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#61731 03/14/09 07:20 AM
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Okay back smile .

/mutters/ Guess this means I'll have to post Shaken sometime soon unless I hold out for 8...

Oh. Right. Ricochet!

Very nice. I loved how both times have Clark with a difficult rescue and both Loises are there for him. Them? Whatever.

And both Clarks fall asleep with Lois and how much it means to both of them - for different reasons.

So... We're getting 8 when? Tonight? Tomorrow at the latest right?

Oh - and as for recovering snippets from emails? BTDT wink

More now is good!

#61732 03/14/09 10:03 AM
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Oh, that was just intensely heartbreakingly tragic and beautiful and lovely!

Lois was there. She had been sitting at the foot his bed, but stood up as he came inside. On any other occasion, he would have been happy to see her. The past couple of days had been a revelation to him, giving him a glimpse of the woman he'd always been certain was hiding beneath the bluster. But right now, when he could barely stand up straight, he wondered if it would be rude to ask her to leave.

"I thought you might need a friend," she told him.
Poor Clark, he just can't deal with Lois right now... well, not the Lois that he thinks he knows. But the Lois who is waiting for him is different.

"I'm… sorry. I don't think I'd be good company right now." Clark was so tired that going back out into the storm seemed impossible, and yet he couldn't let her drive home when the weather was so terrible. "I'll fly you home..." Even to his own ears the words sounded slurred with exhaustion.

"You're not flying anywhere." Lois took hold of his hand and it was the first warm touch he'd had in hours. "Come on, come sit for a minute." She pulled on his hand, tugging him forward and Clark numbly lurched to the end of his bed and sat down.
Love it. Clark is still in dead-tired resistance mode. Lois is so... you know, I think she is like Martha here.

She knelt down and matter-of-factly began to unzip his left boot. It felt strange, to have her doing this for him, but the clinical detachment he had been effecting was still firmly in place and he could only watch, slightly dazed, as she removed first one, and then the other, of his boots. Then Lois stood up and touched her hand to his cheek.
Yes. She really is like Martha. How many times did Martha pull off Clark's wellies when he was little? And when she was done, she touched his cheek to show him how much she loved him.

Lois took hold of his arm to guide him towards his bathroom. "You're soaking wet, we need to get you warm or you'll never be able to sleep tonight."
And when her little Clark came in all wet, Martha gave him a hot bath.

Lois was undressing him, but it didn't feel at all erotic, it felt reassuring. It seemed as though the weight of the night's horror was dropping away from him as his suit was dismantled. Not since childhood had he felt this kind of simple security, the sensation of being cared for so completely.
Yes, because here and now Lois is taking care of him just like Martha did.

The bad memories did seem more distant now, but it wasn't because of the water. Again and again his thoughts went to Lois and her obvious familiarity with his suit. A momentary ripple of happy warmth went through him at the thought that she had done this before. What would it be like to come home to Lois, instead of an empty apartment?

She was still there, wasn't she?
And Clark just half-realizes that he desperately needs this Lois, even if he is a little slow on the uptake.

Lois was turning down the covers on his bed, but she turned around to face him as he came into the room. "Feeling a little warmer?" she asked.

"Yes, thank you for, uh--." He wasn't sure what to say next and he couldn't quite bring himself to say 'undressing me', so he changed the subject.

"You aren't leaving now, are you?" he asked quietly.
Don't leave me, Lois! Don't leave me! Don't leave me!

Lois took a small step towards him, then another, coming close enough that they were almost touching. She seemed to hesitate for a moment and then put her arms around him as she whispered, "Good night, Clark."

His response was automatic; his arms closed around her and his chin dropped, lowering his face so that it was buried in the fragrant softness of her hair. Her hands stroked delicately along his back, leaving a trail of warmth that seemed to penetrate all the way to the chill lodged deep inside him.
So beautiful. I can lose myself in a paragraph like this, reading it over and over.

"We should get you into bed, honey," she whispered.

Clark's arms tightened reflexively around her. He didn't want to let her go just yet so he tried to force himself to wakefulness. "Don't, not yet," he mumbled.
I love how you write Clark's intense need. I'm so moved by this portrait of a hero who has done so much for other people, but afterwards desperately needs to be comforted himself.

There was no hesitation before the comforting heat of her body was next to his. He heard a click as the lamp was turned off. His room was now painted in blue tones from the half-glow of the newly fallen snow outside. The sheets whispered as she pulled them higher; their gentle weight made sleep seem even more irresistibly inviting. Lois' arms went around him, cradling him against her. His head came to rest on her shoulder and he closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of her. Her fingers tickled through his hair, soothing away the last lingering traces of stress.
I love how you paint this world of night and sleep as an otherworldly dimension of soft blue light, cottony snow, whispering sheets and a beloved woman known fully only in dreams, who cradles her loved one in her arms like a mother her child.

"I've missed your hair longer like this," she whispered.
Me too.

"Is this what it's like, being married?" he asked.

He could feel her grin against his chest. "Pretty much."
Well, I guess there is one thing left that they haven't tried yet! laugh

"Next week, I think? Maybe the week after that? She was gathering evidence for a case. A scientist who used to work at STAR Labs. Uh, Stables or Gables…"

"Stanley Gables?" Clark asked. "The one who accidentally killed his co-workers with that virus?"
I just love this tiny little piece of realism. What was his name again? Stables or Gables? It gets even funnier when you think of the meaning of the names in English. Was kind of house-thing was it?

[Linked Image] [Linked Image]

"Mayson isn't my girlfriend." Clark looked at her like she couldn't possibly be serious.

"Good luck convincing her of that," Lois said with a smile. "Although, if you think it will help, I'll come along when you talk to her and drape myself all over you."

"I'd never let Mayson take my cape off," he told her with a smile.

(But Lois, you shouldn't even joke about killing Mayson. What could she fantasize about doing to Mayson instead of killing her, though? I heard about an Arab curse somewhere, 'May the fleas from thousands of camels haunt your armpits'. Maybe Lois could get Star to utter that curse...?)

It was heartbreaking to read about how 1998 Clark heroically did whatever rescue work he could at a disaster scene where so many were already dead, and the reporter kept repeating that Superman was pretty useless because he couldn't revive the dead.

Lois went to the window that Clark favored when coming home as Superman. Despite the chill of the evening, she opened it wide. When he came home, she wanted him to feel welcome. She sat down on the couch, wrapped a blanket around her, and picked up a book. It didn't matter how late he got home, she was resolved that at least one person would acknowledge how much his kindness had cost him.
And Plois decides to be there for Flark, just as Flois had been there for Plark!

"Clark?" she called out softly.

No answer.

Lois bit her lip, debating what to do next. Then she pushed on the door to open it a few inches. Clark was there, sitting on the end of the bed in a towel, his shoulders slumped as he stared blankly across the room.


This time he straightened up and half-turned his head to acknowledge her.


For a second she hesitated, not wanting to disturb him when he was clearly tired and upset. The thought that he needed a friend propelled her into the room. Without a word, she stood in front of him and touched his cheek so he would look up at her.

"What you did tonight," she whispered. "It was amazing."
Beautiful. I love it.

Clark bowed his head and Lois moved closer, wrapping her arms around him in a fierce hug. His arms went immediately around her waist, holding her to the hug. Lois stroked her hands slowly over his back, marveling at the strength that lay just beneath his warm skin. Was she doing this right? Lois wasn't sure. Her cheek dropped to rest on top of his head.
I love how this scene mirrors the one with Flois and Plark. Unlike Flois, Plois doesn't know what Clark needs. And yet, she knows it.

Lois realized what he wanted now. He needed to reset the sensory memory of holding someone in his arms, to replace all those dead bodies with someone who could respond to him. She tightened her arms around him and kissed his cheek.
Beautiful. Lovely.

He rolled onto his side, spooning her body to his.
Flois was spooning Plark. Flark is spooning Plois. But in either case, Clark so needs Lois to stay with him.

"Thank you," he murmured. "Thank you for waiting up for me tonight. Thank you for trusting me."

Her hand covered his, lacing their fingers together. "Clark, do you remember when I was out of my mind on pheromones and came to your apartment to seduce you? You didn't take advantage of me that night and you easily could have. I've trusted you ever since."
Well, something good really came out of that pheromone episode!

His chest ached with how much he loved her.
Isn't this, well, heartachingly beauiful?

"You're my best friend, Lois."

"You're my best friend, too, Clark." Lois swallowed hard, choking on the words she wasn't sure she dared to say just yet. It seemed silly to keep them from him, especially since it was something he already knew, but she still hesitated before quietly adding, "I love you."

Clark pressed a soft kiss to the back of her head even as his heart lurched joyfully. The feeling was the same as the first time she had whispered those words to him.
First his heart ached with love. Now, when she loves him back, it lurched. I love it.

I love the sexiness of the alternative version, but on the whole I prefer the gentler and more poignant 'first' version. It's not as if there wasn't any sexual tension in the first version, but under the circumstances, Clark needed to receive comfort and Lois needed to give comfort in a way that made too much naked skin a distraction.


#61733 03/14/09 11:06 AM
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Yeah, what Ann said. This was really lovely, Sue... Neither of the Clarks are expecting comfort, since Plark isn't yet married and Flark knows Lois isn't his wife... and yet, there they are. No matter what time period, she loves him, and he needs her.


(who, btw, feels like an idiot typing Plark and Flark goofy but doesn't have any better way to make the distinction...)

#61734 03/14/09 12:01 PM
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You have only yourselves to blame. [Razz]
Blame us! Blame us!
I did like the rewrite of 1995 with the shower, although there I missed the set up of PLois driving through the snow and hearing about the pile up. I think that section would work good in the final version. The 1998 section was heartwrenching and very tender. So keep it coming!!!

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis
#61735 03/14/09 01:25 PM
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Awww I loved it!
At the beginning I worried that if anything were to happen between Flark and Plois / Plark and Flois then that would be almost like cheating and as a result uncomfortable to read. That just hasn't been the case so far, it's touching and I'm completely hooked.

I hope you realise you've created a monster now laugh notworthy

Btw, when do we get the next part? wink

#61736 03/14/09 02:29 PM
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Love it! Thanks for posting your rough draft - I think you did the right thing - the part of your story that made the final cut is just so much more!
Can't wait for part 8.

#61737 03/14/09 05:30 PM
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Ditto to Pam. It's just lovely that in any time loop, no matter how much everything changes, they still need each other.

great part,
who hopes she just typed a complete sentence up there lol. I grin that you finally posted on the day that I moved.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
#61738 03/14/09 07:15 PM
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This chapter was incredible! I don't even care if they don't get back to their 'appropriate' times, I love how they are appreciating each other, even it's not their 'true' counterparts. LOVE THIS FIC!!!

LOIS:I don't like you.
MAYSON: Really? Oh god, that is such a relief - I don't like you either.
LOIS: That makes me feel so much better
#61739 03/14/09 09:39 PM
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Top Banana
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First things first: Thank you *so* much for posting your original draft for us! Especially because I know how much time you spend getting your story just-so before you feel comfortable posting (and even then you say you have to force yourself to press that Post button), I just feel honored that you would do this for us. THANK YOU again.

My comments on the original story-line? LOL! I can *so* see that happening. I see Lois almost on auto-pilot here. She's on a mission to get Clark stripped down and in a hot shower, as she has obviously done many times before. And Clark's reaction was priceless.

So, on to the final version. Beautiful, just beautiful. Ditto to what everyone else has said. I LOVED IT!

I found Bellarata's and Sjp's comments interesting, because I had been spending the time between postings doing some more musing on the whole "Is it cheating to be with your past/future spouse?" issue. What started me thinking about this again was GamesAway's post on another thread about the alt-Universe fanfic Through the Window.

Through the Window presented a much trickier situation. Alt-Clark is NOT Clark. This Clark is Clark, and Lois is Lois. I finally decided it would be sort of like having one of them bump his (or her) head and get a very strange amnesia which makes him forget the past 3 years of his life. Once I thought about it that way, I realized they could, theoretically, remain in their mixed-up times and it wouldn't be the end of the world. Of course, I much prefer to see everyone back where (or when) they belong.

So... when is part 8?

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster
#61740 03/15/09 02:49 AM
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Feedback! Y'all left me some feedback! dance

Carol - I think you're definitely going to have to post some Shaken now. Sorry, but there's no getting around it. :p

Ann - Wow! Thank you for replying at length! You were very good to pick up on this:
Poor Clark, he just can't deal with Lois right now... well, not the Lois that he thinks he knows. But the Lois who is waiting for him is different.
Exactly! Flois is much more mellow and supportive. It's not that Plois can't be mellow or supportive (as we saw), but she never had the opportunity before (or even knew that the opportunity existed).

I'm not sure I'd say Lois was like Martha in that part (although I do think that Clark married someone just like his mom). I well remember being about three months pregnant and nauseated to the extreme when my husband picked me up from work late one night. He took me home (stopping once on the way so I could be sick outside the car) and put me in the bath. The feeling was comparable to parent/child, but I never once confused him with my dad (or mom). wink What I remember of the incident, and what I was giving Clark, was the simple comfort of having someone you love and trust take care of you.
I love how you paint this world of night and sleep as an otherworldly dimension of soft blue light, cottony snow, whispering sheets and a beloved woman known fully only in dreams, who cradles her loved one in her arms like a mother her child.
Awww, that was poetry, Ann. Thank you!

Pam - LOL - yeah, it does feel weird to type Flark and Plark, but it's so much less confusing that way. I started doing it because that was how alcyone referred to them when she was helping me plot the story out last summer. You're absolutely right - no matter what time they're in, they need each other.

Artemis - I'm glad you're accepting blame so fully. wink I took out Lois' POV on the first part because I thought it needed to be more about Clark. Her actions, through his eyes, could speak for her.

sjp - Yes, I had the same worries about cheating/uncomfortable to read. I'm so glad that it's working for you (so far - heh).

GamesAway - New reader! <insert dorky happy dance> Thank you for understanding why I changed the story. Sometimes what seems good in your head when you first sketch it out, doesn't quite work when you actually get to that part of the story.

Jen - Of course you're moving! That's a power I wield hesitantly, knowing that the simple act of posting can cause you to seek shelter elsewhere. wink So where's the crazy roommate/neighbor story to explain what necessitated the move?

bellarata - Yay! You said the magic words: I don't even care if they don't get back to their 'appropriate' times, <chortles with glee> I was hoping that someone (besides me) would get to that point. I'd even go so far as to argue that, no matter what time they're in, they still are each other's "true" counterpart.

Vicki - First things first - a round of applause for Vicki, y'all. Way back in the day (the summer of 2006) when I was still a newbie on this board and was trying to get my second story de-nfic'd (would you believe spell check doesn't recognize that word?) so I could post it on the regular fic boards, Vicki generously volunteered to help me out. So when she says that she knows how paranoid I am about posting, she's speaking from experience. laugh

It makes me giggle (still, some more) that you're still pondering the cheating angle. Lord knows, I've spent months doing it and I still vacillate over the answer. If they're not actually married (at the same time), then it's sort of cheating. Maybe. <sigh>

Thank you all for commenting. I really do appreciate hearing your thoughts. It was entirely due to some of your comments that I rethought and rewrote this part. So now you have definitive proof of how you've all helped this story. notworthy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#61741 03/15/09 05:32 AM
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Aww. That was sweet. I guess past Lois is starting to get used to the idea at last and realize that Clark/Superman isn't the all-powerful god-in-a-cape, without human failings after all, and that she really does love him.

Hopefully Future Lois won't mess up her past too ferociously, and I still want to know how HG Wells and/or the time police are going to undo this mess, or if they even can.

Let's see some more, yesterday if possible.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
#61742 03/15/09 05:47 AM
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That's a power I wield hesitantly, knowing that the simple act of posting can cause you to seek shelter elsewhere. So where's the crazy roommate/neighbor story to explain what necessitated the move?
Hahaha. I've actually got some great neighbor stories—you guys just wouldn't believe the things I've heard over the past three months—but it was for work actually. I finished my post-grad studies, so there was really no reason to be so far away from some of my clients.

But never fear, I have a travel-active profession. I'm sure you'll be able to wield your power at least once more sometime.

"Meg...who let you back in the house?" -Family Guy
#61743 03/15/09 05:50 AM
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I'm glad you listened to our pleas and gave us both parts. However, I humbly admit that you were right, and your revisions just made me have all sorts of warm and fuzzy feelings.

I loved the parallels between the past and future versions of the couples. Both Loises knew how to provide comfort to their Clarks and it was nice to see that they did so in very similar ways.

I'm still struggling with the adultery fine line. I think the actions of both couples teetered on this line, and I would hope when they are reunited with their right partner, they practise full disclosure.

I'm really curious as to why this switch has happened. The one theory I'm leaning towards is that this event will help Lois and Clark realize what they have. But, I can't help worry what knowing the future will do to past Lois and Clark. On the one hand, it may be comforting to know that things will work out. However, it may add to the pressure of a relationship just on the brink.

Enough of my rambling. Can we have the next part soon pretty please?

#61744 03/15/09 01:46 PM
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For me, the first half of this part is the highlight of the story so far.

The story is great - this bit was sensational. I loved Lois's slightly maternal air - she would feel older and more experienced than Plark. She knew what he needed and lovingly took control of the situation. His response was classic.

#61745 03/15/09 04:46 PM
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Love it so far and the alt version too. Still want nfic, but you know me<g> More soon. Laura

Clark: “If we can be born in an instant, and die in an instant, why can’t we fall in love in an instant?”

Caroline's "Stardust"
#61746 03/16/09 04:30 AM
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Faced with a huge pile of work or the opportunity to slack off for a half hour before I try to wade through the stuff that didn't magically fix itself in my absence, well, I guess you can all tell which way I went. wink Besides, it's feedback. Feedback! That nectar of the gods that has the same halcyonic quality as Percocet but without the lethargic side effects.

Nan - Awww, HG Wells did this up for a reason, why in heaven's name would he want to try and undo it now? laugh I vacillated over cutting that bit with Wells at the first of the story because I wondered if it would be better to leave the reader as equally in the dark as the two Loisi. You've just affirmed my reasoning for leaving it there.

Jen - Just a heads up, I have three other stories partially written. Don't unpack everything just yet. :p

grinch - Thank you! I'm glad the revision gave you warm and fuzzies. I don't think they've even come close to adultery though, all the touching (and even the undressing) was non-sexual. As far as full disclosure goes, I'm giggling at the thought. "Hey, Clark, while I was gone I held the younger you while you slept. Hope you're okay with that." Your theory about having Lois and Clark realize what they've got isn't too far off the mark. At least, it's partially what's going on.

Female Hawk - I did a little dance when I read that this part had been the highlight for you. Having Flois comfort Plark and having Plois learning to comfort Flark was one of the first things I wrote. For me, though, the "highlight" is yet to come. wink

Laura - Yes, I know what you want. And we're getting there. laugh

Thanks again for coming along on the ride with me, you guys. sloppy

Lois: You know, I have a funny feeling that you didn't tell me your biggest secret.

Clark: Well, just to put your little mind at ease, Lois, you're right.
Ides of Metropolis
#61747 03/16/09 07:46 AM
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Wow. When I finished reading this part the first time, I was speechless. I wanted to leave feedback, but I literally had nothing to say because it was just so great. I can't believe that's the result when you are so nervous about posting!

On the second time through, I was able to manage some actual feedback. It struck me as somewhat amusing that Plois was driving. I mean, I understand it's her car, but it's so quintessential Lois that her whole world can be turned upside down yet she'll still be the one driving the Jeep.

The way that Plois has been able to adjust to everything sort of makes you wonder if things would have been different if Clark had told Lois everything sooner - not just his secret, but that he loved her. Of course, Plois hasn't had a choice but to deal with things in this reality, but maybe Clark should have had a little more faith in Lois.

Gosh, even the second time through, my biggest reaction is wow.

I'm not sure it even matters to me what you write anymore, just please post more! (Okay, so maybe it matters a little, but more soon please!)


#61748 03/16/09 08:43 AM
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I am still very much enjoying this story and I am very curious as to where you are going with it.

Please post soon! Seeing both versions here was great!

#61749 03/16/09 09:26 AM
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Having Flois comfort Plark and having Plois learning to comfort Flark was one of the first things I wrote.
I remember that you once said that you love 'hurt/comfort' stories. Well, anyone who read this part of your current fic would have to have a heart of stone not to love this take of hurt and comfort! mecry sloppy


#61750 03/16/09 01:01 PM
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Count me among those who voted that they prefer the new section over the old. Even among the yearning and the need for comfort, there was an uncomfortable overtone to the old writing that wasn't there in the new.

Brava! Well written.


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