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FDK goes here smile .

Posting schedule:
Tuesday: 144, 10-noon ET
Wednesday: 145, 10-noon ET


Chapter 144

Before I realized what had happened, I was stretched out on the bed with him stretched out next to me, taking his shirt off. Or I was taking it off of him. Or some combination of the two. My shirt had already been lost somewhere in the process. He kissed me again, rolling on top of me, his weight pressing me into the mattress before he moved back.

Thanks smile .

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beep beep beep........beep........ beep...............beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep_________________________________ dance party jawdrop
I was in tears reading both parts. I floating away. Thanks Carol for two wonderful parts.

I will and always be a big fan of Lois and Clark forever and forever.
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Hack from Nowheresville
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I'm glad Clark had his lightbulb moment, and I'm glad Lois is being a hard sell, but I think I would like more from Clark's introspection. I'm sure that I feel this way because I'm angry with him for the previous 130 chapters, so I want him to feel this separation in every fiber of his body... and by separation, I mean the emotional one, not necessarily the physical one.

I love the way you've shown him so tactile. He keeps holding her hand and wanting to kiss her. This is what he withheld from her while he was ignoring his feelings. And while I want him to suffer and work for this, I love that Lois is letting him. She loves him, has loved him for a while, and I don't want her to deny herself of what she wants/needs/deserves.

What I would love to see fleshed out in Clark's thoughts is what he loves about her. There was some of that in these last two chapters. The 'can't live without you' theme is well served, and I think the 'what I love' would complement nicely- even if it's not aloud. I like to see Clark realize/repeat some of the things that Lois has done for him (gave him his connection to the planet, supports him in his moody periods, holds him, says the right things, covers for him, encourages him) so that the reasons he can't live without her are deep, clear, and impactful. In a way, even though he's been physically there, he *has already* been living without her, because of the emotional distance he's been keeping.

I think Lois would be swayed more if she knew the cost he feels he's paid for ignoring his feelings for so long. Lois wouldn't be able to take his suffering, and I think if Clark thinks about it, he has been suffering (even though much of it was self-inflicted). I like that he's free to feel now--and free to show his feelings.

I thought that the reconnection scene between Lois and the boys was nice. Nate is too young to express his feelings, but his desire to nurse, even though he's been weaning himself, is his way of expressing a desire to be close to mommy again. That was subtle yet poignant.

Speaking of weaning--one chapter a day til the end!! I'm already feeling the withdrawal symptoms. Have any suggestions for treatment?

Thanks for the ride, lady!

October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
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Um, Lolo? About the birth control pills. You have been in the hospital last night and haven't taken your pill today. You do realize that. Right? /me points to at least one other fic that has Lois pregnant after spending some time at the hospital.../

Originally posted by carolm:
I will say this, Lois is not back in their room by the end of the fic. Sorry - no speedy Clark moving her stuff back frown .
Something I started to realize when they got ready for the cabin or so... The cabin could easily take another two parts, meaning they are on their way back or something at the end of this fic. Meaning he hasn't yet had a chance to physically move her stuff back. Meaning the smiley is all wrong too. You really are bad, you know?

Those two parts were so sweet and lazy and yet, they almost get lost in all the anxiety. This is so uncool. /contemplates throwing a fit like Chris did once/ But the way Clark is suddenly all touchy feely is sooo nice laugh And Lois contemplating semi-sexy and completely sexy for her two sets of clothing. clap

And the preview is interesting too. mecry

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While, my guess is that the preview represents something that happened without them thinking about it. Their relying on hormones. Not that that is necessarily a bad thing, but it isn't enough to base a marriage off of.

So when Lois realizes that they were relying on hormones, she's going to push him away again. After all, hormones doesn't PROVE TO HER THAT HE LOVES HER.
Furthermore, it is a bit quick for her to let him back into her bed. Like I said before, there is probably a part of Lois that wonders if Clark wants to stay with her for "fringe benefits." Since she seems to be getting carried away and giving him "fringe benefits" already, she's going to regret it.

I think that Lois withdrawing from him after this will be plenty of "seperation" that will HURT Clark. Like Sonia said.

I'm also interested in reasons why Clark loves Lois, not just that he can't live without her. And reasons why Lois loves Clark. They both give each other support when they need it, and that's all well and good.
But that's "I love you because you love me." And as I have repeatedly said in this story's FDK, and even mentioned in "Learning to Love", that's NOT ENOUGH TO LOVE SOMEONE.
It can be a part of the reason, as loving Christopher and Nate can be a part of the reason.
But neither of those can be the only reasons.

Clark seeems to love Lois for being sassy. He wants to hear her nicknames again. That's a good reason.
What else? It would be nice for Clark to think about these things and explain them to Lois.

What QUALITIES does Lois love about Clark? His good newspaper reporting? That would be a reason. What else?

I was also thinking about something these two could really "bond" over. I had thought many chapters ago, that losing a brother they never knew would be a good one. But that was mentioned when they weren't talking, and it seems Clark has found his brother since then anyway.

But they DID both lose family. Lois lost Ellen and Lucy when she was young.
Clark lost Jor-el and Lara as well as Chris. They have talked about this some, but they haven't really talked about how they could EMPATHIZE with each other's feelings. And I think there is a lot of potential with that.
Like I said, when I see a couple falling in love I want to see something that says "I understand you." I want to see a real emotional bond.

Canon Lois and Clark bonded in part because they worked so closely together in their cases, but more because they both hid who they really were. Lois was a lot softer than she appeared to be, particularly at the beginning. And Clark was always hiding between Clark Kent and Superman.

I have a lot of other examples of this, but there from stuff others may not recongize so I'll be quiet now.

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Okay, I've been out googleshopping in preparation for the big day.
[Linked Image]
And there is a whole truckload still in front of the house.

I hope you do realize that whether or not you wean us off slowly, there will be rioting in the streets... You can just as well give it all to us now. Pretty please? /holds out cherry/

Michael, who is not sure the remaining 20 hours till 144 won't include a severe case of shivering.

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I'm torn because while I think Clark deserves to suffer A LOT more for being such a stupid jerk for over 100 chapters, razz I'm tired of so much angst and I want Lois finally to be happy. devil

Andreia laugh

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Man, haters in the thread. goofy

No, I don't want to see Clark suffer. Yes, he's put Lois through a lot of **** in this story, but let's get off the vengeance and retaliation train, people. They both started off in a marriage they didn't want to be in, and even though Lois handled it better than he did (LOL who have would believe that?), that doesn't mean we take out our pitchforks and roast the sulky husband over an open flame. And I know, I've been giving him **** the entire story, but at the end of the day, I'm obligated under church doctrine to forgive. wink

Totally on board with you about the end of the story, Carol. It's dead-on that they won't be back in the same room quite yet. They just need quality time to really get to know each other again, and I think Clark's right-on--he can prove he loves her by just not leaving. Always being her biggest supporter.

Great parts,

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I don't want vengeance and retaliation, but I think Lois needs some time to get over the hurt and rejection she's felt for several years. Actually, I don't want them to make love until she truly feels loved and accepted because the experience isn't going to be what it should be until then. However, I wouldn't mind some nights of spooning. In fact, if Clark can live with her without sex while continuing to show her how much he wants her and loves her, I think she would be more apt to believe him. Besides, that allows for a lot more sexual tension. evil

Sheila Harper
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Great chapters! smile

I don't feel the need to punish Clark, now that he has learned his lesson. I sure don't mind if he and Lois make love now in the cabin, but I'll defer to your judgement, Carol. I just hope you won't make us wait until mid-March for that! wink


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Glad you guys are enjoying this smile .

Lovesuper - aw... no tears - well only happy ones? Now that Clark's stopped being a lunkhead?

Sonia - Got it. Some of what you're talking about is coming up, but I'll add some more back in the previous two chapters as well. And, yeah, I, um, meant that with the nursing thing. Really. Uh huh wink . Wasn't written as a mom who's been gone for a weekend and knows how pumping doesn't quite cut it...

Michael - for all we know, she took one before she left for work on Sunday and after she got home on Monday - when she took a shower or whatever. Thought you'd like the preview wink .

Sara - see note to Sonia - some of what you're looking for is coming up in the next two chapters and I'll go back and add more in the last couple. Also to remember is that while the end of the THIS story is rapidly approaching, it's by no means the end of THEIR story. In fact, UP picks up not too long after this leaves off - so wherever they leave off, we'll see more of what comes next.

UW - hmm... Will have to keep that in mind wink .

JD - I said that SuperClark wouldn't move Lois' things back to their room before the end of the story. That doesn't mean they're not in the same room - whether that means sleeping, not sleeping or Clark on the couch... well that could be up for grabs... I think this Clark is kind of where LtL's Clark was for a long time - he proves he'll stay by not leaving.

SheliaH - you make some good points smile . Sexual tension? What's that? /ducks/

Ann - [Did I mention I read your Clara Ellen Lane story recently? You should write more!] Anyway - mid-March? What's in mid-March? Hoping to post UP staring no later than mid-Jan. Have part of the new chapter written [since Lana isn't the spawn of the devil anymore - sent them back to Smallville - and I should have been ficathoning instead but... /sigh/] and once I get it [though it may turn into two] done and the other tweaks to the beginning, I'll start posting UP. I have 28+ chapters done already and I think 7-10 more to go. We'll have to see, but I think 40 would be *really* pushing it at this point. Hoping to start posting no later than the middle of next week really - after DH is back at work.

I would like to thank you guys for your insight. I've addressed a few of the things you've mentioned in more detail than originally [which puts 145 now over the 2100 mark instead of about 1700 wink ]. Thanks!


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Hack from Nowheresville
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Hey, just a quick response as I don't have much internet access today.

I don't think y'all will be surprised when I say that this 180 from Clark is way too quick of a character development. We've had to sit through him being a lunkhead for nearly 135 chapters, that I don't really buy him being this nice all of a sudden. For me, the shock therapy of the shuttle launch wasn't really that big of a shock. Compare that with a three-year threat of a crazy dictator? The crazy dictator is much more shock worthy if you ask me.

Plus, Clark's conversation to Lois about wanting to make love all of the time, and sometimes fast and furious, made him sound horny (can I say that in this post? if not, please censor me smile ) rather than a guy who wants a life long commitment.

These two should realize by now that a physical relationship and an emotional relationship are two completely different things. They need to mature and realize that they need to build on their emotional bond, and then, express their love physically. I hope they stop things before they go too far tomorrow.

Carol, you mentioned that you are going to add some more text to the last two chapters talking about why Clark loves Lois and why Lois loves Clark. I think it would be good if you could add a bit more introspection into several other chapters along the way as well. For example, Lois watching Clark play with the boys and thinking to herself Clark is a great Dad; or Clark watching Lois in the newsroom and liking how her brows furrow when she's confused etc.

With this backstory, I may be a bit more convinced that there was love all along between these two. Right, now I'm still in the "it's convenient boat" or well, they're young, and don't know any better.

PS: If I don't get a chance when this beast is done, thanks for this fic Carol and for putting up with me along the way. You should be proud of this story and for getting past the longest fic on record mark. Thank you! clap clap clap

I know you have said that UP is something different than what we've seen before. Was my theory of family counseling sessions (cause both Nate and Christopher are going to need some therapy for their emotional scars) with Dr. Frisken on the right track? smile

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Hack from Nowheresville
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And, yeah, I, um, meant that with the nursing thing. Really. Uh huh [Wink] .
LOL, I'll take what I can get. smile

And just to clarify, I don't want to come across as a Clark hater--in fact I want to be supportive of Clark, I just want his character turn to be fleshed out a bit. We've seen/read about Lois thinking he's a great dad (hence her decision to leave the boys with him), so I'm not necessarily missing that. We know Clark likes her sassy, and that he too thinks she's a stellar parent. I think it would just add icing to the cake if we as readers saw the signs before he had his revelation, so then we could all (collectively) go 'Duh!' and smack him over the head.

I might also wish that he had to wonder a little longer about whether or not she was okay after the explosion, but I don't consider that Clark-hate as much as me being evil wink

But seriously Carol... why buck the two-a-day tradition when it was going over so famously? I doubt anyone would feel slighted if the story doesn't end on the last day of the year. Just think... we'd have the whole day Wednesday to reflect and leave feedback!


October Sands, An Urban Fairy Tale featuring Lois and Clark
"Elastigirl? You married Elastigirl? (sees the kids) And got bizzay!" -- Syndrome, The Incredibles
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Oops, I really was kidding, guys. I don't take seriously about 90% of what I say, so I should really start disclaimering myself. :p

Plus, Clark's conversation to Lois about wanting to make love all of the time, and sometimes fast and furious, made him sound horny
*chuckle* Partial-ditto. I thought it made him sound like a 22 year old guy.

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Plus, Clark's conversation to Lois about wanting to make love all of the time, and sometimes fast and furious, made him sound horny
Hmmm. I remember that Clark once said he had hoped that he and Lana would make love a lot once they got married. That's just the way Clark is, folks! laugh


(And Carol - school will really be killing me in January, most of February, most of March and most of April, so I guess I'll pop in after you start posting UP and say, 'Good chapter - have to spend the rest of the evening grading essays'. Maybe it wouldn't matter too much to me if I had to wait for Lois and Clark's release of sexual tension until mid-March....)

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Hehe - he is a 22yo guy... And I did rearrange the para.

"So you're codependent," she whispered coldly.

I shook my head. "No, it's not like that at all and I think you know that. I can't imagine my life without you in it. I love you, Lois. I love you like I never loved Lana." I pulled her hand to my face and pressed my lips against it. "I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know you. I want to raise my kids with you. I want to be your partner at work and at home. I want to spend hours making love to you. And I want fast and furious sometimes, too." I smiled slightly. "I want you to call me Einstein all the time again." I took a deep breath. "Whaddya say? Are you willing to give us a real shot?"
Grinch - I did edit quite a bit of the last 2 chapters [144/5] today - in part because of some of the stuff here and in part b/c Queenie made me. wink But it's better because she did. No, no counseling sessions, though they may need them even more by the time it's all said and done, though Dr. Friskin may make an appearance.

As for the ship v. Navance... Navance was a distant threat - like the sword of Damocles mentioned by Martha and Lana. It's always there, dangling over you, but unless a guy with scissors is running at it, it just becomes part of life [like when the kidnapping letter came when he was almost a year old]. This was much more immediate - life or death NOW. That's not to say Navance wasn't - or couldn't have been when he chose to be - a real threat, but most of the time, it was distant and vague. Lois, on a ship with explosives and a gun to her head, carried out unconscious is not distant and vague. And Christopher was Navance's main target once he was born - not Lois, though his goal may have been to torment her through her son, she herself wasn't the target. The ship was ALL Lois.

Sonia - I know you're not a Clark hater, but I do know what you mean. And yes, I'm going to buck tradition... sorry! wink


Edit: Yeah, what Ann said wink .

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22yo guy goofy I hope Lois understands that now that Clark isn't repressing anymore, his urges will be more pronounced.

for all we know, she took one before she left for work on Sunday and after she got home on Monday - when she took a shower or whatever.
/grumbles/ that would work, I guess. Just hope Lolo remembers that, now that her husband has been... um... switched on wink

So, is it time, yet?


Edit: Okay, it was time laugh

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/points to boards/

They were posted *before* you posted this wink .


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Yeah, well... Maybe you should do a countdown to prevent such... accidents laugh


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24 hours and counting...



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