Thanks for the feedback, folks!
DW-- Hurrah for Krypto and Lois!
I think you should post the next part sooner than planned since, obviousbly, I want to know what happens next
Hahaha. Aww. Well, I'm glad to hear you want to see what happens next.
You know, I fully expected Trask to realize Clark is Superman and then immediately forgetting it again. But no, you just had him shot!
Heh heh heh.
And there's still so many parts left but without Trask and Luthor, the a-plot's dangling. So, is Luthor going to break out of jail? Is Constance going to snap and go after Lois? Is it just going to be Clark b-plotting his way around his fears?
I never was much good at A-plot, I will say that...
Is it wrong of me to be glad that Trask is dead?
Only if it's wrong of me to feel the same, heh.