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#60200 01/24/09 04:58 AM
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Wow, another of these interesting swaps... and in an interesting time period even, ~.^

Sara "Lieta"
#60201 01/24/09 05:01 AM
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Sue fic!!!

And such a great start!!!

More soon!


#60202 01/24/09 05:35 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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YAY! Sue!!!!!
I can't wait to see where this goes!


"We're both barefoot, both flushed, and we both look guilty as hell. Clark has finger-combed his hair but I'm positive mine looks like I was just f… fished out of the river."

<3 this fic!
'The Next Step' By Sue S.

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#60203 01/24/09 05:53 AM
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Weeeeeeeeee!!!! Sue is back!

Superman looked her up and down in a possessive way that made her knees that much weaker. His fingers brushed the ends of her hair and he grinned. "Are we indulging in a little revisionist history tonight?"
Revisionist History! One of the reasons why Sue is the Queen. And Revisionist History is my personal favorite among Sue's masterpieces. The melancholy sadness coupled with appreciation of life and fondness of a little boy that you showed us in that first Kryptonian on the Earth - what was his name again, Luke Skywalker? And that sensuousness of Lois and Clark's nightly swims in the lake - oh my!!!! blush blush blush

Obviously, this couldn't be real, no matter how authentic it felt. She glanced down, taken aback when the man's other hand landed oh-so-casually beneath her breast and then crept higher. His arm was clad in a bright blue spandex sleeve - a lot like--, oh god, this was the weirdest daydream ever - married to Clark and being felt up by Superman.
And just how quotable and unforgettable is that?? clap

Superman ran one hand through his hair and looked away. The gesture was so much like Clark when he was struggling for words that her breath caught in her throat. Her knees wobbled as the realization hit Lois hard. It was 1998. She was married to Clark. Superman had tried to become intimate with her in what was apparently her bedroom. Clark was forever running off on the flimsiest of pretexts. Superman was inexplicably nearby whenever she needed him.

&#8230; Did you want me to take you flying first? &#8230;Are you going to call me Superman the whole time? &#8230;What else would I call you?

She took a step backward and her leg bumped into the bed. Superman's bed, her mind whispered. Superman's driver's license. Superman's wife. With new perspective, Lois looked up at the man she had idolized for the past two years. Her entire body felt cold and her voice was a squeak as she asked, "Clark?"

Superman hesitated for a moment and then dipped his chin in a nod. "Yes."
Wow, what a revelation! I can feel the shock of it literally overwhelming Lois's body, making her knees wobble and her voice become a squeak. And I love Clark's short, almost defeat-like confession. But the defeat is not there because Lois knows, of course, but rather because this Lois isn't his wife.

As for the setup... nowadays I tend to stay away from stories where Lex plays a big part. But how can I not make an exception for you, Sue? sloppy


#60204 01/24/09 08:06 AM
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Hack from Nowheresville
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Time travel stories are becoming very popular lately! (Since I love them, I'm happy!)

Intersting. I like how Lois was confused about saving Bender. Should she save someone that was supposed to die at that time?
On the Other Hand smile (I find it so ammusing to use that phrase these days), like Lois also thought, Bender may have been a slime-ball but that doesn't mean he deserved to die just because he got in Lex Luthor's way!

And then there is the issue of being with CLARK but not being with her HUSBAND. She can still find comfort in his arms, but she can't treat him like her husband because it would be out of character for her right now. (So hence, Clark wouldn't believe her.)
Plus - he isn't really the man she loves. He's Clark, but not the Clark she married. He's the Clark she dated a few years ago. He's changed since then, based on Lois knowing he's Superman, and them being closer as couple. (And other life expriences.)

And Clark has to deal with a Lois who isn't his wife. - Same problems (but without wondering what to do about Bender and Lex Luthor.)

#60205 01/24/09 11:43 AM
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Sue is BACK! Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!Sue is BACK!...

Ok why isn't this in the nfic folder?

I love it! More! NOW! smile1 hyper

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
#60206 01/24/09 03:34 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Yeah! A new Sue story!
I can't wait to see where you take it. Wow, what a way to find out the truth.

#60207 01/24/09 04:27 PM
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I have to chime in -

**YAY!!** A new Sue S. story!

You've spoiled us all by writing such excellent fics in the past. Our anticipation is feverish.

Now, with the fawning (but true) encomiums out of the way, let me say that I'm really enjoying this so far. Great set-up. Lots of conflict - Wells (intriguing hints of trouble here), Lex, Bender, older Lois/younger Clark and vice versa - plenty of room for angst and drama here!

"And they claim that love is blind," Lex said smoothly, still pulling at the mask. "I should have known that your heart would still recognize me."
Ooh! Stalker Lex! He's back and he's still evil!

And his tie - ugh. It was two ugly ties merged into one. The top was a garish geometric pattern while the bottom was inexplicably a solid glossy black. That tie had been one of the first she had thrown out under the guise of making room in his small closet when they were newlyweds.
I love it! Of course Lois would get rid of some of those horrible ties!

We have to warn Bender!"

"Warn him about what?" Clark asked and unconsciously adjusted his tie.
It's Pavlovian! He thinks about saving someone and it's not even conscious anymore - the hand goes to the tie, the first thing to come off when he's switching into the Suit.

She glanced down, taken aback when the man's other hand landed oh-so-casually beneath her breast and then crept higher. His arm was clad in a bright blue spandex sleeve - a lot like--, oh god, this was the weirdest daydream ever - married to Clark and being felt up by Superman.

Where is Bender?
Can Lois change history?
What was the "accident" or "domino" that you hinted at in the prologue?
What if the Loises never change back?

Please post more. And soon.

#60208 01/24/09 04:42 PM
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You know I want more.

JD wink

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
#60209 01/24/09 10:54 PM
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Lois absentmindedly patted her hair. "Thanks," she said softly, fighting the urge to stare at Clark. He was wearing his old glasses and his hair was longer. And his tie - ugh. It was two ugly ties merged into one. The top was a garish geometric pattern while the bottom was inexplicably a solid glossy black. That tie had been one of the first she had thrown out under the guise of making room in his small closet when they were newlyweds.

For some reason, I found this absolutely hilarious. Maybe because I can picture *that* tie so clearly. And you're right - it was two very bad ties merged together.

I'm looking forward to reading more.

#60210 01/25/09 02:19 AM
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This is wonderful, and completely in character for both people.

I eagerly await more!

Silence is violence. End white supremacy based violence
#60211 01/25/09 03:24 AM
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dance Welcome back Sue! Is there an nfic attach to this peep

I will and always be a big fan of Lois and Clark forever and forever.
#60212 01/25/09 03:41 AM
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Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! smile1

Now, to reply to the specifics:

Ann - what was his name again, Luke Skywalker? Bwaaaaaa! No, I think that's a tad too much copyright infringement. smile It was Lucas (Lu-Kes) Peregrine. Thank you for the detailed FDK, Ann. You always put so much time and thought into your replies that it encourages me to put more time and thought into the story. And I promise that Lex is not a huge part of this one - just the first domino in a series of events.

Sara - Squeeee! I got FDK from Sara! I did my dorky happy dance when I saw your reply. And then I danced even more dorkily when I saw that you're wondering in the right direction about the story. Yay!

Laurach - There are really good reasons why this isn't nfic. But that doesn't mean that the entire story will be posted on this side. wink A girl's gotta work up to these things.

IolantheAlias - Wow! You picked out the details that I slaved over and love to pieces, like him unconsciously adjusting that ugly, ugly tie. And you're also asking/wondering about the right things. clap

Female Hawk - Hee! Thank you for finding that funny! laugh

L - FDK from L! <more dorky dancing ensues> Thank you! I'm grateful that you think they're in-character. It means that much more to me coming from you.

lovesuper - There are two parts with a "director's cut" that stray in that direction. wink

Thank you again to everyone who left FDK. I appreciate it more than you realize. It's heartwarming beyond belief to think that people missed me. I've missed you guys terribly. mecry It's good to be back. jump

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#60213 01/25/09 06:55 AM
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Sue's back to posting goofy

So, what else is there... Oh, yes, the RH-reference was great fun and Lois98 will surely not eat the food from Ralph's Pagoda. So, what will ensue instead? hyper

Join us on the #loisclark Discord server! We talk about fanfic, our favorite show, life, and more! (It’s almost like the IRC days of old again!)

I go by Michael on the Archives.
#60214 01/25/09 07:07 AM
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sigh, i love new sue fic...

#60215 01/25/09 09:09 AM
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oh this was great! I think I reread the second half 3x, it was just so... delicious. can't wait for more!!

LOIS:I don't like you.
MAYSON: Really? Oh god, that is such a relief - I don't like you either.
LOIS: That makes me feel so much better
#60216 01/25/09 01:05 PM
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I love this I can't wait to read more! Love this story.

#60217 01/25/09 01:49 PM
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A new Sue story!
Poor pre-relationship-Lois it has to be weird finding out like this.
And poor 1998-Lois having her dear husband standing next to her but being unable to turn to him for comfort.
Great beginning

#60218 01/26/09 01:03 PM
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Hee! More FDK! clap

Michael - Yes, there is a faintly visible line on Lois' finger. (Good eye!) And no, I'm not going to be using the "married no matter when" angle. <g>

sarahg - Thanks! It's humbling and exciting to see something called "Sue fic". I'm a brand?! <lol>

bellarata - Awww! I confess, I go back and forth between which is my favorite pairing, but I always come back to PastLois (Plois) and FutureClark (Flark). The possibilities are just so delicious…

cp33 - Thank you! It thrills me to no end to see familiar names popping up in this thread. You're still here! I've missed you! <hugs>

Kathryn84 - Having Flois and Plark together was the initial draw for this story for me. I had written and then scrapped a redo of The Phoenix with Lois being much less hasty to crawl off of Clark when they tumbled to the couch. smile

Thanks again to everyone who has replied - I'm still doing dorky little dances over the excitement of posting and getting FDK. dance

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#60219 01/26/09 01:53 PM
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Hack from Nowheresville
Hack from Nowheresville
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Hi Sue!

I've been away from the boards for a while. What a treat to see your name as the author of a new fic! Welcome back! You have been missed.

So, what projects have you been working on around the house? We are relandscaping our entire yard to save water. It's going to take until summer to finish....

How nice to see you're spinning tales again...
Write on! jump

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