Thanks for your comments, everyone.
Cookiesmom, thanks for your comments; I'm glad you enjoyed this part.
Iolan, it's great to hear you liked the description of Clark leaving his apartment. I wanted to capture the sense that sometimes very little things - like moving out of an old apartment - signify much bigger changes in your life.
Thanks for your comments, Ann. I agree that Clark still has hurdles in his life that need clearing. But no one said this stuff would be easy. As to the little old lady with the broken hip? We'll see what's in store for her soon.
Hey BJ. Thanks for your comments. I'm glad I apparently haven't lost my reputation for doing mean things to the characters. Eye of the storm, huh?
Hi Amber. Thanks for reading and commenting. I'm happy to hear you're enjoying the story. It looks like DC has unburied itself, though. Today's snow didn't really accumulate, either. But I do have more to post!
Thanks for reading and commenting, DW. Remember, Clark is a lunkhead...
You're right, Artemis, I did write about their temporary apartment from personal experience. I had an apartment in New York in one of those skyscrapers that is pretty much indistinguishable from any other skyscraper, but oh, what a view! I could see the whole city and the Hudson River. It was amazing. Of course, LnC can have that sort of view whenever they want
Hi Michael. Not to fear, more is coming up soon!
More's coming up soon!