This bit of silliness was un-beta-ed. All blame falls squarely on my shoulders.

Standard disclaimer: I don’t own Lois or Clark.

Non-standard (for this MB) disclaimer: I don’t own anything Groucho Marx related, either.

As always, comments welcomed.

The Nightmare: A Response to the Secret Ingredient Challenge
By Lynn S. M.
Rated G

“Honey, wake up!” Lois gently nudged Clark’s shoulder.


“You were having a nightmare.”

Clark turned over to look at his wife. “Thanks for waking me. It was the strangest dream.”

“Want to tell me about it?”

“Sure. Do you remember the old Groucho Marx show, ‘You Bet Your Life’?”

“I’ve never seen it, but wasn’t that the one where Groucho interviewed the contestants; and if they said a secret word, a duck came down from the ceiling and they won some sort of prize?”

“Yep. That’s the one. I was a contestant on the show. Groucho asked me what I did for a living, and I told him that I was an investigative reporter for the Daily Planet. Apparently, “planet” was the secret word.” Clark paused, his face clouding over.

Lois chimed in, “That sounds like a pleasant dream so far. What happened next?”

“That’s when the dream turned into a nightmare. The duck came down, only it wasn’t a duck at all – It was a Superman doll. As I looked at it in horror, Groucho said, “We had that specially made for you, Clark Kent – Or should I say, ‘Superman’?” Everyone in the audience started pointing at me and chanting, “Clark Kent is Superman! Clark Kent is Superman!’ And that’s when you woke me up.”

Lois responded, “Oh, Clark, that does sound awful. I guess that’s the last time you eat Peking duck and then watch Duck Soup right before bed!”

"You bet your life!"