MozartMaid One of Clark's first reactions was to feed her - I figured that worked for someone raised by Martha.
Vicki I was just expecting to see Rachel show up at the farm.
I assumed Rachel would have been busy with reports etc - which is also why she didn't call the previous night.
Seme Lois, Clark, Dan ... uhmmm.
Laura I think we should all stop waiting for it.
What's that old saying? True happiness is found along the way, not at the end of the journey.
DW Also did not expect Scardino - hoped he stopped by the jail first and has good news to deliver to the farmhouse.
All Lois told him was that she was in 'Smallville, Kansas'. The fact that he got to the Kent farm suggests he's been in contact with someone from the sheriff's office.
Patrick I like the Meth idea. Do you mind if I use it? It won't be a big part, probably just a line somewhere. As you say, it will help explain why Moyne was behaving so erratically.
Kathy Finally, finally, I got something right.
I did smile as I read your FDK for 14. And some of your detail hasn't been exact, but you often haven't been too far away.
As I've said before, you are really good at looking past the events to the reasons. The only reason Lois didn't kill Moyne in the cell was because I needed someone to force her to face her own issues and at the same time, realign the Lois/Clark relationship.
I think it probably would have happened eventually - but I needed it to hurry up. Enter (and exit!) Moyne.
He's finally starting to come into his own again, and it's a joy to see it.
Just saying ... I like that!
Dandello If I change ...
His rage erupted, and he lurched towards the sheriff.
to ...
His rage erupted, he pulled out the knife hidden in his ankle holster, and lurched towards the sheriff.
... will that work?
Thanks for explaining - there isn't really any such thing as a 'good kill' in Australia.
Bellarase I didn't think I needed to post anything in the WHAM warning thread regarding this particular death!
True Love Ouch! Imagine both Lois *and* Clark in the doldrums!
Evelyn And I know just how his teddy bear plate and utensils looked
They went with the Winnie the Pooh sleeping bag
AntiK I won't get tired of reading it - the biggest fear with a long story is that it peters out to a lame ending.
I hope Clark realizes soon what Lois is afraid of and confronts it as skillfully as she confronted his fears.
I can say that this sort of happens, but I hope that the exact way it happens is a surprise.
Joy I haven't finished with Scardino yet.
HappyGirl LOL - I've always thought that an apt pseudonym for an author would be Paige Turner.
Symmetry is exactly right. As you pointed out many parts ago, there were good reasons in the cell why Guard Lois couldn't have a relationship with Prisoner Clark. Getting out of the cell fixed that on a superficial level but not necessarily on a deeper level.
Iolanthe Me? 11? Are you sure?
Many thanks everyone. There's good news and there's bad news. Part 23 has gone to the BRs. The good news is that if I get time this evening, I'll post Part 16. The bad news is that if I don't get time, the part won't get posted until at least 18 hours after that.