Part Twelve

Aykira arrived at the LexCorp building a little after 9:30; considering the traffic from LIP she made great time. Entering her office suite, she spoke with Jane. “Have you heard anything from Mr. Luthor?”

“No. He hasn’t contacted me or left any information regarding his whereabouts.”

Aykira was now well and truly concerned. Lex’s calendar and personal schedule was her domain and she never failed to keep it updated. Perhaps he was doing something she did not want her to know about. Another woman? A shady business deal? No, there had to be more to his disappearance than that. Whatever Lex was up to, and despite their recent falling out, he always let her know his whereabouts.

“If Mr. Luthor does call I will be in my office,” Aykira said. “Can you hold all my calls, except his, for the next thirty minutes?”

“OK.” Jane hesitated, than spoke her next words circumspectly. “Aykira, do you mind if I ask a personal question?”

Wary, as to the request, Aykira nodded her head slowly.

“Ever since the day of the *grand* breakfast with Mr. Luthor your relationship with him has ‘changed’. Is there anything wrong?”

Aykira also weighed her words. Jane Connelly had been with LexCorp for a long time and had survived a number of office intrigues, especially during the short tumultuous period when Angelica Cox was Lex’s assistant. Still she had proven herself a loyal assistant and even a… friend. A truthful answer, - of a sort - was the best response.

“We have had a… difference of opinion, but it will be resolved soon.”

“Good, because I would hate to see you leave. He might hire Mrs. Cox again.” Jane barely suppressed a shudder.

“Oh, I can *definitely* assure you, Mrs. Cox will never return to LexCorp in *any* capacity.”

The other woman watched Aykira with a curious expression on her face. Then decided it was time to be an assistant again. “Okay. Well then, I’d best get back to work. This report won’t type itself.”

Aykira left Jane to her tasks and entered her office suite. She immediately went to the desk and picked up the phone.

“Hello. IT department. This is Aykira Hallick I need to speak with Radames Perez, please tell him to contact Aykira Hallick as soon as he arrives. Yes. Thank you.”

Radames was the best IT hacker within LexCorp… but Aykira jealously guarded that secret. She reserved him as an asset to help track down unorthodox computer use within LexCorp. Despite her considerable computer skills, Radames had an adept skill that far exceeded her own. Ever since she found out about the crystals theft, she had him monitor all high-level computer users to discover if they were mentioned by anyone within LexCorp in general. Now he needed to narrow the search to LexSolar alone. She had an idea who was responsible for the crystal’s theft but she needed proof.

The phone rang and she snatched up the receiver. “Ms. Hallick here,” she answered.

“What happened?” Radames replied. “Did the ‘item’ show up?”

“No, but I have a definite direction to point to now. Could you please check printer output on the East wing’s third floor of LexSolar? The time sequence is from 3:00am to 5:00am this morning. Don’t bother with the administrative assistant’s printers…concentrate on the scientists. Find out what file was printed and its contents.”

“Hmmm, I don’t know ‘kira, that’s a restricted area. What if I get caught? It’s one thing to monitor LexCorp ‘traffic’ it’s another to hack into our own system.”

“If anyone asks questions, tell them you are working on a special project for me.” She allowed him to hear a smile in her voice. “Besides, consider it a challenge, after all, you are this company’s ‘Prince of Hackers’.”

“Yeah yeah. What are you trying to do? Flatter me into the job? For you ‘kira, no problem.”

“Thank you… I think,” she said with a light chuckle. “Please keep me informed of your progress. As soon as the file is located send it over to my office.”

There was a definite pause then Radames spoke in a cautious tone. “No, I don’t think that’s wise. I’ll get the material to you, but not electronically.”

“Oh? Why is that?” she asked.

“Let’s just say, taking these kinds of precautions has helped me *earn* and *keep* the ‘Prince of Hackers’ title.”

“Very well Radames. Do whatever is necessary… but do not get caught.”

“Who… me? Not gonna happen. Talk with you soon.”

They ended their conversation and Aykira turned her attention to the more mundane aspects of her job. The foremost being a report regarding all that had occurred at LexSolar the previous evening, her interview with the guards and discussion with Neil Hackett as well as her recommendations.


An hour after Aykira had arrived at her office. Lex Luthor stepped off his private elevator and walked with confident strides into his luxurious office. The early appointment this morning at Dr. Kassaten, the neurologist, had gone without a problem. He was confident that a routine series of MRI tests would reveal what he already suspected - that the headaches were stress related. Perhaps a quick vacation to the Greek island of Santorini and time spent at the Stone Villa would do the trick, a little orzo and sunshine. Possibly some female companionship if Aykira was unwilling to spend time with him?


No. Through a few badly chosen words, he had wrecked their out of office relationship. Any other woman’s presence would only remind him of what he, for the moment, had lost. Greece would have to wait until he could soften her heart and rebuild their friendship. So far, all attempts had failed, but he refused to admit defeat. She was the perfect woman for him. He knew she felt the same. A kiss like the one they shared could not be faked.

He continued walking over to his desk and saw his message light blinking. He checked the first message and noticed the time stamp. 4:30am.

The nervous voice of LexSolar’s security chief came over the line. “Mr. Luthor, this is Neil Hackett, sir. There has been a break-in. We have contacted the police and since we cannot reach you. I am calling Ms. Hallick.” The connection broke.

Angry, but keeping it under strict control. Lex barked into his intercom for Aykira.

Within moments, she entered the office suite, looking as lovely as ever, wearing a simple black pants suit. As she approached him, his nostrils filled with the floral notes of a familiar scent. <Ah, that woman knows how to mesmerize me!> Leaning against the heavy antique wooden desk, he put those thoughts aside and spoke to her perhaps a little too sharply.

“What’s the status of LexSolar after last night’s break-in? Was anything stolen? Why wasn’t I informed?”

“His assistant arched her eyebrow and began speaking. “Check your inbox for an e-mail summarizing the situation. The LexSolar administrative assistants on Dr. Amundsen’s team are going through their most current hard files, so far nothing was taken. Our IT department is checking for recent downloads or copies of any files during the time of the break-in.”

She paused for a second than said coolly, “You were not informed because no one could find you.”

Caught off guard, Lex answered cautiously. “Well… that is quite true. I... I did not wish to be found.”

He watched as her body stiffened and prepared to confront him. Maintaining his calendar was a matter of personal pride for Aykira.

Nevertheless, she surprised him with her lack of petulance. “Mr. Luthor, where you go in the off hours is of course your personal affair, but LexSolar’s research and development of the solar panels is at a critical juncture. Corporate espionage could ruin everything the team has strived for.”

“Brilliant deduction as always Ms. Hallick I will read your report, which I trust will have its usual painstaking attention to detail.”

“Lex, perhaps I am overstating my bounds… may I ask where you were earlier?”

“Yes, I apologize for disappearing this morning, but there were personal matters which required my immediate attention.”

“Personal matters?” Aykira asked.

He moved away from the desk and waved his hand in a dismissive manner. “Nothing to concern yourself with Miss Hallick, after all, what I do in my off hours *is* my personal affair.”

“Yes.” She responded stiffly. “If there is nothing else…?”

“No. That will be all. By the way, please handle everything on my business calendar today. I will be in conference calls until early evening and do not wish to be disturbed.”
Lex watched as she was about to speak, but thought better of it. Instead, she turned and quietly departed the office suite.


While walking down the stairs, Aykira mentally checked Luthor’s calendar and realized he had not advised her of his recent schedule changes. She wondered briefly if her effectiveness here was at an end. <Nonsense! If Radames can discover whose printer was working early this morning I will be that much closer to discovering who stole those crystals. Lex is just having a bad day.>

Energized with determination, Aykira returned to her office suite and the many workday tasks ahead. There was one in particular which needed immediate attention. Upon reaching her office, she contacted LexSolar.

“Good Morning, you have reached LexSolar. Cheryl speaking, where shall I direct this call?”

“Hello Cheryl, this is Aykira Hallick. Could you please put me through to Todd Stockwell in Security?”

Aykira heard the quick intake of breath and the receptionist voice became slightly flustered. “Oh, Ms. Hallick! I didn’t realize it was you. Please hold on.”

Seconds later, she heard the quiet, measured tones of the guard’s voice.

“What may I do for you Ms. Hallick?”

“A simple task really. Tell me, have the police gone and was the blood clean up?”

“Yes. Metro PD left shortly after you did. I have the area on monitor now. It is scheduled for cleaning later this morning.”

“Good. Are you familiar with the procedures required to collect a sample for DNA testing?”

“Yes Ma’am. I take it you want me to gather a sample of the assailant’s blood for testing later without police interference? Do you have someone in mind to make the match?”
Aykira smiled to herself. This man was definitely smarter than he looked and bore watching.

“Yes Mr. Stockwell, that’s exactly what I want. It is best we keep the DNA test in case it is needed. Can you accomplish this task without Mr. Hackett finding out?”

“Ma’am, I do not believe that will be a problem.”

“Perfect. Have the sample tested before the blood begins to degrade and bring the results to me personally.”

“As you wish, Ms. Hallick. Thank you for placing your trust in me. I am sure we will catch the thief.”

“Thank you Mr. Stockwell.” Aykira broke the connection.


Late in the afternoon, Clark tucked a pencil behind his ear and took a break from writing a filler piece on City Hall. Unwittingly he began daydreaming about Lois, thinking of different and better ways to reveal his secret identity rather than her stumbling upon it. He was deeply concerned that her rather unexpected discovery might end their relationship. The secret he had held so closely was to protect himself and his parents, not for the media to exploit.

He caught himself, a big story exposing everything about Superman might have been Lois’ goal when he first came on the scene. But she had changed. She respected the superhero’s privacy and now that she knew his secret, Clark was certain she could not write anything that might harm himself or his parents.

“Ah…excuse me Clark”, Perry said sarcastically. “But we’ll never get this paper out by deadline if your City Hall piece isn’t finished and in my computer within the next ten minutes.”

“What? Oh, sorry chief.” Clark took the pencil from behind his ear and began working on his article.

“Don’t worry son, I know your mind’s elsewhere. Have you spoken to her?” The gruff older man asked, barely concealing his concern.

“No, she really needed to rest. Her arm was hurting.”

Perry nodded gave a quiet knowing smile then said, “Okay. When you call, give her my love… but *after* that story hits my inbox.”

Clark bent to the task of completing the piece, taking care not to type so fast the keyboard might overheat. He experienced a definite sense of accomplishment as soon as he sent the story over to Perry’s inbox with five minutes to spare. Immediately afterwards, he picked up the phone to call Lois and see how she was doing.

“Afternoon, Lois, it’s me.”

“Oh… hello Clark,” her voice sounded small and quiet. ”How are things going at the Planet? Pete Ross left here just a few minutes ago. He wanted to see the ‘patient’. I appreciate him coming here and checking on his handiwork. Thank him again for me please.”

“Don’t worry, I will. Pete is a good guy and a dedicated surgeon. Healing people is what he does. Everyone here says hello… even Cat.”

“Wow. That’s surprising, especially considering how engrossed she’s been with wedding plans.”

Clark could not help but smile, Cat really was taking a *lot* of work time to plan her wedding. Originally, she had intended on a splashy celebrity packed show in one of the large churches downtown, but the groom had stepped in and the celebrity style arrangements toned down. The guest list trimmed from 400 to 125 and the location for both ceremony and reception changed to the Farragut Hotel, well known to many of Metropolis’ leading citizens.

"She really isn’t such a bad person once you get to know her.” He hesitated for a moment and then said. “Um… Lois can I come over this evening and talk about you know… “

She made a sharp intake of air before responding. “Clark, I meant what I said about taking some time to wrap my mind around this whole thing. Besides, I won’t be alone tonight... ”

“I see… “His heart skipped a beat and was about to hang up when he heard her say.

“… yeah, Uncle Mike is bring dinner.”
Clark immediately brightened and it poured into his voice. “Hey, that’s great! I am very envious. What culinary masterpiece is he bring?”

“He didn’t say. It’s supposed to be a surprise. I don’t care, as long as there’s chocolate.” She laughed.

“Lois, it’s great to hear laughter from you. Work isn’t the same without 'Mad Dog' Lane.”

“Ha! You don’t have anyone’s copy to edit… or coffee to get.” This last was spoken very quietly.

The silence deepened between them, but, before it became unbearable, Lois chimed in, “Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Pete says in a couple of days my arm comes out of the sling. Come over for dinner on Friday night two evenings from now – we can talk.”

“That sounds great. Maybe we could play a round of chess?”

“You are on, Farmboy. Prepare to be soundly beaten.” She laughed again.

“Right, in your dreams Lane,” then he whispered gently. “Good-bye Lois.”

“Good-bye Clark. The receivers were simultaneously replaced in there cradles.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.