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#60264 01/25/09 01:46 PM
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I love how when all else fails, Lois turns to the Planet. And I can't wait for more, =) Especially if we get to see something along the lines of:

"Clark, you need to sit down... ok, here's the deal... I'm from three years in the future, I'm your wife, and I know you're Superman... Clark? Clark?! Wow... I didn't know you could faint..."

Sara "Lieta"
#60265 01/25/09 01:55 PM
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Oh thank you! I kept checking to see if there was part two posted yet and look what you did! You posted chapter 2!


The reactions are very appropriate and I was giggling at the closet full of dead writers line. Hilarious!! I feel sorry for future Clark! It sure shows how much lois matured in the years she's been married to Clark.

so uh.. anytime you feel like posting chapter 3, feel free thumbsup I'll be looking for it!

LOIS:I don't like you.
MAYSON: Really? Oh god, that is such a relief - I don't like you either.
LOIS: That makes me feel so much better
#60266 01/25/09 02:25 PM
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I know I should be coy and wait another day or two before posting, but I'm still giddy from the response to part one so I'm in a generous mood.
Yeah, but coy doesn't help me procrastinate, and this is three thousand times more interesting than work. :p Really solid part! 1995 must be a tougher year to be in...there's very few topics you can open with to prove you're from the future. :p

Looking forward to more,

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
#60267 01/25/09 02:42 PM
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I know I should be coy and wait another day or two before posting, but I'm still giddy from the response to part one so I'm in a generous mood.
Thank god for your generous mood. Since here is already the 26th (my birthday) it felt like a present. thanks laugh

"This has happened before? Where did we go? So you know how to get me back where I belong? Why didn't you tell me this back at the house? Can you do it now?"
I'm sure he would have done that if he could... and if she hadn't run away before he could've said anything.

What do you say when your partner (husband!) just offered to fly you home?
I don't that did never happen to me, yet ... unfortunalety. laugh

"But it makes sense - now. I mean, you can't really go around dressed like Superman all day. Not when you have a real job. Not that being Superman isn't a real job, it is. But it probably doesn't pay the bills and uh, you know…"
Lois starts babbling that's a good sign, isn't it?

Love your story please more soon

#60268 01/25/09 02:47 PM
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Please tell me that part 3 is up on Monday! Excellent. Lois is freaked in both times but in 1995 Clark is still happy and only fairly clueless.

#60269 01/25/09 03:35 PM
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I love how scared and lost, almost panicked, Lois from 1995 is when she realizes that she is in 1998. So often, when we meet time travelling in movies and stories, people just take everything in stride when they are thrown into another time. Well, I can tell you that I wouldn't, and I find it so appropriate that Lois doesn't either. This hit me like a punch at my solar plexus:

"I want to go home," she whispered and pushed the keyboard away. It bumped against her stapler, making it fall sideways with a 'clunk'. "But someone else lives there now."
Her home isn't gone, but it isn't hers anymore. She has lost it. Her world is gone, like the little bistro that Lucy had loved so much, and the burgundy carpet of what used to be her building, and the keyboard with the worn-away 'e' (the most common letter of the English language) that she had used only this morning, only it was three years ago, and the nameplate that read only 'Lois Lane'. It is all gone. And she has been thrown into a future that she doesn't know, as lost and out of place as a dinosaur from the past.

Worst of all is that her Clark is gone. No, worst of all is the realization that he was never there: the charming farmboy from Kansas. He was Superman all along. And he fooled her so completely; and now she has found out that three years into the future he will have taken over her completely, too: married her, made her move to another home, changed her from 'Lois Lane' to 'Lois Lane Kent'.

She couldn't go home - and even if she did somehow get back to 1995, she would never be able to look at Clark the same way again. She was supposed to be dating him tonight. She should have been hoping that he would kiss her good night and, instead, she was jumpy with the knowledge that he would do far more than merely kiss her in the future. And he was Superman, for crying out loud. Superman! Superman had sat next to her desk for the past two years and she had completely overlooked that fact.
No wonder that her first reaction to finding out about Clark's secret was a desperate need to run away. To preserve an ounce of herself.

For several seconds Lois simply stared at him as she tried to take in the enormity of this discovery. It felt as though her mind had gone blank, unable to process the information overload. Above all, her instincts were screaming to get out of there. To get as far away as possible. To get somewhere familiar and safe. When she finally spoke, her voice was a dry whisper.

"Will you please move?"

Superman - no, make that Clark - looked taken aback. His head swung to look at the open door and then back to her. He looked startled, as though it hadn't occurred to him that he was blocking her way. She saw his lips part, as if he were going to say something and then he sat down on the sofa, leaving her a clear path to the door.

Lois rushed past him, her senses heightened at the thought that he might follow her.
Poor Lois. The best thing Clark could do for her that night was to make her see that not only was Clark Superman, but Superman was Clark:

It was the first time she had ever seen Superman with Clark's grin. He had always been so formal around her; it was a revelation to see him so relaxed. If she wasn't feeling so irritated and overwhelmed, she almost could have forgiven him at that moment. That she could be as casual around Superman as she was around Clark was an appealing thought.
It isn't just Lois's world that is gone from her, and it isn't just the horrible compounding factor that Clark is gone, the Clark she thought she knew. No, she is gone herself, too, the Lois she thought she was. The smart Lois. The Lois who saw through things and people that fooled others:

Good grief - Dudley Micheals, the city councilman who had resigned under a cloud of controversy, was now the mayor? Had the voters lost their minds? How did a crook like Michaels get elected? That she'd still be writing stories about his shady dealings was the first non-surprise of the evening.
Yes, she had seen through Dudley Michaels. But what about Clark? She hadn't seen through him. The biggest deception act in Metropolis, no, in the world, had been playing out right under her nose, and she hadn't noticed a thing. Where was the hard-nosed cynical reporter that she prided herself on being? Her only consolation is that others have been fooled, too:

The thought that even a psychic hadn't figured out Clark's secret made Lois feel just the teensiest bit better.
It is interesting how you show us that Clark's deception of Lois was a huge big deal for Lois, but not for Clark. For him, the problem was making Lois love and accept the farmboy side of him, because then, and only then, could he tell her the rest. That's why he knows so perfectly well how long the two of them have been married, but not how long Lois has known his secret:

"How long have we been married?" Lois reached forward to straighten her stapler, lining it up carefully next to her phone.

Clark sat down in the chair next to her desk. "One year, four months, two weeks and four days."


"When did I find out? You know, about, uh…" She made a swoosh gesture with her right hand.

"It's been almost three years."
Lois, on the other hand, knows another number very well:

It was silly to be so tense, she told herself. How many times had she flown with Superman? She already knew the answer - eight times. Not that she had kept track or anything, mind you. Never once, not even that first time, had she felt as anxious as she did at this moment.
Again, I love how you show us how weirded out Lois is by her entire situation. Nevertheless, she is a trooper:

During the ten-minute ride to the Planet, Lois gave herself a pep talk. Instead of freaking out, she should be rejoicing. She was being given a glimpse of the future. Granted there were a couple of rather large surprises, but she should be practical about this. At the very least, she could find out who won the past few major sporting events and make a killing at the bookies if she ever got back to 1995.
So funny! So Lois!

I'm very much looking forward to more of this!


P.S. I like literary Lois:

"So HG Wells--" Lois fought the urge to roll her eyes. "--has transported me three years into the future. Why?"

He shook his head. "I don't know. He only shows up when he thinks that Utopia is in danger."

"Utopia? So Thomas More is on this too? Is there a whole closetful of dead writers somewhere who--"
Good, Lois! You have read your HG Wells and your Thomas More!

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#60270 01/25/09 04:24 PM
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Wow I was happy to see this today. thank you. I am riveted to this story. I can't wait for more. I can understand Lois's reaction. I am waiting for her to start wondering about more, like: how is he as a lover? Do they have super sex? Is he different then other men in that department? Can he tell when she is aroused? etc...

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
#60271 01/25/09 04:37 PM
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Whee! Things are happening!

He wasn't following her. Then again, she chided herself, he could just be watching her through the wall right now. The thought set off another spark of indignation - how many times had he acted helpless or clueless when he could have been useful in getting to the bottom of a story?

In spite of her anger she felt cheated out of the date she was supposed to be on tonight. Had it been a good first date?
Very important question!

How many times had she flown with Superman? She already knew the answer - eight times. Not that she had kept track or anything, mind you.
You know, I should be keeping track. But can you tell those of us who have forgotten (in a footnote or something) what the eight times were?

I'm impressed by your attention to detail. I remember in "Revisionist History", I think, where it was important how many times Clark/Superman kissed Lois. And how that was a big part of the honesty in the end. So when you put this in about how many times Lois has flown with Superman, it brings back good memories.

Meanwhile, with Lois98 back in 1995:
Lois made another irritated stab with the key at the lock, frustrated by Bender's pigheaded determination to ignore her warning and her inability to explain the truth to Clark.
Ah, the Cassandra effect! You can tell the future but nobody will listen to you!

You've set up a ton of good questions. I can't wait to see where you're going next!

Don't be coy, post early and often! (Just like voting in Chicago.)

#60272 01/26/09 05:59 AM
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Hi Sue! I missed the FDK train for part 1, but I'm really enjoying this story, particularly seeing S2/pre-revelation Lois being tossed into the future. I loved many things about both posts, but the best is how you showed past!Lois 'freaking' out about being married to Clark and wanting to go home. The way you described her panic made me feel for her.

As always, the tiny details you give paint such a vivid picture of what's happening, both physically and emotionally for the characters. Like this...
She looked away from him and her gaze caught on a florist's card taped to the bottom of her computer monitor.

"I love you," it read and was signed simply, "Clark".

Lois closed her eyes. It was too much to take in, too much to be believed. Clark was Superman. Superman was Clark. She married Clark. Married Superman! Superman was standing in front of her in Clark's clothes. In spite of her anger she felt cheated out of the date she was supposed to be on tonight.
After all of the evidence, that simple card taped to her monitor is what finally convinces her. And it's so Lois to feel cheated out of the much anticipated first date.

Was Dudley Michael's lack of integrity going to be the only constant in her future?
Sorry if this has been quoted already, but this just made me ROTFL. I always love the way you mix humor with angst and always leave me curious about what will come next. Oh, and I love the bit about Star and how a psychic not knowing about Clark/Superman made Lois feel better.
Can't wait to find out what "important" thing future!Lois needs to tell Clark. More soon.

#60273 01/26/09 06:50 AM
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[Linked Image] Sue's back! Sue's back! [Linked Image]

I couldn't believe it when I got on boards today and saw a new Sue's story! And there were already two parts posted!!!! smile1

Don't be coy, you can post next part whenever you feel like it. I won't complain if you post it twice a day. wink

Hail Queen Sue! [Linked Image]

Andreia /giddy with happiness [Linked Image]

"My wife's love is what unites Krypton and Earth in my heart. Without it, without her, I truly would be in hell."

~ Superman: Man of Tomorrow #15
#60274 01/26/09 06:56 AM
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Yeah, what they said. This is awesome, Sue -- I'm delighted to see you writing again! smile1 And this story is really wonderful so far, so post more of it soon, okay?

(we need an emoticon for pleading bambi-eyes...)

As for the plot or lack thereof -- well, one of my favorite Sue stories is Risorgimentio, which wasn't plot-heavy, either. So I'm good. smile

I'm not doing details 'cause I'm not supposed to be reading & FDK-ing at work wink but the "closetful of dead writers" comment was hilarious.


#60275 01/26/09 07:44 AM
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Oh wow, a Sue story. This is just great. Keep it coming!

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
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#60276 01/26/09 08:02 AM
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Okay, I know that I don't have the energy to mimic Ann's post and I read this first thing in the morning on my way to work and then work happened all I can remember now was *wee*, *yay*, *aww*, goofy

So, is part 3 coming up on Tuesday?


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I go by Michael on the Archives.
#60277 01/26/09 08:12 AM
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So, is part 3 coming up on Tuesday?
I vote for Monday afternoon. laugh I mean, after all, it's Monday... we need cheering up. Plus I have a nasty headache, and reading more of this story would surely make me feel better, and when it's in your power to help me, surely you wouldn't leave me to suffer???

Oh, no, wait. You're an author. You live to make readers suffer. goofy


#60278 01/26/09 08:15 AM
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yay! Sue Story!
I loved the closetful of dead writers line, and *everything else*! can't wait for part 3

#60279 01/26/09 11:17 AM
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I'm glad it's working out this way. Lois has switched times with herself. She's taking a huge risk to either discover or prevent something she thinks they missed the first time at Bender's murder.

But does she realize just how huge this risk is? Will younger-Lois do something in older-Lois' time which will damage her credibility as a journalist? Will she change the past and either create a different time line or - worse yet - eliminate her own future? If so, will she change history so much that Wells can't put her back where she really belongs. Those are scary thoughts.

Like Ann, I laughed at the Thomas More reference. I don't know why no one else ever picked up on that. And the thought of a melange of dead SF authors dreaming up ways to mess up their lives is funny and frightening all at the same time. I just hope Robert Heinlein isn't among them. The Master would do all kinds of horrible things to them before allowing them to prevail. And you'd be feeding him suggestions.

Next part is when, exactly?

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#60280 01/26/09 12:02 PM
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we need an emoticon for pleading bambi-eyes...
That would be fine laugh

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#60281 01/26/09 02:20 PM
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Holy fetch! Look what the feedback fairy brought me! grumble

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#60282 01/26/09 02:45 PM
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Oh yay!!! A new Sue story! I love how you've set this up, and I can't wait to see how it all plays out. And thanks for posting another part so quickly- but it just leaves me wanting more more MORE!!!



#60283 01/27/09 05:54 AM
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Dorky Dancing... wasn't that a teen movie, in the 80's? goofy

You see how this works now, don't you? You guys egg me on and I get all excited and cave in to peer pressure.
Yes, we see how this works -- pay attention guys, it's our way of getting to the next part faster...


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