Michael: Thank you for the comments.
How did they get set that up so quickly?
Perry was working behind the scenes to get it up and running for weeks, possibly months now.
No, it's how L&C walked out of the elevator after THEIR honeymoon in BY.
Tsk Tsk Tsk. Those fingers appear to be in mortal danger.
One caress per customer please.
Okay, not so surprised, anymore. Actually, since that song-dedication.
Oh, you picked up on that, did you?
You might always sell him Lucy?
Again, he's willing to give her away for FREE.
Super-remodeling required?
Their desks aren't right next to each other in canon either.
/squints eyes. Taken by those boys from Bessolo Furniture? Or a lasting souvenir from the break-in in her apartment?
Break-in from 2 weeks... 3 weeks previous.
<<clears throat>>
Lois isn't a thing.
Poor Lois. Hope she doesn't fall asleep at her desk.
Lack of sleep is good practice for being a top reporter.
Well... might spice things up in a month or so after they're done with the more conventional stuff.
Or it could be booby-trapped.
Is Cat also required to add a non-flattering picture of Lana dressed up in sweats, with running mascara, stuffing in a fudge hotdog?
No, but it would be accepted nontheless.
Well...now that he got the cow and the milk and the honeymoon's over...
What kind of Superman would he be if he couldn't tell Lois the truth.
Why did you cook if you know how bad it is?
That's a good question.
So, full-time job? And the second bit was probably in his vows anyway.
Baaaad Clark. Showers can be dangerous. They require constant supervision of the wife in it.
It's difficult to concentrate with the ringing in his ears.
Merry early Christmas, Tank!
I have the strange feeling Tank will like my dark Halloween story better.
Oh dear. Isn't he a tad late? Say, 10 days?
Wells is still determining if he's in the correct dimension. He's in find mode, not fix mode.
Ummm... She didn't marry her father. Ms. Lane, Mrs. Kent.
Your host still being alive. Although, if Ivy and Zelos are the soulmates in this universe, then that would perfectly explain the absence of a curse.
Maybe, they found another solution to the Baron Tempos problem.
Well... she did do an awesome performance at the pole during Clark's bachelor party.
Hmmm. I'm sorry, I wasn't invited to bahelor party. We'll have to ask Clark what went on.
Well, *something* had to have happened to her brains, no?
I'm sure they have a nice supply closet for honeymoon emergencies.
Well... I'm sure she was just there discussing a story.
Well, he is a hands on publisher.
New hobby? Ivy peeved it was not her idea? The student surpassing the master?
Sometimes one can even surprise one's inner voice.
He might have to visit a doctor for that cronic back pain he's developed since getting married.
New hobby indeed! /Dirt Digger headline: Superman responsible for fifth building damage in Clinton Street area.
No, it was in the
National Inquisitor.
Since I already mentioned wonderful fluff in the last post, I'll just sit back and start ticking off days of the calender till the sequel.
Ooops. Better get back to work.
Thank you for the great comments!
Tank: Sorry you were disappointed in my allusion to Lois getting a haircut in the future. The sequel takes place between GEM's Part 36 and this Epilogue, so no haircut there. She's been a little busy.