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FDK here please  . Posting Schedule [ET]: Chapters 16 and 17: Sunday probably before 6-7pm [not sure what the day is going to hold but I should have some time late afternoon - will try to at least post a quick note if it'll be later than that] Chapters 18 and 19: Tuesday, 5-6pm Chapters 20 and 21: Thursday, 5-6pm Thanks. Carol
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Ok, I am somewhat glad you have a busy day, that way I could at least read this earlier than expected! Great stuff! I love the interaction between Lois and Clark and how comfortable they are with each other. Poor Clark, he just doesn't understand... Even though Lois was evil when Lana called, I found it pretty funny. Is a growling stomach an early sign of pregnancy? I don't want Lois to be pregnant. It just wouldn't be fair! Looking forward to the next parts. I will be visiting my parents this week and should be able to sneak away to read but I can't sign in to the mbs there so unfortunately I won't be able to post feedback. Be back next weekend, Natascha
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ok - if lois is pregnant, I'm gonna scream. you wouldn't do hat, would you? i mean, she could be constantly hungry from a lot of things, right? right? please? oh - and loving the whole story too!
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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She's pregnant. Gak! 
-- Jeff
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Nobel Peace Prize Winner
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Wow, this is so intense!
And it is almost supernatural, too. Lois and Clark sleep together, and wake up remembering dreams of kissing each other. Clark wakes up, thinking he is on his honeymoon with Lois. Lois wakes up, thinking she has had a baby with Clark, but someone has kidnapped her baby. Their baby.
What's going on? Are Lois and Clark having dreams that foretell the future? Or did they just click so magnificently when Lois saved Clark's life and they slept together naked afterwards that their subconscious minds started racing almost out of control, picturing their shared lives together?
Lois is pregnant. Yes, I really think so. Unlike a lot of people here, I love that, as long as it is Clark's child she is carrying.
But Lois and Clark are fighting their mutual attraction for each other. I really hated when Lois started thinking that perhaps she should sleep with Joe. No, Lois! Don't, I mean don't do that!!!!
Wow! What a situation! What will happen when Lois realizes she is pregnant? I can hardly wait!!!!
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Huh. Interesting. I'm not thinking pregnancy, because it would have only been a few days. No way that it would have shown up that quickly! But the starving part *is* odd...
"You need me. You wouldn't be much of a hero without a villain. And you do love being the hero, don't you. The cheering children, the swooning women, you love it so much, it's made you my most reliable accomplice." -- Lex Luthor to Superman, Question Authority, Justice League Unlimited
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Was I secretly hoping that he and Lana would break up and he'd suddenly realize I was the love of his life? /raises hand Pick me! Pick me! Well, we were grown-ups. We'd slept together twice already since we got here and nothing had happened. /raises hand and waves frantically If I didn't know she couldn't move as fast as I could, I would have sworn she could have. Something tells me this isn't your run of the mill pregnancy... if there is a pregnancy (still speculation, of course). I don't know what the extent of the symptoms will be, but right now I'm pleased with this turn of events. Once/if Clark starts realizing what those symptoms happen to be, the daddy question shouldn't be too long unanswered. But, I must say, that maybe/baby is definitely a hungry little thing. I'll go back to waiting now... Thanks for sharing Carol! ~Sonia
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Carol, I so loved that posting time of yours. Right after finishing Triangle, I went back to the board and Surprise!!! Okay, you're doing the Kryptonian-Baby-Eats-Mommy-Out-Of-Her-Mind thing, aren't you? Just, how can things happen this fast? After all, little Claris only just formed and is probably only now beginning to nest. And the dreamnapper. Was it...? Um, you know, the guy who always shows up when somebody writes a plotline such as what you have planned for the sequel.  Michael
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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I could see the signs of pregnacy easily in this chapter. She always hungry. And Clark notices that's unusal for her.
I really, really, really, hope that it's not Clark's, though. Not that I want Lois to have been raped or anything. But I don't want Clark to have cheated on Lana like that, even if they were half alseep and you could make the arguement that he thought she was Lana. Cheating, when he's in a serious relationship, goes against Clark's character for me, especially when he's obviously in love with Lana. They need to break up before he does anything with Lois. (which, for the record, I want, when the time is right.)
It's interesting that Clark is already noticing some of the holes in his relationship with Lana, though. Yet, again, I expected Lana to be more upset about the sleeping arangement than she was. But then, she hadn't heard the whole story, yet, so who knows what she'll think then.
Cute teasing between Lois and Clark. Keep it coming.
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I see the signs.
Appetite discrepancies.
It's tapeworm, isn't it, Carol?
JD (I'm totally kidding, guys, and yes, I know the tapeworm-hunger thing is just a myth. Anyway, 2 great parts and looking forward to more!)
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Okay, I'm completely addicted. I can't wait to see what direction this is going. I love this Lois - the nickname thing is great, and her endless heckling of Lana is vintage Lois.
I've been thinking about possible match ups for Sam, but I don't know how any of these would fit in with your timeline (did world events of the show happen in their proper time or has everything been shifted a decade later?):
Samuel Platt's widow (did we ever get her name?) Jimmy's mom an older Star
Can't wait until Sunday! Amber
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Top Banana
Top Banana
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Great parts!!! Still don't know what's happening on the dream front, but my first thought when I read about the nightmare was... isn't that a scene from Learning to Love?... alt universe? I know, I know.. off base...  Superb! So Lois and Clark have started introspecting their feelings for each other.. cool Sam's girlfriend... how about Dr. Friskin (if you want someone nice... Lois might not like her.. she keeps analysing her or something)... or someone bad... Mindy Church / Gretchen Kelly / Arianna Carlin / Barbara Trevino... just a suggestion 
If she had to move heaven and Earth, perhaps come back to haunt Perry and explain the story after they'd killed her, she would do it.
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Regardless of whose child it is, everyone except Clark and Lois, will believe it is Clark's. It will completely destroy the Clana ship. The earlier concern about Sam's evil girlfriend can now be dealt with by having her be the force driving Sam to be there for his daughter. It would be wonderful to have Clark overhear a fight between Sam and the girlfriend where she explains to him that NO MATTER WHAT LOIS IS YOUR DAUGHTER and this child, regardless of who the father is and how Lois became pregnant, WILL BE YOUR GRANDCHILD. A scene where the girlfriend tells Lois that it may take a little time but Sam is her father and he loves her and he will love his grandchild, it may just take him sometime to get used to the idea. Assuring her that by the time the baby is born Sam will be right there passing out it\'s a boy or it\'s a girl candy
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Hmm. Like some others, I doubt that this overriding hunger of Lois' is a symptom of pregnancy. If this is a week or less after the toga party, then it's more probably her body's reaction to the hypothermia and the huge expenditure of energy she made when carrying Clark through the snow. Let her eat! Besides, sharing meals is an excellent way to build interpersonal bonds. She and Clark will get that much closer every time he prepares her pancakes just the way she likes them.
That's not to say she isn't pregnant, you understand, just that it's too soon for any obvious symptoms.
The dreams? I dunno. Are they picking up vibes from some other dimension's Lois and Clark? And what's this about someone trying to take Lois' baby? That does not bode well to me. Wonder if Lana will be involved in that?
Speaking of Lana, that (relation)ship may not have sunk yet, but it's definitely taking on water fast and listing heavily to the stern. Lana will not take the news about the birthday suit sleepover well, nor the news about her boyfriend being alone with Lois (surely Lana has a name for her, maybe something like Pit Bull?) for several days. Joe won't like it either, but I don't see him getting all up in Clark's grill about "sleeping with my girlfriend! You cad!" He can just comfort Lana.
This tale is even more entertaining than I thought it would be. Let's have more! And soon!
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Just tossing in a random 1am theory since reading Terry's post. Remember Virtually Destroyed when she wiped out all the food due to nervousness? She could just be nervous about Clark...
"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
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Hmmm. Reading the other comments here, I begin to doubt my hasty conclusion that Lois is so hungry because of her pregnancy. If she is pregnant at all, it's hardly been a week, and it would be almost unheard of for a pregnant woman's body to have symptoms kicking in that early. Unless this has something to do with what happens when Clark's Kryptonian genes meet Lois's human ones? Assuming Lois is pregnant at all, of course.
Can't resist telling a little story I heard in my youth:
Pretty young woman: "Please, Sir, would you mind letting me have your seat? I'm pregnant."
Polite elderly gentleman: "Of course, do sit here, please! But... excuse me... you don't look very pregnant, if I may say so."
Pretty young woman: "Well, it was only an hour ago!"
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Hey everyone! Thank you all so much! I'm not going to say anything about a potential pregnancy because well... I can't divulge that information one way or another  . Natascha - gotta love Lois with the claws out! Have fun with your folks! Sarah - yes from lots of things. Jeff - LOL! Short, sweet and to the point! Love it! Ann - Lois and Joe? Hmmm... will they sleep together? Interesting question... /skips rest Karen - /waves! Hi! Sonia - LOL!!! /looks around room Sonia - do you have an answer for us? Michael - so glad I could help! I knew you'd be pleasantly surprised when I posted early. Tis a good thing I did, too, because I really didn't have much time later. I don't think *that's* why you're a deviant...  Which guy? I don't think anyone can guess who the main bad guy coming here in a few chapters. Sara - Good points. Holes in their relationship - very much so  . What'll happen with them? Ah... RAFO. JD - you caught me. Tapeworm it is! Amber - good suggestions! It really is 200? [yeah, still haven't figured the bloody year out yet]. But no 9/11 in this world I don't think. And I'm playing fast and loose with technology and release dates and stuff. Jimmy's mom doesn't work and Sam Platt's widow is on the space station... Star is an interesting suggestion though... AnKS - LOL!!!! No, not a dream from LtL but wouldn't that be interesting  . Dr. Friskin! I hadn't thought of her. I know all about the girlfriend he has now, but that doesn't mean they're going to stay together long, long term. Lois *could* be completely misreading her, etc. Framework - will ignore the Clana/Clois/whatever stuff because... well... see above =D. Interesting idea about Sam and Lois and the girlfriend - if she is indeed pregnant. That would bring her back together with the girlfriend. Terry - Hmmm... *if* she is pregnant - would Lana stoop to kidnapping the baby? If they think Clark is the dad? If they don't, she wouldn't care. /has sudden vision of Lana in 'Titanic' Am so glad you're enjoying this! JD - LOL! Or they could be in a virtual world and she can eat all she wants and never get full... Ann - LOL! Love it! *IF* she's pregnant, that could be one explanation. Or it could just be the hypothermia recovery... Thanks again! 'See' you tomorrow! Carol
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Hey!!! I love Amber's suggestion that Star may be the woman for Sam. Although, if she is, then Lois absolutely and certainly would have no good reason to hate her. Me, I loved Star! Ann
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Sorry for the delay in fdk.. busy weekend (plus another typhoon) *sigh*
I am loving this story Carol... I have fallen for the mythos you are weaving here 100 %. I am enjoying seeing Lois and Clark so relaxed with one another..
I also love how Lois pulls our her claws when it comes to Lana.. ME-OW... If that isn't showing Lois's true feelings (even if she won't admit to them) I don't know what is.
As for Lois eating so much... that isn't any symptom I've heard of with early pregnancy... so I wonder if there is something else at play???
Things that make you go *HMMMM*
Can't wait for more!!
"He's my best friend, best of all best friends Do you have a best friend too It tickles in my tummy He's so Yummy Yummy Hey you should get a best friend too" - Toy Box
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Ooohh, wait. *jumps up and down* The Joker, right  Just kidding, but I can't help but wonder if there is going to be a certain amount of irony in there Michael