Then I'd better say something right now!
She can't fake this. Not even Lois Lane could fake her way past suddenly losing the last ten years of her life. Someone's going to say something that will make her look like a calf looking at a new gate, and Clark will see it, and he'll figure out that something's wrong - although he'll never come up with the real answer on his own. No way anyone could deduce this malady without direct input from Lois.
And she's gonna freak when she finds out that Clark = Superman. Can't wait to see that one.
One request: could we please have longer chapters? These aren't much more than teasers (outstanding teasers, mind you) and they just leave us hungry for more. What? Oh, really? That's the effect you were going for? Well, then, never mind, as long as you don't wait too long between postings.