Hey guys
Thanks so much for the FDK.
cp It's so great to see you FDK-ing on both sides. And you're right, talking is good. Do you remember the day and a half they didn't talk during 'Stop the Presses'? Anyway, can't promise how long they will keep talking. Or rather, keep talking in a gfic-presentable version
Bob, in the danger of sounding repetitive, thanks for FDK-ing here, too
I'm totally happy I managed to round out her character for you.
She is someone that is a bit more reactionary and a bit less self-assured than my typical image of Lois.
Yep, that's my Lois
Although, I never really thought of her as bipolar, but rather just cracking up under the stress of the revelation followed by sex followed by all the bad memories of the past. But that's alright
So, I guess what I am saying is that I believe you have created a believable, if somewhat more angsty, vision of Lois. Nicely done.
Wow, thanks.