Sorry it took me awhile to get to this ... I did appreciate your FDK.
Sarah Next installment in ... hope you enjoyed it!
robinson I really enjoyed imagining the girls' night out - I'm glad you did too.
Thanks for your comments.
Amber Thanks.
I didn't really plan for Sarah to become so much a part of these stories, but she fits well as a girlfriend for Lois.
I've revised my initial plan for Sarah and given her a nicer 'happily ever after'. Stay tuned.
Michael Thanks for your FDK, Michael.
Why isn't Clark back to normal, yet? Not that I can't buy into the whole prolonged green-K exposure takes longer than 24 hours to fix.
Partly because he believes he can't. I'm trying to say that his physical trauma may have healed, but his emotional healing takes longer. Of course, being semi-estranged from Lois didn't help any.
Kathryn The reason the girls went away was not just to prolong Clark's agony.
Thanks for all your FDK, Kathryn.
Bob Thanks, Bob.
She should have yelled at him sooner.
I was still playing with the role reversal. Clark being a little high-maintenance and Lois being patient and supportive. Eventually, she snapped.
I'm glad you liked Clark's church gesture.