Thanks everyone for the comments! Today is my birthday and Rye is celebrating by not demanding to be fed every second, so I have a few minutes to respond.
amberlea - Don't expect Clark to learn too much too soon from this. He is Clark and has a tendency to be a lunkhead.
Thanks for the luck with traveling - I have no idea how we're going to deal with it as currently I don't live on anything approaching a normal schedule. Other people may find it hard to work around the fact that I don't get up until 10 or 11 since I'm up for several hours in the middle of the night...
Michael - You think Clark has feelings for someone in his journalism class? Really? Who would this be 'cause I don't think he's noticed anyone at all besides Maddie.
Sarah - Yes, Clark is in a unique situation and he is acting like a heel. Expect more of the same for the next several chapters...