you’re in there.” This plan would have the added benefit of giving him a chance to slip out and get some first aid supplies

He walked over and picked up his cordless phone, handing it to her.

“Thanks, Kent,” she said softly.

He nodded and left the room to collect a sweatshirt and his smallest pair of sweats.**

“That wouldn’t have happened to be a Smallville sweatshirt, would it?” Lois asked.

Clark thought about that for a moment before nodding.

“Damn!” Lois responded. “When you found that Smallville sweatshirt in my closet, for a moment I thought...”

“Me, too.”

“Damn!” Lois repeated. She closed her eyes and let out a long, slow sigh. Why couldn’t they get a break here? “Okay,” she finally continued. “Go on with your story.”

**Lane looked adorable when she exited the bathroom in the too-large clothes. She had rolled up the legs of the sweats and was in the process of rolling up the sleeves of the shirt as she stepped back into the living room.

He watched as she hobbled over to the couch, sighing slightly as she sank onto it. She glanced up at him from under her eyelashes before looking back down. She seemed uncomfortable. Probably a little embarrassed for showing any sort of weakness in front of him.

Not that he thought less of her. No. In fact, he wasn’t sure he’d ever admired her more. Attacked. Assaulted. Wounded. And still managing to escape and then calling in her story. Did she have any idea just how remarkable she was?

Still, it might be best if he just pretended he didn’t realize her embarrassment and just got on with what needed to be done.

“How did you make out with your injuries?” he asked, carrying over some supplies. “Did you get them clean?” He’d heard the water running when she was in the bathroom.

“I think I got them cleaned out. But...” She shrugged.

“Here,” he said, moving to his knees in front of her. “I’ve got an antiseptic.” He gestured to her feet. “May I?”**

“I remember this,” Lois said, taking up the story from where he had left off.

**She couldn’t take her eyes off him as he gently picked up one foot after the other, gently applying the antiseptic cream. Whether it was the cream, or the sensuous picture he was presenting kneeling before her or even the way his hands felt on her feet... but she could hardly believe the heat beginning to rise in her as he gently tended to her injuries. She caught her bottom lip between her teeth.

From her feet, he moved on to her hands and arms. He said nothing. Nor did she. Choosing instead simply to watch him covertly through slitted eyes.

As he continued to tend to her wounds, she found herself marveling at the feelings he was creating in her. The touch of his hands was gentle and yet strong in way she couldn’t quite explain. She couldn’t believe how much she wanted him. Oh, she knew she shouldn’t, of course. But there was a part of her that seemed drawn to him - had always been drawn to him.

Without making a conscious decision to do so, she suddenly found herself fantasizing about his touching her for quite a different purpose. His hands wandering up her legs. His hands moving up her arms and pulling her close. His lips seeking places to explore. Slowly, gently, with ever increasing passion...

She pulled in a shaky breath.

“I’m sorry,” Kent said. “Did I hurt you?”

She gave her head a shake.

His eyes searched hers, as if sensing the sudden change in her mood.

“Lane,” he said softly.

The intensity in his voice, snapped her out of her revelry. “Uhh..” She pulled her arm out of where he was holding it. “I think I should probably get going,” she said. “Thanks, but... I think I’m okay now. So... if I could just call a cab...”

He looked disappointed for a moment. And Lois felt an unexpected urge to retract her previous comments, to stay with him like he seemed to desire. But she fought off the impulse. It would be the wrong choice after all - for both of them.**

“Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Idiot!” Lois exclaimed. “How could I have left, Clark?”

He reached over, taking her hand and gently massaged it. “I’m just glad you got through that story in one piece.”

She gave him a soft smile. “Not half as glad as I am. Anyway, since I seem determined to be an idiot, I suppose we should see what happened next?”

Both Lois and Clark fell silent as they returned to their computers.

“Hey,” Clark said a short time later. “I got the Atomic Space Rat story.”

“You did?” Lois asked, continuing her search for the same story. She didn’t have it. “So how did you get that story?”

“Superior reporting skills?” Clark suggested, laughing when his wife reached over to give him a swat.

“Okay, okay,” she admitted. “So, flyboy. Did you get the next story, too?”

They both immediately went back to searching their computers, as if by finding a story first, they would have won the latest contest.

“Hey, take a look at this,” Lois said a minute later.

Clark rose from his seat, coming to look at what she had found. His eyebrows rose when he saw the headline.

‘Supermen in Metropolis?’

“What?” Clark asked, reaching over Lois’ shoulder to steal her mouse so that he could skim the article. “Oh,” he said a second later.

“Oh? What does ‘oh’ mean?”

“It’s just... I think this is the story about Johnny Corbin. Not that it says his name in this first part. It just talks about some very advanced robot that broke down when trying to rob a jewelry store.”

“Oh,” Lois said, repeating Clark’s first statement. Suddenly, she tilted her head to the side. “I seem to remember something about that story.

“So do I,” Clark said.

Still, Lois was the one who got there first.

**“Have you heard the news?” Claude asked, coming over to sit on the corner of her desk.

“What news?” Lois asked even as she pulled the file she’d been working on out from under him. She absolutely hated it when he sat on her desk. Not that he ever seemed to get the message.

“It’s about your nemesis. It’s all over the newsroom.”

“Would you mind getting to the point, Claude?” Lois asked in disgust. “I’ve got work to do here.” She gestured to her cluttered desk.

“Well, it seems Kent has been kidnapped. With any luck, he’ll get himself killed and we’ll never have to worry about him again.”

Lois froze. Kidnapped. Killed. Dread trickled in. No. That wasn’t possible. Surely Claude had the story wrong.

“Kent? You mean Clark Kent?”

“Do you know any other Kents? Of course Clark Kent - reporter for The Star. Blew your cover a couple of times. Almost got Perry fired. You know, that Clark Kent.”

Lois simply stared at him, her mind working overtime. “Do you have any other information?”

“Well, word is it has something to do with some story he was working on. Why?”

Lois shrugged, trying to look casual. “Just curious.”

“Well, anyway,” Claude said, rising to his feet. “Just thought you might find it amusing.”

Amusing? She stared at his retreating back in horror. How could he think she would find the kidnapping and possible death of anyone amusing? But he already was walking away, unaware of the bomb he had just dropped on her.

A story Kent was working on. She’d seen him nosing around after the unusual robbery of an ATM machine earlier. The guy had simply reached through the steel to grab the cash. She’d seen the photo the ATM took of the perpetrator. It was a photo of Johnny Corbin - her sister’s latest boyfriend.”**

“Yeah, I remember that,” Clark said. “Linda was off at a seminar, so I was working solo that week. I’d managed to discover that there were only two places in Metropolis that had dealings with robotics. Lex Corp and Star Labs.

“Anyway, the police report said that the robot was powered by uranium capsules so I figured that if I could track down the capsules, I might find out who was behind the ‘superpowered’ thief. What I didn’t count on was that the culprits would run out of money for uranium capsules and would seek an alternate energy source. Anyway, I managed to track the records for Lexcorp on the computer...”

“Using a little superspeed to break the password, if I recall correctly.”

Clark smiled. “That led me to an Emmet Vale. Unlike you, I didn’t recognize the picture of Johnny Corbin. But the police managed to identify him quickly enough. I started asking around and... well, I guess I got too close because Corbin kidnapped me off the street. I knew immediately that they were using S-126 for something because I recognized the feeling from my encounter with it at Star Labs. I fought to get away from them, but...” He shrugged.

“I remember,” Lois said before launching back into the story.

**Johnny Corbin was the key. If Kent’s kidnapping was related to a story he was working on, ten to one odds were that it was connected to Johnny Corbin. And that meant finding Lucy. If anyone would know how she could find Corbin, it was Lois’ sister.

Lois grabbed her jacket and bounded up the steps to the elevator.

Ten minutes later, Lois entered the restaurant where her sister was working. Even if Lucy was mad at her for showing her Corbin’s rap sheet, Lois was determined to get her sister to talk. Kent’s life was at stake. And there was no way she was going to let him die.

She noted in the back of her mind that her sister looked shaken, but didn’t pause to worry about it. Right now the important thing was to find Kent. She stormed over to her sister, grabbing her arm and leading her into the back.

“Where’s Corbin?” she demanded.

“I don’t know.”

“Come on, Lucy. I don’t have time for games. Corbin kidnapped Kent. Where did he take him?”

“Johnny kidnapped someone?” Lucy gasped.

“Yes. Now... tell me where Corbin took Kent?”

Her sister suddenly looked a little lost so Lois moved in for the kill.

“You know, your boyfriend is not just a criminal,” she said.

“I know,” Lucy said, causing Lois to hesitate. Had Lucy just agreed with her?

“He’s not real,” Lucy continued, looking close to tears. “I know.” Lucy covered her face with her hands. “I know.”

Lois’ heart instantly softened. She pulled her sister into a hug. “Lucy, I’m sorry.”

“I am, too,” Lucy admitted. “You were right, Lois. I can’t believe my intuition about men could be so far off.”

“Yeah, well, it’s sort of a family trait,” Lois admitted.

“At least Lex Luthor was human. Johnny... I saw his chest. It was a piece of metal. It was hideous. They even branded him with a symbol.”

“What kind of symbol?”

“He called it a Mobius strip.”

“Doesn’t that look like the symbol for infinity?”

“Yeah. Why?”

But Lois was no longer listening. She rushed for a phone, placing a call to the Planet. A minute later, she was getting the address for Infinity Laboratories from Jimmy.

“Lucy,” she said, turning back to her sister. “I need your help. I can’t ask anyone else. They’d ask too many questions about Kent and... Look, I just need your help.”

“What do you need?” Lucy asked.

“Come on. I’ll tell you on the way,” Lois said, grabbing Lucy’s arm and pulling her towards the door.

“By the way, sis,” Lucy said when they stepped outside. “Who’s Kent?”

“A guy who works for The Star.”

Lucy’s eyebrows rose. “You want me to help you rescue some guy who works at The Star? I thought Perry gave you specific instructions about not having any dealings with Star employees. I can understand why you’d be concerned, but... Why aren’t we just calling the police? Is this personal?”

Lois felt rattled. “No! Of course not. But...”

“You’re involved with someone from The Star, aren’t you?” Lucy asked incredulously. “What happened to my ‘career before anything’ sister?”

“It’s not like that,” Lois responded, wondering how her sister would react if she knew exactly who Kent was. But obviously, and thankfully, her sister hadn’t recognized the name. Otherwise, she’d have even more questions about Lois’ need to help Kent than she currently did.

“No? Then why are you blushing?”**

* * * * * * * * *

**Lois snuck around to the back of the laboratory, looking in windows. Her heart almost came to a stop when she saw Kent, bound and gaged, lying on the floor inside one of the rooms. It looked as if he’d put up quite a fight. He was bruised and bloody and... he wasn’t moving.

But he wasn’t dead. He couldn’t be. She couldn’t be too late. She just couldn’t.**

“I guess not needing me for a hostage meant that they weren’t exactly concerned about keeping me alive,” Clark said.

Lois nodded before continuing her story.

**Lois ducked out of sight when she saw Johnny Corbin and friends. Pushing slightly on the window, she was relieved when it cracked open.

“Let me just check the S-126,” one of the men was saying. “Perfect.”

Lois peeked over the windowsill in time to see one of the men unbutton Corbin’s shirt and open a panel in his metal chest to take a look at the green, glowing crystal inside. It appeared someone was using S-126 as a power source, after all. She pushed that thought to the back of her mind. Right now, she had to rescue Kent - assuming she was not already too late.

“So am I ready to rock and roll, Doc?” Corbin asked as he did up his shirt.

“The only thing going to rock and roll around here is the patrons of the Tenth Street Jewelers when you pull your next heist. And with Kent here no longer nosing into our business, there’ll be no one to stop you.”

Corbin chuckled.

Lois tensed when she heard honking outside the laboratory. This had to work. It just had to. The alternative was too horrible to contemplate.

“Who’s that?” the doctor asked.

Corbin immediately went to the door, pulling it open to look outside. The two men with him followed.

“Lucy?” Corbin asked. “What are you doing here?”

Lois didn’t wait to hear more. She pushed the window fully open and hoisted herself over the window frame. She only had a limited amount of time and she was determined to make it count.

Rushing over to Kent, she dropped to her knees beside him, immediately tearing the tape from his mouth. His groan of pain was the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard. He was alive.

“Kent,” she said. All she got was an incoherent mumble in reply. “Kent!” she said again, this time a bit louder, even as she looked towards the open door. When that didn’t get the desired result, she tried a different approach. Grabbing his face, she kissed him.

Kent opened his eyes as far as he was able - both eyes were swollen partially shut - and stared at her. “You... you...”

She leaned close, worried that he was going to tell her that he was too hurt to move.

He cleared his dry throat and tried again. “You... kissed me?”

She rolled her eyes, before looking around. A large pair of scissors were sitting on a nearby table. Grabbing the scissors she cut his restraints. “Can you move?” she asked. “Cause we gotta get out of here - fast.”

Full understanding of what was happening suddenly seemed to come into his eyes. He nodded and began to move. She had to help him, but together they finally made it to the window. When he had trouble getting through, she simply pushed him out, cringing at his grunt of pain when he landed on the concrete below. Still, without pausing, she jumped out the window after him, closing it behind her.

It was only then that she heard the cry of, “He’s gone. Your girlfriend was a distraction.”

“No, Johnny!” Lois heard.

Lucy! No!

Lois rushed to the corner in time to see Lucy picking herself up from where she’d been tossed against Lois’ jeep. It seemed Corbin had already gone back inside to look for Kent. She saw her sister hesitate for a moment before jumping back into the jeep. Lois breathed a sigh of relief. If she’d gotten her sister killed, Lois wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to forgive herself.

Rushing back to Kent, she pulled him back to his feet. Corbin had just opened the window when Lucy screeched to a halt next to them.

“Let’s go!” Lucy yelled.

Lois glanced back once to see Corbin looking out the window and then, both of them working together, she got Kent in the back of the jeep and her sister hit the gas, leaving Corbin behind.

“Oh, god, what have they done to you?” Lois asked when she finally got him lying across the back seat, his head in her lap.

“Where to?” Lucy asked.

“Hospital,” Lois said.

“No!” Kent gasped. “No hospital. Can’t go to the hospital. Just... take me home.”

“Home? Clark, you’re hurt. You’ve got to go to the hospital.”

“No! I just...” He started struggling, trying to sit up - as if he were physically trying to stop them from going to the hospital. “You don’t understand. I can’t go to the hospital.”

Lois let out a breath, attempting to keep him in place, even while desperately trying not to hurt him further. Why was he so afraid to go the hospital? On the other hand, maybe he couldn’t afford it. “Surely The Star has medical. If not, I can...”

“No hospital!” He managed to get his hand on the doorhandle and was attempting to open it.

Damn. She grabbed at his hand. “Okay. Okay. No hospital.” He practically collapsed back into her arms, proving how much trying to prevent them from going to the hospital had taken out of him. “377 Clinton Street,” Lois said to her sister as her hand began gently stroking the sweat and blood soaked hair off his face. Momentarily closing her eyes, she placed a tender kiss on his forehead. She just hoped she was making the right decision.

She caught Lucy’s expression of puzzlement in the rearview mirror, but she ignored it as she continued gently to run her hand through Kent’s hair. He closed his eyes, relaxing under her touch.**

* * * * * * * * *

**“Do you want to tell me what’s going on here?” Lucy asked once she and Lois had managed to get Kent onto the bed in his apartment.

“Shh,” Lois responded, grabbing her sister’s arm and pulling her outside.

Lucy looked at her sister, eyebrows raised, awaiting an explanation.

“Look, you can’t tell anyone about this,” Lois said.

“About what? What exactly is going on between you and Kent? Are you really willing to risk losing your job over this guy?”

Lois let out a breath. “I don’t know what’s going on between us, Lucy. I really don’t. But there’s just something about him...” Her voice trailed off, looking back towards the door of his apartment.

“Go on,” Lucy said, seeming to understand what Lois herself did not. “Get back to him. Make sure he’s okay. But I’m going to expect a full report later.”

“Thanks, Lucy,” she said, before turning back to the door to Kent’s apartment.

Dismissing Lucy from her mind, Lois immediately returned to Kent’s bedroom. He was partially lying on his bed, his feet still on the floor, his breathing labored. He was even still fully dressed, shoes and all. Maybe she shouldn’t have listened to him about not going to the hospital. But she knew how he felt. She hated hospitals with a passion. Still, if he had internal bleeding...

Well, she’d just have to stay until she was certain he was going to be okay. Moving from her position by the door, she walked towards his bed. As she did, she spotted the picture of her from the newspaper lying on his night stand. She pushed aside the implications of finding that photo there and took a seat on the side of his bed. He cracked open his eyes.


She was in such a good mood she let all the pedestrians in the crosswalk get to safety before taking off again.
- CC Aiken, The Late Great Lois Lane