Emily Loved the way they came full circle
Thanks. I started with Clark in prison (well, worse than that) and finished with him free and in bed with Lois - that's always good.
Pat I know! I sit down at my computer and have to *think* about which file to open!!
for making this love story such a wonderful trip through anxiety and pain to love, trust and finally forgiveness.
I really appreciate that comment.

I know it could have seemed as if all the horror at the start was just there to shock, but this was a love story, and the theme was never the power of hate, but the power of love.
(Which is basically what you speculated in FDK for the prologue

Laura I will have to be careful not to get sucked in to any of your other stories until they are finished.
I understand completely what you're saying, but when a story is this big, it's hard to get it all written before beginning to post. And of course, once I start to post, my time is split between writing, editing, and posting.
I'll try to contain my eagerness to start posting a new story so there will be a shorter gap between parts.
Thanks for all of your wonderfullly encouraging FDK, Laura.
Amy Yep, that's exactly what I was thinking.
Patrick You make really good points, and in some ways the fic seems set up for an alien invasion to happen. Writing a sequel is not on my horizon. I have four other stories I want to get to first, and one day I should get back to the Weekend in Smallville series.
Virginia Having all of his memories crash around him made Clark revert back to the 21 year old who had been captured - the young man with very little experience with women. But he came through that - with a little help!
LCfan99 I'd rather write feelings and dialogue than action. Goo seems better at that!
MM The inner battle was well-chosen for the ending!
Thanks. I knew I was basically heading in that direction, but one day about a month ago, Goo had the idea to finish with some bedroom therapy.
Lynn Lola hope you plan on sticking around for a while
That's my plan, but a muse is a fickle thing!
I'm glad you liked the ride, even though it was a bit bumpy sometimes.
DW So happy Clark finally came to his senses and the talk with Evan was great!
I needed ways for Evan to redeem himself. That talk made Clark's reaction in the epilogue more believable.
choucky Thank you!
Jesse I am in awe of people who can write in a second language! Thank you for letting me know you enjoyed my fic.
I have to take my son to school, so I'll finish replying to all the lovely FDK later.