Part Eighteen

Lois sat back in perfect ease after finishing her meal. Dinner at Uncle Mike’s was always fun and relaxing… especially when someone else was footing the bill. During the earlier part of their meal, they had discussed tomorrow night’s stakeout on Pier 17 to apprehend Dr. Scott and his cohorts. A thought came to Lois’ mind. <We are going back to stakeout the same place where this entire investigation began… Pier 17. Clark and I are together, our relationship has grown so much since April.>

Yes, here she was with Clark, her partner and now - boyfriend talking about everything that had happened. Who would have thought when he picked her up this morning they might be on the verge of cracking the Shackleton hijacking case? Beyond the case, their friendship had shifted into something they both eagerly wished for and now the time had finally arrived to explore it.

Yes, it was also time to explore the real man behind Superman’s suit.

She listened to him talk, looking at the handsome face and those wire-rimmed glasses, which so perfectly hid Metropolis’ greatest hero. He had fooled everyone, including the Daily Planet’s best investigative reporter, but now she was in on the secret. It was gratifying, yet humbling all at the same time. This was a secret to be hidden from everyone, most definitely the media. If word spilled out somehow, it was not just Clark’s life, but Pete Ross's, her own and his folks. She imagined the town of Smallville besieged by a locust swarm of print and television reporters. The sleepy little community’s peaceful existence forever destroyed. Lois fiercely resolved within her heart, no one must ever discover Clark’s secret; it was to be guarded as carefully as she guarded her love for him.


Clark watched her, blissfully unaware of Lois’ internal thoughts. Grateful to have dinner at Mike’s so he could spend a completely undistracted evening with Lois. He promised himself that tonight, other than a quick visit to Pete Ross’s office she was all his, no rescues, stakeouts or villains were going to interrupt them… he hoped.

He wanted to take her to Smallville soon for dinner with his folks. It was important for her to know them on a different footing than before. There must be no more secrets between his parents and Lois; she was now a part of the family.

Just then, a smiling Uncle Mike bustled over. “How’s the food tonight?

“The lasagna was entirely delicious Mike! But I think I better stop here!” Clark exclaimed patting his stomach.

“What, no room for dessert? You don’t know what you are missing! Tell him Mike!” Lois chimed in.

Mike laid his hand on Lois’s shoulder, his eyes twinkling. “My niece knows a thing or two about my kitchen. Come on, have a cannoli, to go.”

Clark laughed, a warm hearty sound. “Okay. You both win. I’ll take one for the road.”

“There you go! It’ll only take a minute to make up a bag for both of you.” Turning to Clark, the older man smiled and said, “Oh, and by the way, your money is no good here.” With a wink to Lois, her Uncle moved off to another table before Clark could speak.

“Mike can’t do that!” He remarked.

“Of course he can, Clark," Lois said. "He *owns* the restaurant. Besides, its Mike’s way of showing he approves of you.”

“Glad to know it. But let’s not come here too often, I don’t like the idea of taking advantage of his kindness.”

“Hmmm, maybe. However, as his niece I plead the ‘friends and family package’!”

“Still, there are other places in Metropolis to eat." He began to name a few well-known Metropolis restaurants, some a little pricey on a humble reporter’s salary.

“OK, Kent. But while we’re waiting for our ‘to go’ boxes, I have a question.” Lois’ eyes darted around the crowded café, edged closer to Clark, lowered her voice, and asked. “I always wondered, how you ever learned… to, you know.” She made a swooping motion with her free arm.

Clark also lowered his voice and proceeded to tell her about Hutch Parlow, Ida Schultz, navigation lessons, cartography, and his numerous trips to the library.

“They sound like wonderful people. Why didn’t you mention them while we were in Smallville chasing down that nut, Trask?”

With a quick shrug of his shoulders said, “Mrs. Schultz retired to Florida to be near her family. Mr. Parlow has been deceased for several years. Since they were not around, it didn’t make sense to mention them. Besides, if memory serves me correctly, Trask had us pretty busy.”

Lois’ eyes twinkled with mischief. “I wonder what they might think if they knew why you *really* wanted to learn about maps?”

The young man’s eyes gazed off into the distance. “Mrs. Schultz - it’s impossible to say, but I think Hutch Parlow was an even-tempered, intelligent man who could probably accept the idea of an alien inhabiting Earth.”

“Sounds like he was a man ahead of his time,” she remarked.

Clark nodded in quiet agreement and was about to say more when Uncle Mike came up to the table with two crisp white bags. “There are two cannolis in each bag. Savory every bit.” He shook his finger at Lois and said in a commanding voice. “This dessert is to be enjoyed by each of you it is *not* to be used as payment for the local snitch!”

His niece’s face flushed deep red, and she squeaked out an embarrassed, “I… how… uh sorry Uncle Mike.”

The annoyance on Mike’s face vanished; he bent over, kissed Lois on the cheek, and smiled. “No worries. Now you kids enjoy yourselves.” Turning to Clark, he said. “Please make sure she gets home safe.”

“I promise Uncle Mike,” the younger man responded in a playfully solemn tone.

Mike smiled at them both, then, once again hurried off toward the kitchen.

The couple exited into the night, taking in the sights and sounds of an early summer Metropolis evening. Clark took her hand as they walked towards Metropolis General Hospital. Pete Ross should be well into his shift by the time they arrived.

“I’m looking forward to getting this thing off and moving my arm around like a normal person," Lois said. "Hopefully, Pete won’t put me through a battery of tests, then, decide to make me keep it on for a few more days. After all this is just a scratch, not a real bullet wound. He can’t leave my arm in a sling forever… can he?” she asked.

Clark’s mouth worked hard to keep from chuckling, his partner had once again launched into full babble mode. She was definitely nervous about seeing Pete. Lois wanted the sling off and fervently hoped there was no residual damage from the bullet grazing her arm. Hence, to ward off her apprehension, she babbled.

“Everything should be fine Lois. Pete Ross is an excellent doctor. You’ll see.”

His partner gave him a fragile smile and quipped, “Fine! Let’s get this stupid thing off my arm!”


A radiant and attractively dressed couple alighted from the Metro cab, unclasping hands; they walked into the LexCorp Tower lobby and resumed their normal behavior befitting the CEO of LexCorp and his competent assistant. Upon boarding Lex’s private elevator, the ruse continued, as they were mindful of surveillance cameras.

The elevator doors opened soundlessly to Lex’s office suite. They stepped into the elegantly decorated room waited for the doors to close, then, fell ardently into each other’s arms.

“Today has been full of surprises!” Aykira murmured as she nibbled her beloved’s ear.

Lex was quietly exploring the hollow of her throat, so his voice came as a low growl. “There is so much more to do my sweet. However, I have asked Chef Andre to prepare a light supper - something special in honor of our engagement. Afterwards, we can have… dessert.” His dark eyes were heavy lidded with barely concealed passion.

Her hazel eyes gazed deep into his with a knowing look. “There is only one place for us to exchange our vows, Lex, and that is on Santorini Island at your residence - The Stone Villa.”

The expression on Lex’s face was one of approval. “Perfect. It is my favorite place in the world, where I can truly be myself.” Kissing her neck again he asked, “Shall we invite Mayor Chiros and his family? He can preside over the nuptials.”

“But aren’t most Greek ceremonies done in the Mayor’s office?”

Her fiancé smiled. “Of course, he has performed dozens of ceremonies within the confines of his office. But I’m sure Spiros will make an exception in our case.” Lex’s countenance took on a pensive look. “Aykira, I wish to keep this entire affair very quiet and private. If the media discovered we are together, much less engaged, our lives could become fodder to an uncomfortable amount of scrutiny. Undoubtedly the question will arise as to why the rush and secrecy.”

“Agreed.” She sighed. “We can expect cameras to be snapping away from now until we return from our Honeymoon. It is best I handle the arrangements myself, as if we were attending a conference in Athens.” She bowed her head in deep thought then looked up at him. “My… life has not allowed me to have many friends, only acquaintances, but I wish to invite Jane and her husband Jason. She could act as my Matron of Honor.”

Lex held her shoulders, kissed her sweet lips gently, then, whispered. “If it pleases you, by all means do so. I was thinking of asking Asabi to act as my best man at our wedding.”

Suddenly Aykira’s body stiffened under Lex’s fingers, and she whispered softly. “Wedding… right… wedding, *our* wedding. Oh my stars! There *are* a thousand things to do!” Instead of seeing the confident and cool agent provocateur, Lex watched his fiancée change into someone completely alien… a bride.

“Lex… flights, passports, the cake, alerting the staff on Santorini Island… my dress!”

The sensual celebratory mood was broken as Aykira moved away from her amorous fiancé and in the direction of the staircase. “Let me handle everything! You just worry about your clothes and our wedding rings. Please tell Chef Andre I apologize about dinner. If I call now, the Santorini staff can begin working on preparing the Villa for our arrival.” She blew him a kiss, opened the door, and ran downstairs.

Lex looked after at the door a smile spread slowly across his lips and he began to hum a tune, when he heard the gentle swish of fabric, which signaled him to the quiet presence of Asabi.

“May I offer my sincere congratulations? I see the future Mrs. Luthor looks quite radiant and happy, sir.”

His employer turned to him with the thoughtful smile still on his face. “Yes she does, doesn’t she? A determined bride with a million details running through her mind. This time I picked a winner. You no doubt heard my request?”

Asabi bowed at the waist, “It would be an honor, sir. Are there any pressing details I can assist you or Ms. Hallick with?”

“Yes, please ask the jewelry designer, Mrs. O’Neil to send over wedding band samples for myself and Aykira. My ring will need some special attention. I suspect at the rate my fiancé is going, everything will be done by this time tomorrow evening.”

Asabi nodded acknowledgement and silently departed from the room.


“See Lois? Nothing to worry about, Pete had us out of there in under an hour. How does your arm feel?”

“A little sore, the scar won’t be as bad as I thought, but otherwise… fine. Thanks for driving me home; I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”
A companionable, but tense silence hung between them as Clark walked Lois up the front stairs of her Carter Avenue apartment building and then down the short hallway to Apt. 501. Clark took the key from Lois’ hand and opened the door. She stood quite still for a moment. The day was winding down to its inevitable end, but neither could ignore the heightened, but not unpleasant tensions between them.

A tremulous smile played on Lois mouth as she looked up at her partner. “Clark, this has been a special day, you and me fighting the bad guys once again. I can hardly wait until tomorrow! Another stakeout… with my partner, best friend… and now boyfriend.”

“Oh, so I am no longer the ‘Hack from Nowheresville?” He teased.

“Oh,” she snickered, “you’ll always be that… in a special way. But ‘boyfriend’ suits you… in so many ways.” Her voice grew husky and rich with desire; she leaned against the door and smiled saucily.

He took Lois face in his hands, leaned close to her and kissed first the right cheek, then the left finally touching her warm lips. They had been sneaking around kissing each other whenever and wherever they could all day. Steve had caught them when he walked into the supply room. The big man had smiled, shook his head, and without missing a beat, turned around and closed the door behind him.

They were mortified, but upon returning to the bullpen, Steve treated them with the same respect as always. Clark was grateful Cat had not stumbled onto them or even worst - Ralph. Inflammatory gossip of their tryst would be all over the building within an hour. He did not want to take that chance, especially after those ‘cutie’ comments from the obnoxious man last week.

Still, at this moment the kiss was more sincere, more sensual than any previous ones of the day. Perhaps because they were kissing in front of Lois’ apartment, with all the deliciously dangerous possibilities that particular location represented. The tip of his tongue teased hers; here was a kiss that began in cool springtime and ended in steamy summer. Clark could feel his heart beating with an urgency he had never experienced before; he desperately wanted to be so much closer to Lois.

“Care to… come inside?” Lois asked in a tenuously husky undertone when their lips parted.

“Y...yes. If it’s OK?”

“Oh Clark, it’s more than OK,” she whispered breathlessly as she grabbed his tie and pulled him into the apartment.

{Help! Help!} A familiar, lurching feeling overcame him and his heart slowed to a crawl. “Oh no!” He groaned aloud and his body slumped. “Lois, I have to go, there’s been some kind of explosion at Suicide Slum.”

She stepped back and made the familiar swooping motion with her newly mobile arm. “Superman is needed?”

“Desperately,” he groaned again. “I’ll meet you at the Planet tomorrow. This could be a long night.”

“Fine. Go. Oh, by the way,” she said a mischievous glint in her brown eyes. “Superman owes me an exclusive!”

“Deal… partner.” With that, Clark dashed out of the building. However, he heard Lois say breathlessly. “Somehow, I have to get used to that.”


Aykira entered her office suite to see Jane working diligently at yet another Power Point presentation. A feeling of tenderness crept into her heart watching the other woman working. <She has tried several times to be a friend as well as an assistant; here is the perfect opportunity for me to reciprocate.>

“Burning the midnight oil again, Jane? Do you not think it is time to knock off and take a small vacation, albeit a working one?”

The redhead looking up, and in a surprised voice said. “Boss, what are you doing here? What’s this talk about a vacation?”

"It is a very important assignment. One I can trust to only you and Jason. First, is your passport and his up to date?”

Jane green eyes flashed with concern, “Of course. Aykira is everything all right?”

“Everything is just fine. Lex and I need you to come with us to Greece.”

“Greece? When did this trip come up?” Her face awash in puzzlement.

“It is quite simple really. Lex and I are getting married, and I would truly appreciate having you as my Matron of Honor and Jason as one of our guests.” As if to punctuate the statement, Aykira held out her left hand for Jane’s perusal.

In awestruck silence, Jane took the proffered hand and looked at the dazzling ring without uttering a sound. Her mouth formed the word ‘Wow’, but no other words seemed forthcoming.

Finally, a bemused Aykira could stand it no longer. “Jane, please say *something*!”

Her assistant held up her hand for silence, hit the speed dial for her husband’s cell phone number. Aykira could make out the deep voice of Jason Connelly. They exchanged pleasantries, then, Jane spoke quickly. “Jason, please tell your boss we are going on a short trip to Greece. So pack a bag for both of us. I think we’ll be leaving tomorrow evening. Honey, don’t worry, I’ll explain everything when I get home in a couple of hours.”

Aykira was about to laugh when her assistant stood up from her desk grabbed her by the hand and began pulling her into the luxury office suite, her heavy North Carolina accent more pronounced than usual.

“OK. I want to hear *every* detail of how y’all managed to snare the most eligible bachelor in Metropolis, if not the whole world!”


The phone rang out just as Lois finished sliding the last deadbolt into place.

<Who could it be at this hour of the night? I probably don’t need to answer it.> She decided to let the call go to the answering machine when a familiar voice rang out.

“Hey, big sister, this is Lucy, pick-up the phone! Where in the world are you?”

Lois made a dash for the phone before the answering machine hung up. “Hi, Lucy! How have you been?”

Lucy responded in typical Lane fashion, she babbled. “What’s this about you being in some kind of accident? Why does Uncle Mike get to tell me news about my own sister? Why didn’t you let anyone in the family know? Does this have to do with a big story? The Daily Planet is not your life. Speaking of which, when are you going to get one? Lois, are you listening to me?”

“Lucy! I hear Mother’s words, but your voice. If you came up for air and let me get a word in edgewise, I’ll tell you,” her sister exclaimed.

“At last, she surfaces! What happened to you?” Lucy demanded.

Lois bit her lip and wondered just how much to explain to her sister. So much *had* happened in the past two weeks, so much she could never really put in plain words. Although the sisters had had their differences, she really did not want to lie to her. Misdirection was the best choice.

“Oh, Lucy relax my arm is out of the sling and I feel fine. But I did follow your advice and started seeing Clark Kent.”

Absolute silence came from the other end of the phone.

“Lucy? Lucy? Hello, are you there?” Lois asked.

“When did *this* happen?” she squeaked.

“Oh, a couple of days ago, we just got back from having dinner at Uncle Mike’s.”

“Great.” Lois could almost see the pout on Lucy’s face. “As soon as I leave Metropolis, all the cool stuff happens. Never mind that, what’s he like? By the way, dinner at the Café Americana is *not* a date. It is dinner with family. He needs to take you to a romantic restaurant with candles and white linen tablecloths. We Lane woman are *not* cheap dates!”

“Listen Lucy, much as I want to chat with you about all things Clark, it's been a very long day and I have to work tomorrow,” she said while struggling to stifle a yawn. “Why don’t we make a phone date for a little sister time this weekend… say Sunday morning?”

“Are you sure Clark can spare you?” she asked coyly.

“See there you go making assumptions! Clark Kent is a man, not a Neanderthal. Of course that cannot be said for some of the guys, you’ve brought home!”

“Hey, not fair!” Lucy snapped. A brief, uncomfortable quiet came over the line. Both women were remembering Lucy’s last monumental failure of a boyfriend and all the problems he caused. “S… sorry Lois. This is awesome news about you and Clark. It’s a cool change to have conversation about something else besides life at the Daily Planet!”

“Thank you Lucy. He is a great guy.” She yawned this time and then continued. “I’ll tell you everything soon.”

“OK. Good night, sis. Oh, wait - one question.”

“Yeah, Lucy?”

“Is he a good… kisser?” Her sister barely managed to suppress a giggle.

Lois thought back to the sweet innocent kiss Clark had given her at his apartment on the terrible night of the break-in. The warm, kisses they had shared today and finally the passionate, smoky hot embrace only a few moments ago outside her door. A slow minx like smile spread over her lips as senses tingled anew with the memory.

“He’s a great kisser *and* still my best friend. Good night sis.”


“He proposed in Centennial Park? How romantic!”

“Yes," Aykira said. "In his heart, Lex is an old-fashioned kind of man.”

“So the wedding is going to take place on the isle of Santorini? I hear that is the ultimate destination for romantic weddings on the cliffs.”

“Ah yes, it is a beautiful island. But, we shall not exchange vows on the cliffs. I think our ceremony will take place on the terrace overlooking the Mediterranean at sunset. We would like to keep everything private and small, hence the need for secrecy and expediency; otherwise the media will turn an intimate family event into a sound bite.”

“Oh, it’ll put a damper on the romantic aspects of the occasion all right!” Jane agreed earnestly.

“Since Lex is known for taking trips there on a whim, we thought it was the perfect location. Tomorrow, bright and early, you and I have a bit of shopping to do for our dresses and anything else we might need. There is a beautiful shop downtown called Darcy’s, which specializes in one-of-a-kind items. They cater to celebrities and women who do not wish to be disturbed by the paparazzi.”

Jane’s face was beaming, “This is all so exciting!” She looked at her watch and said, “I better get home, Jason is probably wonderin’ what’s going on. Aykira, I’m honored and pleased, this is quite a privilege! Lex has always been interested in you, but it seemed like you never noticed.”

“Oh, I noticed him. But my job came first.”

“What changed your mind?”

“Let us just say one very large part of my job is done.” Aykira smiled, but only a little touched her eyes. “We can share the car service, at this hour, taking the Metro is out of the question.”


Clark returned to his apartment around two o’clock in the morning. His suit covered in soot. The explosion itself did not cause much damage, helping with the clean up was a greater problem. Still, between himself, Metropolis police and fire department a speedy rescue ensued. After taking a shower and feeding a very hungry cat, Clark wrote up an account for the Daily Planet, copied in Lois, and sent it over to Perry’s inbox.

He stretched himself out on the bed, allowing sleep to claim him. However in his mind’s eye, was the vision of a very beautiful Lois. Despite the interruption, the happy memory of her kiss lingered on. He smiled to himself; it had been a very long, but satisfying day.


“Hey CK… good morning!” Jimmy called out to his friend. “The only thing this story of the explosion at Suicide Slum needed was a few pictures to make it sing! Next time, how about giving me a call, OK?” Jimmy ran his hand through the thatch of black hair and asked, “What were you doing on that side of town in the middle of the night anyway?”

“Clark was looking for a story like any good reporter, Jimmy,” Lois interjected after taking a sip of her low-fat mocha. “Instead of waiting around for one to fall in his lap.”

“Ah wait a second Lois, I have been hanging around with Steve, Eduardo *and* Diane taking pictures of all kinds of events! But Clark always gets the really explosive stories… um pardon the pun.”

“No problem Jimmy. Look, the next time one of my sources has a hot tip, I’ll give you a call. What’s wrong, chief giving you a hard time again?” Clark inquired.

“No. But, I want to be promoted to a full-time staff photographer. Especially since Jack is doing so great as copyboy/researcher’s assistant. The only thing that’s going to impress the chief is some amazing pictures. Otherwise, a promotion, ain’t never gonna happen.”

“Don’t worry Jim, Perry sees your work. Be patient,” Lois said in a rare consoling tone.

“I’m patient”, the young man sighed as he walked away, “but my wallet isn’t”.

“Good bit of misdirection Lois. Thanks.” Clark whispered.

“Anytime partner.” She whispered back. Than in a slightly louder voice, asked, “What about our stakeout plans this evening?”

Suddenly Ralph popped up between them and smiled. “Since when do you two have to make plans? If you need backup, I’m your man!”

A look of utter disdain appeared on Lois’ face. “This is a private conversation, Ralph.”

“Yeah, but if this stakeout is as big as you think, another set of eyes might be of help.”

“Trust me Ralph, Lois and I are fully capable of handling a routine surveillance. Please find your own stories.” Clark worked hard to conceal his irritation.

The obsequious man threw up his arms in frustration. “Humph! ‘The Hottest Team in Town’ doesn’t need anybody’s help!” He stalked back to his desk.

Clark looked after him, shook his head, and answered, “As I was saying before we were interrupted. We should be good to go. Remember, Cameron told Dr. Scott to be at Pier 17 at nine o’clock. All we have to do is wait until they show up.”

“Ooh this stakeout is going to be great! Maybe we should bring Jimmy along. He can take pictures of the military police when they make the bust,” Lois suggested.

“Intergang photos yes. General Zeitlin’s people most *definitely* not. Any photos in the newspaper might compromise some of his Special Forces team. Those guys like to keep a low profile.”

Lois rolled her eyes in exasperation, “Fine! But right now partner we have a bigger problem.”
Clark looked back at her, slightly confused. “Bigger problem?”

“Yeah, it’s only nine thirty in the morning. What are we going to do until it’s time to go on the stakeout?”


Lunchtime at the Daily Planet saw Lois, Clark and Jimmy congregating around her desk, discussing the plans for that night’s activities. “What do you mean the Chief has you on assignment *already*? I thought you wanted to be in on our little night job? Besides, Clark is bringing pizza – with pepperoni! Lois said in a coaxing manner.

“Yeah, I thought so, too, Lois, but the Chilean ambassador’s gala is presenting some big time gift to First Lady Gardener. Applegate was supposed to be Eduardo’s photographer, but he’s out sick. Perry gave me this opportunity. What could I do? Now I have to spend my lunch hour renting a tux on short notice.” Jimmy shrugged his shoulders and looked torn between his friends and his future career as a photojournalist.

“It’s OK, Jimmy this is your first chance to really show the chief what you can do. Make the best of it.” Clark said while patting his friend on the back. “Hey, talk with Sal at Maxim’s Tuxedo; tell him you know me. I’ve steered a little business his way, it might help you.”

“Smooth CK! I owe you one.” Jimmy sprinted up the ramp, a smile on his face.

Cat eased over to the duo. “Jimmy looks happy. What’s the occasion?”

“He has an assignment, taking pictures of First Lady Gardener at the Chilean embassy gala. Lois responded. “Clark just gave him the name of the place to get a tux.”

“Maxim’s? Sal will treat him well. The Daily Planet has been a customer of theirs for years.” The gossip columnist swiftly shifted gears. “Speaking of events, I’m looking forward to seeing you both at my wedding. Lois, leave the ‘reporter’ at home and wear something to ‘turn up the sizzle.’”

“I know how to dress for a wedding…” she began, a little heat in her voice.

“Besides Lois is going as my date, no need for her to ‘sizzle’ anyone… except me,” Clark interjected, a wide grin spread across his face.

Cat smiled, acknowledging they were now a couple. “*No one* could imagine either of you with anyone else. Oh, I wanted to ask a favor, Clark. George’s cousin can’t make the wedding and we need someone to act as an attendant. Could you get a tuxedo? I understand if this is a little last minute…”

“It’s not a problem. Actually, I do have one in my closet. What time should we be there?

“Please try to at arrive Farragut Hotel around five o’clock. The ceremony starts at six.”

“Then Lois and I will be there at four thirty. Just to be on the safe side in case anything happens.”

Cat, visibly relieved, smiled easily, a hint of her old seductress self. She wiggled her eyebrows and answered in a pleased voice. “Great! After the ceremony, you two can have a little fun! Meanwhile Diane and I need to do a bit of wedding shopping. Thank you Clark.” Her long elegant hands, lightly touched Clark’s shoulders playfully, than she walked away.

“Hah! Engagement to George has changed that woman, but she still has a ways to go.”

“See Lois, I told you. Cat needed someone to bring out the kindness she has inside, not the sly temptress.”

Lois face softened. “It took someone like George Amundsen to perceive that kindness and bring it to the surface, just like it took Clark Kent to work past my barriers to see me. It is such qualities which make men like you and George so rare.”

All the background noise of the newsroom fell away, the couple gazed longingly into each other’s eyes and almost embraced; but the sound of Perry’s voice ringing out through the bullpen stopped them. “Lois. Clark. My office. Pronto!”

Scant moments later the duo found themselves seated once again on the ugly plaid couch as Perry grilled them about their stakeout strategy.

“Look I know you two kids are experts at covert surveillance, but this is Intergang we are talking about here. You *need* back-up.”

"We asked Jimmy to come with us chief, but now he’s working that embassy assignment.” Lois said not a little annoyed.

“Hah! I sent the kid on that assignment *because* you asked him along. Walking through Suicide Slum looking for Superman is one thing; tangling with Intergang is another. Quite frankly, if Superman were not a friend of yours Kent, I wouldn’t be too keen about sending you two out there either.”

“Perry, this is the story of a lifetime for Jimmy. He really wants to prove himself to you.” Clark spoke up in his friend’s defense.

“Hey, hey, there will be other assignments; the next plum one for a photojournalist of his experience goes to Olsen. Now as I was saying. Who is your back-up? You know, just in case a certain flying man in red and blue spandex fails to arrive?”

“Captain Maynard, General Zeitlin’s adjutant and his Special Forces squad will be there shadowing us. They want the crystals back without any interference. He also has a surveillance team on Dr. Scott, so at nine o’clock they intend to rendezvous with us at Pier 17.”

“Military huh? Now, that’s more like it! But look here, make sure you check in with this Captain Maynard *and* Bill Henderson. Metropolis’ finest should be in on the bust as well. It will make up for you keeping Bill in the dark.” The Planet’s senior editor sat back in his chair smiled and said. “Well, now that that’s out of the way. I’m going to call down to Lucille’s and find out what she’s got for lunch.”

“Huh, Chief,” Clark said while nervously touching his glasses, “we didn’t say anything to Henderson. Lois and I thought we would let him know about the stakeout *after* it happens.”

The older man’s face grew flush with barely concealed frustration. Perry looked first at Clark then Lois. “Come again?”

“Well I haven’t exactly cleared myself yet with Bill about the whole LexSolar break-in either. But we promised to let him know the story *behind* the story,” Lois said in her small squeaky voice.

Their editor looked to the heavens for strength than pointed towards the door. Without further discussion, the partners beat a hasty exit.


“That went over real well. Do you suppose Perry will ever speak to us again?”

Lois did not respond, but dived into her top drawer and pulled out the two double-fudge crunch bars Sid had given her yesterday. She handed one to Clark and then viciously tore the wrapper off and bit into the other one. “Oh, he’ll cool down in an hour or so, but if we don’t deliver a whiz-bang story tomorrow morning we are *officially* in Perry’s doghouse.”

“Yikes.” Clark groaned.


A writer's job is to think of new plots and create characters who stay with you long after the final page has been read. If that mission is accomplished than we have done what we set out to do, which is to entertain and hopefully educate.