KenJ: MouseRocks: Hope you are feeling better. At least you have a good excuse to stay at home and watch movies.
It seemed like L&C always met Tempus either in the past or future... I thought it was about time to introduce them to one in their time. I'll try to post three times this week.
Michael: So far in about one prologue and four parts of the sequel and IVY has taken over. So I might have to do some serious editing before I will be able to post to the Gfic boards.
Not even going to hazard a guess on lengths... I've learned my lesson with GEM.
Yes, Future Tempus looked like Tempus from "Tempus, Anyone?" Modern-Day Tempus looks like Tempus from "Tempus Fugitive".
/recommends sterilization of this edition.
That might work on solving all their problems. But then where would be the fun in that?
Is he legit? Yep, he works for Lex at Lexco as an auditor.
And a very inappropriate auditor.
Because Lex always hires appropriate employees? Because Tempus always acts appropriately?
Why is he trying to date her? He can't believe he could charm her during the date, can he? So, is he planning on GHBing her? Otherwise, he should go for the direct line
Hmmm. Good Question. What is his motive?